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I watch as Taehyun's eyes trail down to my bare feet. I was too scared to look, too scared to get my hopes up, even just a little.

"It worked." He whispered as he looked back up, a bright smile lighting his face up.

He quickly got to his feet, pulling me up with him.

"It worked!" He yelled as he pulled me into a hug.

The others stood up and joined our hug, everyone laughing out in relief. Tears pooled in my eyes as I realized I would live, and that these men really did care about me.

All but one. I shove the thought away, it didn't matter if Yeonjun cared for me or not. I had four new friends, ones that were happy that I would live.

I push my face into Taehyun's chest as I thanked him over and over again. A part of me may have wanted to give up, but deep down, I knew I was scared to die. I was scared of what would happen to me once I died. My soul was tainted by a demon, there was probably no peace for me after death.

And that, I was scared to face.


We had all returned to the dorm, our moods bright as we talk.

My eyes kept going down to my legs. I couldn't see the skin, but I knew they were normal once more. My skin was no longer the color of coal, and they no longer burned with pain.

We all head straight for the kitchen, our minds locked on the ice cream that was waiting for us.

And wine.

Taehyun said he had some wine he wanted to open. I had been told by Beomgyu that I would have to be careful with drinking any alcohol that Taehyun had, it was much stronger than any human drink out there.

I had pushed his shoulder and laughed, I figured he was joking, as Beomgyu likes to do.

I found out I was dead wrong. Beomgyu was telling the truth. A truth I learned the hard way.

"I warned you!" Beomgyu yelled as he saw me sway on my feet, a goofy grin on my face.

"I'm fine." I wave my hand a little wildly as I head for the kitchen to put my glass away, knowing I couldn't drink anymore, or I would not be fine.

"Sure." Soobin scoffed as I stopped walking, my arms out at my sides to help keep me from tripping on thin air.

"Leave her alone." Hueining Kai cut in, a bright smile on his face. "She can walk again, let her celebrate."

"Thank you, Kai!" I stick my tongue out at Soobin, and Beomgyu, making the angel burst into a loud fit of laughter. Taehyun covered his mouth with his hand, trying to hide the fact he was laughing too.

I slowly turn back to face the way to the kitchen, my smile fading away as I catch Yeonjun's gaze on me. I raise a brow as I stand straight, feeling my mood sober up.

He had disappeared earlier, as soon as everyone else had joined the hug, he had left.

He stands there with his arms crossed, slightly in my way.

"This won't be long-lived." He said as I go to walk past him.

"I know." I did know, this was just for tonight, I still had worked to do to make sure I stayed alive in this world of theirs. "I just don't understand why you can't just let someone be happy. Does one's happiness piss you off?" I continue as I walk into the kitchen.

I set my glass into the sink, turning to face him as he follows after me, stopping a few feet away.

"Are you so miserably that you can't let anyone be happy around you? Does me living really piss you off, and if so, why? Why do you hate me? Why were you being nice to me, because you knew I was going to die? Let me guess, you figured I would only be here for a short while longer, so you finally decide to treat me like a person?"

I step closer to him, feeling my anger stirring again.

"Why does me being here make you so upset? I know I have caused a lot of shit for all of you, but the others are happy that I'm still here... Why not you though? What have I done to you, Yeonjun?"

"You came back to life, that's what you did." He replied coldly.

To say that hurt me would be true, but I didn't want to accept that his words hurt me. I wouldn't admit the way he looked down at me as if I was nothing but dirt, hurt. It all hurt deeply, why I don't know... but I would never let anyone know how much it hurt me.

It was stupid to be hurt by what he said, it really was.

"Trust me, you're not the only one that is upset that I came back to life. But, I'm here, I lost a lot because of that, I have been given yet another chance to live, and no matter how hard, how terrible it is, I'm going to do it. Only because I don't want to face the unknown. I'm scared to die Yeonjun, my soul is fucked. Now that I know there really is a heaven and hell, and I have seen just a little bit of hell, I'm scared to end up there." I ball my hands into fists, trying to keep my emotions down, I didn't need to show how scared I really was in front of him, he wouldn't care.

"I may not want to be alive just as much as you wish I wasn't. I'm too scared to die. So hate me being here all you want, and for whatever reason, but I'm not going to die willingly." I pick my glass back up, feeling as if I did need another drink after all. 


I'm so sorry of these past few parts sucked, it's 1am and I think I maybe getting sick :,)

Anyways, I'm headed to bed finally. I hope everyone has a great night/day!!

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