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I was once again running for my life, this time I looked back to make sure that thing was following me, which it was. On all fours. 

I needed to get that sword, maybe I could do something with it. 

My shoes skid across the stone path as I cut the corner sharply, almost losing traction and falling on my side. I reach out and use the wall to keep me on my feet. My heart was beating so fast, I was surprised it hadn't jumped from my chest and out ran me. 

This is going to hurt. I mentally prep myself as I slide across the ground grabbing the sword as I passed where it had been laying. I was now turned to face the thing that was coming at me with an ear piercing screech. 

It stopped as it saw what was in my hands, its jaw opened far too wide for any human to manage. I was confused as to why it didn't flicker like the demons usually did, this thing stayed in the form of a young girl. The only thing that had changed was it was moving its body in ways no human body should move, and somehow its nails were a lot longer. They were also still covered in Huening Kai's blood. 

It started clicking its jaw, making my skin crawl as I heard its teeth snapping harshly together. 

My eyes widen as it jumps to the wall on my left, digging its fingers into the wall, keeping its body in place. Then it was going back and forth, from wall, to wall. It was trying to confuse me. 

I stayed crouched as my eyes follow it, trying to keep up with it as it picked up speed. I use what Huening Kai had told me earlier, trying to focus my energy into my arms, knowing I would need extra strength if that thing were to jump on me. 

As if it read my mind, it leaped at me. I push back onto my butt, trying to move back, even just a little. I let out a pitiful scream as I brought the sword up, hoping I had a little luck. 

I did seem to have a tiny ounce of luck. 

I had been pushed back by the force of the thing, making my head hit the ground. My eyes snapping shut from the pain that went through my skull and down my neck. I was scared as I felt hot stinking breath on my face but, I had to open my eyes. 

My eyes went wide as I saw how close its mutilated mouth was to my face. I could maybe place a paper bag between us. It let out another screech, this one ended in a gurgling sound, followed by a stream of dark red blood coming from its mouth. 

I pull my lips into a thin line and snap my eyes back shut as the thing coughed, sending blood all over me. 

The sword in its abdomen was the only thing that had stopped it from eating my face off. 

I shove its body away and wipe at my eyes and mouth, feeling sick. I don't take time to think over the fact I had blood all over me, I needed to check on Huening Kai. 

I use the wall to stand as my legs felt weak and shaky. I needed to focus, this wasn't a time to freak out. 

Before I could even take off back to where I had left, I was stopped by someone grabbing my arm. 

I spin a round, bringing my balled fist around, ready to punch whatever had stopped me. 

"Calm down." Yeonjun said after he had caught my fist, just stopping it right before it met his nose. 

I let out a breath seeing as it wasn't another demon or crazy human thing trying to eat me. "Huening Kai, he was hurt by that thing." I point at the 'girl' that was now limp. 

"Where is he?" Taehyun stood up from where he was examining the thing. 

"Around the corner." I throw my hand in the direction of where the angel was.

Soobin and Taehyun take off in a run past us. Beomgyu stays behind and starts dragging the two demon bodies closer to where the girl was. 

"What's he doing?" I ask as I lean back on the wall, feeling light headed all of a sudden. 

"We have to get rid of the bodies." Yeonjun replied as he stood there looking me over. 

"It's not my blood." I offer before snapping my mouth shut. My stomach churned as the scent of the demon's blood got stirred up by Beomgyu. Even though I had stopped focusing my energy on my nose, I could still smell it very well. 

"You look like you're going to throw up." Beomgyu commented as he walked over, wiping his hands on a wipe he had pulled from his bag. 

I hold my hand up, showing I needed a minute. I swallow thickly, getting myself together. "I'm good." I push off the wall, regretting the fact I said I was fine, I was not. 

"You must be in shock." Yeonjun said as he caught my shoulders, keeping me from falling into him. 

"Probably." I keep my head down and my eyes closed, I needed the floor and walls to stop moving so I could go check on Huening Kai. "I need to make sure Kai is okay." 

I bring my head up, keeping my eyes squinted to try and lessen the amount of stuff I saw swaying. 

"You can't even stand straight." Yeonjun bit out sharply. 

"I think I may have over used the demon's powers." I explained. I don't think it was just shock from almost getting my face ate off, I had been using the demon's powers since this all started. 

"Sit down and take a breather." Beomgyu tried pulling me back to the wall. 

"Not until I know he's okay!" I wasn't the one badly hurt here, they didn't need to worry about me. 

"Beomgyu, go check." He sent Yeonjun a nod and took off to where the others were. "You lean on the wall." 

I let out a sigh as I do as I was told. I rest my hands on my knees, focusing on breathing to try and make the light feeling in my head ease up.

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