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As time went by the less people and cars passed by, it was getting late and most people were ready to get home and sleep, just so they could wake up and do it all again the next day.

I just sat there, stuck in a rut. My life felt like it was at a stand still. I may have managed to take one small step forward but, it was nothing compared to the whole task at hand. Now that I was alone, Yeonjun's words were getting to me.

He's right, you did nothing impressive here.

I know!

They were both right, the demon, Yeonjun. What I did today was even smaller than a drop in the ocean, less than a drop of dew. Small and unimpressive.

A tiny baby step in the race of life.

"You think it's a good idea to be up here, alone?"

Why does he always show up?

"I just needed fresh air." I reply, not taking my eyes off the road below.

He says nothing either, I almost thought he had left, until I hear footsteps getting closer to me.

My eyes go up to him as he leans his elbows on the railing, eyes locked on the horizon. We both just stay like that, no one said a thing as we watch the city. We watch as people go about their lives, not knowing there was so much to this world that they didn't know.

"Why protect humans?" I ask out of nowhere.

"Without human souls, heaven and hell would not exist. We need their souls, their sins, their good deeds. Without them, we would not be here."

I don't say anything, it was exactly the reason I thought. I just wanted confirmation.

"If I were to die and my soul went to Rerek, would there be any stopping him?"

"Yes, but, there would be many lives lost. It would take a lot of time to fix what had happened. It's not like 2,000 years ago when word didn't travel fast, the internet would make it hard to keep it all contained. Once it's out there... it would take years for it to die down."

"Is there a way to get the fragments out of my soul?"

"Maybe, no matter the way, you would die." He turned to look down at me, leaning his hip on the railing now. "You ready to face death?"


I turn and look out at the few stars I could see, still flickering, still fighting. They have been fighting for billions of years to shine even a tiny speak of light in the dark night. Some died, yet the sky was still full of them... One day I would be one of the stars that died, that burned up while fighting to shine. Someone would see my death, for just a second... they would mourn my death for a moment, then they would be distracted by another star, one that was still there.

It wasn't the fact I would die, the real question was, when would I? Would I die fighting until my last breath? Or just give up? Fade away without trying? Or claw until my arms were too weak to keep climbing?

"No." I wasn't ready, not yet.


"Just focus." Soobin said with a sigh.

I was trying to move a toothpick... A very small piece of wood. This was the next step in my task with gaining full control over the demon powers that were in me. I needed to be able to do more than just hide them, I needed to use them.

"I am!" I turn away and throw my hands in the air. I've been staring at the toothpick for over two hours. It hasn't moved, at all.

"Okay, let's take a break." Huening Kai cut in, he had been sitting in the corner on his phone for the past half hour.

I turn to face Soobin. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you."

"It's okay." He said with a soft smile.

I felt bad, I've felt bad since my talk with Yeonjun a few nights ago. I kept thinking over and over again if I was really ready to fight for my life. It just seems like it keeps throwing curve balls at me, something keeps stopping me from getting to home base.

I said that night that I wasn't ready to die but, a part of me wanted to stop all the thoughts, all the pain in my chest and head when I think of what my life has become.

My thoughts were pushed away when Taehyun and Beomgyu returned from their coffee run. Everyone felt a little groggily from the weather, it has been raining almost constantly for two days now. We all agreed a boost of caffeine might help us shake the sleepiness from our heads.

Beomgyu set the coffee he was holding down and then shook his hair, getting water droplets all over the floor, wall, and those standing too close to him. Yeonjun being one of them.

Yeonjun set down the drink he had brought to his lips, turning to face Beomgyu with a blank face.

"You little-"

Then he grabbed Beomgyu by the shoulders, wrapping one arm around his neck while the other went to his hair, making it a ruffled wet mess.

My eyes were wide as I watched, I had never seen him like this. Yeonjun was actually laughing, a bright smile on his face as Beomgyu yelled and tried to fight him off.

Huening Kai leaned sideways, placing his hand on the other side of his mouth to hide his lips as he whispered. "Shocking, huh?"

"Very." I reply, shaking my head as the two pull apart and go back to their drinks. I thank Taehyun as he handed me mine.

My eyes stayed locked on Yeonjun as he shook his head and let out a sound of satisfaction after finally taking a sip of his coffee.

It was weird seeing him act like... a human.

Broken • Choi YeonjunDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora