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Trigger warning.

There will be attempted suicide in this part and there will be harsh words towards the person that is on the edge. This is not how anyone should talk to someone who wants to take their life and this is not how I would talk to someone when they want to die, so please if this topic triggers you pls do not read.


"We're back!" Beomgyu's voice echoed throughout the dorm.

Yeonjun was in his room with the door closed, but he could hear him as if he was in his room.

"Stop yelling!" He yelled from his bed, he really wasn't in the mood for his friends hyper mood right now.

Beomgyu mocked Yeonjun under his breath as he went into the kitchen to grab a snack.

"We should make some ramen." He said pulling a few packs out of the cabinet.

"By 'we', you mean one of us?" Taehyun knew that's exactly what he meant and the shit eating grin on his face was even more evidence. "I'll make it so it's actually edible."

Beomgyu let out something between a crazy giggle and a quite scream before he ran out of the kitchen.

"Huening kai, why don't you go see if Evelyn wants some as well?"

The blonde nodded and headed out as well, leaving Taehyun to his own devices.

Huening knocked on the door frame to Evelyn's room since the door was already cracked open. "Taehyun is making raman, would you like some?" He asked through the crack.

When he didn't get an answer he called her name one more time before opening the door, his eyes scanned the room but she wasn't there. He shrugged figuring she was doing something to stay busy, he couldn't imagine being stuck inside the dorm building for a week.

As he checked all the rooms he decided to go and ask the only person that was here before the rest of them.

"Yeonjun, have you seen Evelyn?"

"She stormed out the dorm a while ago." He replied not taking his eyes off of his phone screen.

"Okay." The blonde said with a smile, now he knew she had to be in one of the studios up stairs, she has been visiting the workout room pretty often these past few days.

He pops his head into the kitchen and let's Taehyun know where he was going to look for her before he headed out the dorm.

Huening Kai hummed a tune to the empty hallway as he headed for the elevator, swaying his head a little as a few words slipped from his mouth. They had a good turn out with soul collecting today, so that's what led to his good mood. No innocent people were lost and the demon was caught before it could hurt anyone, the type of case they liked getting.

He bounced a little as he walked into the workout room, expecting to see the girl punching away at the bag hanging from the ceiling as she usually did but, once again the room was empty.

Huening Kai let out a hum as he was about to leave and search the other rooms, but paused when the white tape on the floor caught his eye. The tape wasn't fully white as it should be, some parts were stained red...

"Blood?" He could tell it was fresh, the blood had not been there longer then an hour.

"Huening Kai! how many times do I have to tell you not to pop up like that?" Soobin asked as he held a hand over his heart.

"Sorry, but I found this in the training room." the blonde said as he held up the bloody tape. "I can't find Evelyn either."

Soobin's eyes widen a bit before he turns and heads down the hall with Huening Kai hot on his heels.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now