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Dinner that night was quiet as everyone thought over the day. The others had lost a soul that was meant to go to heaven to a demon, that had slipped out from under them. They were tasked with hunting it down tomorrow, meaning they would need all of them on it. I would be alone, so even though Yeonjun had delayed my pity party, it was still going to happen.

"Why don't you join us tomorrow?"

When I say I almost died, I mean it. I choked on my food so bad, by the time Beomgyu had beat the hell out my back, knocking it free of my air way. I was gasping for air.

"Me.. go hunting for a demon?" I looked at the blonde angel as if he was crazy, which with what he asked, he had to be.

"Why not? Give you a reason to get some fresh air, and see some of what we do." He shrugged as he went back to eating.

I knew what he was really getting at, he knew all I would do tomorrow was over think what was going on with my foot. I look over the rest of them, they all agreed or just nodded, besides one, as per usual. Yeonjun was against it.

"You'll be in the way." He grumbled with a mouth full of food. I scrunched my nose, though I had no room to judge. I had just chocked almost to death in front of them all, and he had seen my fucked up foot.

I stay silent as they all talk over why I should or shouldn't go, I didn't really care what they decided but, the thought of going with them, put me on edge a little.

"Fine but, she goes with you." Yeonjun pointed at Huening Kai, the latter shrugging with a smile.

"Mission buddies!" He cheered as he bumped his shoulder with mine. I couldn't help but smile at him, his happiness was contagious.

"Let's not forget what we have to really do." Soobin cut in, his leader mode on. "If you find it, do not engage, contact us and keep an eye on it, from a safe distance."

"Yes, sir." I mock salute him, making everyone bust out laughing. I was glad I could lighten the mood, even just a little.

I helped Beomgyu with cleaning, the poor boy had the worst luck with rock-paper-scissors. I felt bad, so I offered to help.

"So, tomorrow... what all will you guys have to do?" I ask as I place the wet dishes on the drying rack.

"Just find it's trail from where we last saw it. That can be a little hard the longer we wait but, it was a lesser demon, and it had just taken a soul, and lesser demons can only hold one for a few days until it 'digest' it."

"And when you find it?"

"Kill it." He replied simply. I wanted to know how they killed them, I guess I would see tomorrow.


"Get your ass up!" I jump awake as I feel something ice cold and wet all over my upper body.

I gasp as I roll off the bed in my shocked state. After I come to my senses I peek over my bed, seeing a laughing Yeonjun, a bowel in his hands. "You-" I jump up, almost tripping from the sheets wrapped around my legs.

When I was free from them I go after him. "Yeonjun, I'm going to kill you!" I yell as he takes off down the hall.

"Woah! what happened?" Soobin grabbed me by the shoulders as I made it into the living room, my eyes searching for the dark haired ass.

"Yeonjun." That was the only explanation needed.

"You may proceed, just be ready in 20 minutes." I don't reply as I stalk off, ready to see if I could drown a fallen angel.

That plan was stopped as I walked into the kitchen where everyone else was already sat, having a quick breakfast.

"Better hurry and eat, we don't have much time." Taehyun said as he slid a plate across the table towards me.

I sigh, abandoning my search for the asshole, just for a moment. I go and change and dry my hair before pulling it back out of the way. Once I was dry and didn't look like a crazy stray cat, I head back to the kitchen. I glare at the dark haired man that was smiling as he ate. 

I point my chop sticks at him with my eyes narrowed before I focus on my food. Once I was done, everyone double checked to make sure they had everything they would need for the day.

"Do I need to get anything?" I ask as I stand by the door, feeling out of place as they knew exactly what they needed. 

"I already packed you a bag." Huening Kai said as he handed me a medium sized bright green backpack. 

"Thank you." I take the bag, slinging it around my back and slipping my arms into the straps. I guess the color was to help keep an eye on me.

I felt like a small child that was headed to their first day of school. My eyes were darting back and forth as I watched them gather their things. As I just stood there, hands grasping the straps to my bag. 

"Ready?" Soobin asked as he passed by, he gave my head a small pat as he passed. 

"Ready as I'll ever be, I suppose." I didn't feel ready, my nerves were starting to bubble up in my stomach, making me wonder if eating was a good idea. 

"Huening Kai will keep a good eye on you." Beomgyu encouraged with a thumbs up. 

I crane my neck to the side as I feel someone grab my bag. Yeonjun was behind me, shoving a water bottle into one of the side pockets of the bag. 

"Stick close to him." He mumbled as he made sure the bottle was secure. "If things seem to be going the wrong way, get out of there. You're no match for even a lesser demon." 

I just nod, I knew I wasn't even close to them when it came to fighting demons. The only one I had come face to face with in real life, had easily overpowered me... and scared the shit out of me. 

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now