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Just as we finished our ice cream, Yeonjun's phone went off again.

I gather our dishes and head for the kitchen, letting him have privacy while he was on the phone. I flick the water on and start to rinse the dishes off.

"We have a problem." Yeonjun said as he came into the kitchen a few minutes later.

"What's that?" I question as I turn to face him.

"Beomgyu is missing."

My heart seems to stop for a second. "What do you mean missing?"

"Just that, missing. No one can find him. They were all supposed to check in at the meeting spot 30 minutes ago, he hasn't. He won't answer the phone either."

"Then why are we still here, let's go find him!" I turn the water off and turn to rush for the door.

Yeonjun catches me as I pass him. "You can't come, you have to stay here."

"No, I will not stay when Beomgyu is missing!" I snatch my arm away and take a few steps away.

"Evelyn, you would just be a crutch if you came, we both know that."

I run my hands down my face, I knew he was right, but staying here would cause me to worry so much. "Fine, hurry and go find him. Call me as soon as he is found." I turn away from him and head for the sink.

I gasp a little as I feel him wrap his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I know you'll worry, but I won't be able to focus on finding him if I have to worry about you getting hurt."

"Just get going." I say quietly as I pull his arms away from me.

I wait until I hear the front door click shut before I wash up our few dishes. After that, I had nothing to do.

I get my phone from the living room and decide to at least try and call him myself, that way I felt as if I was doing something.

"Beomgyu, answer, please." I breathe out as I call his phone for the 10th time.

I hit the call button one more time and hold my breath as I wait.


I jump up as he actually answers the phone. "Boemgyu, where are you? You have everyone worried about you!"

"I'm headed back to the dorm... I just got off the phone with the others, they're headed back now as well."

"You had me ready to pass out from anxiety." I snap a little as I try and calm my heart rate.

"Sorry, come down to the front door, I'll be there in just a minute."

"You better be ready for me to punch you in the gut." I say before hanging up.

I rush to the door and slip my shoes on, ready to check on him. I still had this off feeling in my gut. I chalk it up to the fact I was thinking the worst had happened to him, and it would go away when I see with my own eyes he was okay.

I wanted to just pop up downstairs, but Soobin would be mad if he found out I did that where a human might be able to see me. Instead, I rush down the hall for the stairs, not wanting to wait on the slow elevator to make its trip up and down.

I fling the front door to the building open, a little too dramatically.

I wrap my arms around my torso as I bounce on the balls on my feet. My eyes scanned the area, back and forth, waiting to see Beomgyu with a goofy grin, knowing he had caused a mess over something silly probably.

After a while of standing there with my worry bubbling back up the longer it took for Beomgyu to show up, he finally came walking into view.

I rush down the steps and over to him, my anger at him making us all worry, was pushed down for the moment. I was just relieved to see him alive.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I ask as I rush him, pulling him into a tight hug. "Actually, I'm sure you weren't thinking. How do you forget about the meet up place and time?"

He lets out a chuckle as he slowly wraps his arms around me, returning the hug a little loosely. "I forgot, I was distracted by something."

I go to pull back, only to not be able to push him back so I could look over him. He held me close, not letting me move at all. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He replied calmly.

"Then let me go." I say with a sheepish laugh, trying not to sound rude.

"I can't do that, I've been looking for you for a while now." His voice shifted, turning into one I did not recognize.

"Beomgyu, what's wrong with you?" I ask as I now push against him even harder than before.

"They were keeping you hidden so well, but I know how to get what I want."

I bring my leg up and nail him between his. My heart sank as I saw who I thought was Beomgyu, was definitely not.

This demon was the opposite of the one I met in hell. This one had the body of a loin, but the face of a normal middle-aged man.

Without a second thought, I take off back towards the dorm.

I make it to the steps, taking them two at a time before the thing jumped on me from behind. My head making a nasty cracking sound as it came down on the edge of a step.

"I have waited far too long for these powers to let some silly human get away from me." The thing spoke as it hauled me up by my leg, letting the rest of my body hang in the air limply.

My vision was spinning as it started to make its way back down the steps. 

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now