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"It's been three days." I repeat to Soobin as we sit on the living room floor, shoulder to shoulder as we wait for any news.

Soobin had stayed behind just in case Yeonjun showed up while the others went to speak with their bosses. They all finally got worried when he had still yet to show back up this morning.

"I know." Soobin sighed as he ran a hand down his face. "How are you feeling?" He asked as he looked down at my legs.

"Don't worry about me." I was in a lot of pain, but my mind so filled with thoughts of why Yeonjun was still in hell, made it where I wasn't focused on the pain.

"How far up has it gotten now?"

I point to around where my belly bottom was.

"We may to go ahead with the ritual if they don't gather information."

"I can wait." I was not going to focus on myself when their friend was lost in hell.

"Evelyn, we may not be able to wait." Soobin tried to sway my mind.

It was not going to work. "I can and will wait."

Lucky for me the door opened. Soobin jumped to his feet as the others entered.

"So?" He questioned eagerly.

"Andromalius said he would send a few demons out to check Ars Goetia." Taehyun said as he slipped his shoes off.

"That's the releam Buer is in." I nod, thankful that Beomgyu answered my unasked question.

Now we wait even more. I was not the most patient person, and I knew that well as I bit at my finger nails.

"Andromalius' men will find him." Beomgyu said as he gave my shoulder a pat.

"Yeah." The smile I offered him was weak and did not reach my eyes. I was tired, the pain and worry about what could keeping Yeonjun in hell, was driving me crazy. I couldn't sleep.

"I think I'm just going to order take out." Taehyun said as he looked at us, seeing if we were fine with that.

They all agree, I on the other hand, let them know I was going to get some rest. A pure lie, but I really did want to lay down, the lower half of my body was burning so much it was hard to keep a straight face.

I lay in bed for hours, just staring at the ceiling, wondering why I was so worried about Yeonjun. It felt much deeper then just a worry for where he was.

No, it's no deeper then that.

"Your thoughts are becoming annoying." There was a shock, Rerek spoke after staying silent for so long.

"Mind your business." I snap lowly.

"Hard to do when part of me is locked in your mind."

"Like I asked for this."

"Same, you weak human. Me a great demon, kept in hell, by you. A weak human."

"Can't be too weak if I'm still here."

"Not for much longer." I then felt as he went back to his hole in the back of my mind.

"Wait, you're in hell. Have you seen Yeonjun?"

"I'm locked in the deepest part of hell, I can not see, hear, or feel anything or anyone." He spat viciously. "I hope he rots down here with me."

I slam the wall back up, shutting him up. "Stupid demon."

I close my eyes as time keeps ticking by, my body burned as my mind went numb with exghustion.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now