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I lay back on my bed with a huff. "But, he knows where we live, how will he not know to come here looking for me?"

"Andromalius has that covered. He made a deal with Satan to take away his memory of where he found you."

I sit back up, my interest peaked. "Why didn't he just ask to take away his memory of the whole thing?"

"He couldn't, Satan's prices are very high for anything. Andromalius had to give up a hundred of the souls he saved to Satan to torture."

"To torture? If they were in hell already, weren't they already being tortured?"

Yeonjun shook his head. "No, Andromalius was training them to join his army."

"Oh..." Now my heart sunk knowing I was the cause for a hundred souls to be put into actual hell.

"Don't overthink it."

"Don't overthink it? How can I not?" I felt my eyes water as I let my head fall back into the pillow. "When will I stop needing everyone to give something up for me? When will I grow up and take care of myself."

"Hey," Yeonjun sat up, leaning his upper body over mine. "You are still learning, you will be there. It takes time."

My eyes meet his, my heart clenching at how softly he was looking at me. "It's been almost a year... and look how far I've come."

He rests a hand on my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb. "You've come a long way from when I first met you. I know the road ahead seems long, but you have already overcome so much. I know you can handle whatever is thrown at you."

I open my mouth and then close it, shaking my head. I didn't know what to say, he made me want to believe I had done a lot since I had met them, but I really don't feel that way. "I can't even control the powers I have."

"Because you're trying to control very old demon powers in a human body. That is no easy thing to do. There has never been a human that was able to fully control demon powers without having a deal with the demon."

"So, if I take the deal, will I be able to control the powers?"

"It will become like second nature."

"How strong will I be?" I wanted to know what I would really gain out of this deal, I wanted to know that I would be able to protect myself and them if I ever needed to.

"You will be about as strong as any newborn soul collector. The longer you live, the stronger your powers will grow."

"Will I be able to fight off lesser demons easily?"

"Yes, and in time, stronger demons. The only ones that will be hard to deal with are ones like Andromalius. They have been around for so long, not many of us would stand a chance in a fight with them."

I nod my head, taking in this new information. Should I just take the deal? And make things easier on them?

"I'm scared, what if-"

"We will talk about this more later. Get some rest." He leans down and plants a soft kiss on my lips.

I reach up and grab the back of his beck, pulling him back down. I kiss him hard, letting all thoughts and worries melt away for a moment.

I lift my head as he snakes a hand under my back, pulling me to sit up with him. He sits back, pulling me into his lap. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, arching my back a little to get our bodies closer.

We pull apart a little later, both breathing hard.

"Thank you, for coming for me. I know it must have been hard going there."

He let out a chuckle before kissing the tip of my nose. "I would go anywhere to find you. Heaven, hell, earth, anywhere. As long as you need me, I will be here for you, Evelyn."

I pull him back to me, kissing him lightly this time for a second. "You're crazy."

"I think you've said that to me before."

I laugh as I recall the first time I said that to him, those times felt so far away, like it was all a dream now.

He leans forward, laying me down and pecking my lips before he lays down next to me, his arms still around me.

This time I easily melt into his hold, tucking my face into his chest.

I close my eyes, trying to imagine what it would be like to become immortal and be a soul collector. I would really be a full on part of the group and no longer just someone they had to babysit, I could actually give something back.

I would hopefully no longer have demons coming after me for power.

"What are you thinking about?" Yeonjun asked after I had let out a sigh. One I thought was quite enough for him not to hear.

"Nothing, just getting comfy." I didn't want to share my thought on the deal just yet, I wanted to make sure this was what I really wanted, and not something that was influenced by others.... Though, Yeonjun did seem to have a part in me wanting to change my mind.

This man laying next to me, just had so many ways of getting under me skin and into my head.

I close my eyes and my mind goes back to the cave, where Rerek helped me. It was shocking to think the demon that wanted me dead, helped me get away.

I knew it he only helped because he didn't want Valefar getting his powers, he wanted me to still die so his powers would return to him. I never stated I would be dying in the time he was helping me, but I felt like I was stabbing him in the back a little...

You're stupid, he took so much from you. What he did in that cave was only a small part of what he owes you.

My brain was right, he took a lot from me. I shouldn't feel bad at all, I shouldn't feel as if he did me a favor. He owes me so much more then saving my ass one time.


Sorry for any mistakes, I had to finish this on my phone bc my new to me laptop is broke now😭

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now