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"Don't tell them anything!" I call out to Taehyun as he passes me in the hallway.

"You going to stop me?" He asked as he turned to face me, walking backwards.

"If I have to, yes." I bit out even though I knew, there was nothing I could do to stop him. Or was there...?

I focus on his feet, thinking about making them stop moving and staying in place. I freeze as he falls on his ass, his feet stuck to the floor.

"Evelyn, let me go." He looked up at me with slightly wide eyes. "When could you even do this?"

"I just tried it..." I trail off as I stop right in front of him. "Please, don't tell them." I try again, but there was no way I could force him to not tell them. I couldn't leave him here, and there was no way for me to threaten him to keep my secret.

"I'm sorry but, they have to know."

I sigh as I let him go, there was no point and staying here any longer, my feet were killing me.

"How bad does it hurt?" He asked as he got up and caught up to me.

"Not that bad." I reply shortly.

"Then why are you biting your cheek?"

"How?" I turn to look at him, slightly shocked.

"You're biting your right cheek." He pointed out as he was on that side of me. "It's easy to see from how hard you're biting it."

"I'm only biting my cheek because-"

"Stop lying, just tell me the truth." He snapped out, tired of me dancing around the truth.

"It hurts like hell, okay? I feel like my bones are breaking as my feet are being dipped into a fire!" I bit back before I stop, taking a deep breath, closing my eyes tight to hold back from crying.

So weak. My mind reminds me as I pull myself together.

"I'm sorry, it just hurts a lot... I can handle it though."

"I can carry you back." He offered sounding a little concerned.

"I'm fine." I shot him a thin smile, I was not about to let him carry me, we were almost there anyways.

As soon as we make it in and I kick my shoes off, I try and make a break for my room, only for Taehyun to grab me and drag me into the kitchen.

"Sit." He commanded as he pushes me slightly towards a chair. "The others will be back soon, you're going to sit there while I go get Yeonjun."

"Can't this wait?"

"No." The look he sent me made me sit down and bow my head, he could look scary.

"Why are you dragging me into here?" Yeonjun complained as he followed after Taehyun.

"Evelyn." Taehyun waved his hand at me, I guess wanting me to tell him?

I raise a brow, not understanding what he wanted me to do.

He let out a sigh as he moved to sit next to me. "Take your socks off and show him."

"Can't we just tell him?" I was really tired of people seeing my feet, at this rate I might as well start taking pictures of them and sell them online.

"Show him." Yeonjun sat there, looking between us with his eyebrows raised.

I grumble as I do as I was told, this was uncalled for. I let my socks fall to the ground and hold my feet out as I pull my pants legs up, showing how far up the black had now spread.

Broken • Choi YeonjunМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя