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I ease over, my eyes locked on the demons as they held onto Huening Kai, he had caught my eye a second ago, his eyes were practically screaming at me to run. There was no way I could just leave him. 

The demons were busy with watching another one as they were leaning over the girl we had seen earlier, she was slumped against the wall, seeming to be knocked out. 

My hand brushes over the handle of the 'sword', the contact sending a ping of electricity up my arm. I ignored the slight ache as my hand gripped its handle, something was telling me it could be used against the demons. 

I stand and think of a way to grab their attention all at once, then I recall how that demon had came after me all because it could sense Rerek's fragments in me. I breath out as I let the cloak I had up, down. 

It was very creepy how all their heads had snapped my way in an instant. "Sup?" My voice even showed how scared I was, it shook just like my hands were doing. I was surprised my knees weren't knocking together at how terrified I was. 

"Run!" Huening Kai did not need to tell me twice. 

I took off back the way I had came, I knew right away they were coming after me. It was easy to hear their heavy footsteps. 

Fuck, fuck, FUCK! 

I was far from the fittest person, and I was definitely not the fastest either. It came as no shock when I was shoved to the side. My shoulder came into rough contact with the concert wall on the right side of me. The sword fell from my hand, sliding a few feet away. 

"Can't a person just go on a run without being knocked around?" I asked as I saw only two followed after me. I hoped Huening Kai was able to get away from that one without to much trouble. 

My eyes go to the left as I caught someone else coming. My eyes focus back on the demons as they came closer. My hands were up as I pressed into the wall next to me. 

"It's not a good idea to lose focus of one's surroundings." Just as I said that Huening Kai had cut one down with another sword. 

The other spun to face him, it was an easy win for the angel now that there was only one left. As the demons body fell to the ground heavily, Huening Kai stumbled to the wall. He was panting as he leaned on the wall I had been pressed against. 

"You okay?" He asked as if he wasn't the one that had been teamed up on. 

"I'm good. You?" I pull out the water that Yeonjun had packed for me, opening it, and handing it to him. 

He takes a few greedy gulps before handing it back, wiping his chin with the back of his hand. "I'm good, we need to go back and check on that girl." 

I nod as he pushes off the wall, going back down the path once more. I cringe as I calm down, the smell of the demon's blood attacking my nose once again. My right foot also throbbed as I walked after him, I try and focus on the fact a girl was attacked by a demon, no time to think about my own pain. 

"Is she alive?" I ask Huening Kai as he crouched in front of the girl, checking her neck for a pulse. 

"Yeah." He let out a sigh of relief. "Though, she did hit her head pretty hard, she needs to get it checked out." He picks the young girl up carefully, standing with a groan. 

"Are you sure you can carry her?" I ask as he stumbles slightly. 

"I'm fine. I heal quickly." He offered a small smile as he walked towards the other end of the alley way. I didn't see any injuries on him, so I wondered what they had done to him.

"Should I call the others?" I asked as I pulled my phone from my pocket. "Oh wait! That sword thing, I dropped it." I pause waiting to see if I needed to go back after it. 

Huening Kai paused as well. "Call them." He nodded, leaning his back on the wall as he held the girl. 

I eye him as I go to my contacts, calling the first number I saw. 

*Hello?* Beomgyu answered, sounding a little unsure. 

"Beomgyu, we had a bit of an incident." I explain what had happened and where we were. Hanging up after they said they were on the way, they would be here in about 15 minutes. "Go on, she needs help." 

"I can't leave you here." Huening Kai shook his head. 

"I'll be fine, their all dead." I pause as I bring my cloak back up, covering the demons powers. "I'm cloaked now. The others will be here soon but, the longer it takes for her to get help, the worse off she'll be." There was no telling how bad her head was, I didn't want to take that chance. I could also tell Huening kai was anxious about having to wait. 

"I don't know." He said as his eyes went down to the girl that hadn't moved once. 

"Go, I'll make sure no humans come down here as well." 

He turned to face me, opening his mouth to say something. 

I gasp as his eyes widen. The girl had just latched onto his throat with her hand, that was no longer the hand of a normal girl. 

His arms went limp, letting the 'girl' fall to the ground where she crouched. Her arms and legs stuck out at odd angles, it was like seeing something from a horror movie in real life. 

My heart felt like it was going to explode as Huening Kai stumbled into the wall next to him, his hands on his throat that was pouring a silver colored liquid. 

That's his blood...

The 'girl' hisses and acts as if she was going to pounce on him again. I quickly let my guard down again, letting her feel the demon's powers, hoping it would keep her away from the already injured angel. 

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now