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I groan as I walk into the living room the next morning.

"Who the hell let the stray back in?" I ask while looking away from a now pouting Soren. He had been away doing stuff for his father in hell, and now, he was back.

"That's not nice to say to someone when you need their blood."

"Don't think you're special, your father has many offspring." Yeonjun cut in as he walked around me to head for the kitchen.

"My blood is much stronger than any of his other spawn!" Soren called after me as I followed after Yeonjun.

I may not want to be around Yeonjun, but I was hungry, and he was better company than the half demon in the living room. I also knew if I was around Yeonjun, Soren would keep a safe distance.

"He's back because he finished the work that Andromalius needed done. Our boss wants him to hang around here since you're dying again, he thinks his spawn could be of help if something goes wrong." Yeonjun commented as he sat down at the table.

"Tell his father we're not a babysitting service. If something goes wrong, I don't think he would be much help." I grumble as I pour some milk into a glass.

"He won't be, but his blood could be useful." Taehyun said as he took up a seat at the table.

This morning Soobin was actually cooking breakfast.

"And, I hate to be the one to break the news to you... but Andromalius thinks you should do some training with Soren." Soobin offered me an apologetic look as he handed me my plate first.

"What? Why?" I don't even take a second to look down at the pancakes that were on my plate.

Soobin shrugged as he plated the rest of the pancakes. "No idea. Andromalius just wants you to learn more about controlling Rekres's powers, even if you don't take his deal. The more control you have, the easier it will be on you when the fragments have to be removed."

"She will not be alone with him." This was one time, I would agree with Yeonjun

"She doesn't have to be, you can join them as well. After work. We have a full schedule for the next few days."

I'm going to be stuck home, with that weird half demon...?

"Can I join on the hunt again? I really don't want to be stuck here with him, alone." I shake as I feel a shiver run down my spine. For some reason, I was getting really weird vibes from him lately.

"No, these are more intense than the one you went on. But, once you have better control over your power, then you can start coming out with us." Soobin gave my head a pat as he took the sit next to me.

"Can I call if I feel uncomfortable?"

"Of course." Taehyun said right away.

I guess that would have to do for now.

"No one saved any for me?" Cue the cause of my dread.

"There's more on the counter, we just don't have extra chairs." Soobin replied to him.

Yeonjun said nothing as he got up, placed his untouched food on the counter, and left.

"Well, looks like there's one now." Soren said with a smile.

Now, there will be two. I think as I stand and take my food with me. I would be stuck here with him for however long it took them to do their work, I wasn't going to spend any unnecessary time with him.

I pause at the door and turn on my heel, grabbing Yeonjun's plate.

Once at his door, I kick it lightly with the tip of my foot.

"What?" He asked as he snatched the door open.

"Food." I reply shortly as I shove the plate into his hands.

Before he could say anything else, I turn and head for my room. I had made a plan, do small things to be somewhat close to Yeonjun, without anyone knowing what I was up to. I would stop actively avoiding him, meaning we would run into each other easily in the dorm.

I had already noticed just from being in the room as him, the pull in my gut had calmed down a bit. It was still there, it just wasn't painful when we were in the same room.

I'm such a child sometimes. I gripe to myself mentally as I sit on my bed.

I look down at my food and questioned if I was really hungry now.

How long was I going to keep this mess up? Why not just be an adult and admit what I needed right now?

Why not walk right up to Yeonjun and tell him I was going to be around him to help ease the pull, but he better not push his limits and to not expect this to change anything between us, why not just do that?

Because he may not respect what I want, and if I let myself even just a little chance to get close to him, I may slip up and catch feelings.

Something I was not going to do.

I stand and head out of my room, planning on returning the pancakes so that maybe someone would eat them and not let them go to waste.

"So, you bring me my food, but don't even eat your own?" Of course, Yeonjun would be leaving his room at the same time I was leaving mine.

I look down at his plate, he had ate everything. "Turns out, I'm not hungry." I say with a shrug.

I continue to the kitchen, Yeonjun falling into step right behind me. I try and focus on walking, not only did the pain ease when I was around him, but my mind became clouded by him.

Most frustrating shit I have ever had to deal with. I think the demon taunting me was easier to deal with than this.


Random asf but I found a new song that I love lol

Labour by Paris Paloma

So good guys! and not to mention i've been keeping Yoongi's new songs on repeat. I really like Amygdala.

Anyways, until next time have a great day/night peeps!!

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