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Yeonjun returns to the dorm, showing up in the middle of his room where everyone was gathered.

Yeonjun could fill how heavy the air was as soon as he had shown up. He could feel how much his friends were concerned for Evelyn.

"Taehyun, stop the spell."

Taehyun snapped his head over to where Yeonjun was. "What? She'll die in a few hours without the spell!" Taehyun was hoping his friend wasn't going crazy and wanted to let her die. He doubted Yeonjun would return to his dark self that he was before, but Taehyun had seen Yeonjun do some very evil things before as well.

"I have some of Andromalius' blood. He said it should hold her over until we return to him, but there can be no trace of your magic in her blood or the switch may not work."

Taehyun let out a sigh as he stood up from his spot on the floor and walked over to Evelyn, he didn't want to take this big risk, but at this point, they had no other choice.

"Have the blood ready for as soon as she opens her eyes." Taehyun said a little sharply, he had messed up once today, he was not about to do it again and lose their friend.

Yeonjun stepped next to Taehyun, popping the cork of the heart-shaped bottle.

Beomgyu couldn't help but scrunch his nose at the choice of bottle. This was not a time to be laughing, he told himself as his eyes went back to Evelyn. Taehyun had filled them all in while he was looking over the blood he had used for the spell.


I take in a sharp breath through my teeth as I come too, pain washing over almost every nerve in my body.

"Open your mouth, you need to drink this blood as quickly as possible." I heard Yeonjun say as I kept my eyes closed tight, trying to will myself to not cry out from the pain.

"Blood is what got me here." I ground out as I gripped the bed sheets.

Without warning someone grabbed at my lower jaw, pulling it down until my mouth opened.

"This is Andromalius' blood, it will stop the decay for right now."

Thanks to what he said I don't spit the blood out like I had planned a second ago.

Once I had swallowed the blood, it took it a few minutes for it the ease the pain. It didn't make it go away completely, but it did ease it enough for me to think straight and move without my body screaming in protest.

I open my eyes and instantly meet Yeonjun's eyes that were already locked on me.

"What now? You said it will stop it for now, how long is now?"

"I few hours, long enough for Taehyun's magic to leave your body and for us to get to hell."

"Get to hell? Why?" I had thought we were doubting Andromalius and Soren, why would we go to hell now?

"I spoke with Andromalius, Soren has been in Judecca for a few days now. He had no idea that Soren had messed with the blood. Now we have no choice but for you to switch..."

My heart sank as I realized my time of debating was up, I needed to choose now what I was going to do.

I take in a few short breaths, I thought I would still have time to mentally prepare myself for this. I was wrong as usual.

"Take a few deep breaths, I know this is sudden, but we don't have many options right now." Yeonjun said as he rested a hand on my shoulder.

I do as he said and calm myself down a little. We really didn't have many options, or any really.

I was not going to die after I had told them all I was going to join their team, I would not change my mind just because it's all happening quicker than I thought it was going to.

"Can you all give us a few minutes?" Yeonjun asked the others, all of them nodding and shuffling out.

As soon as the door clicked shut, I reach up and grab the hem of Yeonjun's shirt. bringing him down on the edge of the bed next to me.

I wrap my arms around him and shove my face into the crook of his neck. "I'm scared." I admit pitifully.

"I know, I'm scared as well."

My eyes opened, and even though I wasn't able to see anything, I was just shocked to hear he was scared as well.

"How dangerous." He said with a humorless chuckle.

"What?" I ask as my stomach twist, ready to hear another bombshell of information that had been withheld.

"To have something worth losing. I have never in my life thought I would feel this type of fear. I have never really ever thought of losing someone since I came here, and now that thought keeps haunting me, keeps making my heart clench in pain."

I pull him closer, I knew what he was feeling. I wasn't just scared of losing them, I was scared of letting them down by not making it through this mess.

"If this doesn't work, promise me something?" I pull away and meet his gaze steadily.

"This will work, it has to."

"And if it doesn't, please, just one promise?"

He lets out a sigh as he lets his head fall a little. "What?"

I place my hand under his chin, making him look at me. "Promise me, you'll keep being like you have been recently? Don't go back to the Yeonjun I met. There is so much more to life than killing. And... check on my family every once in a while?"

"If this goes wrong, which it will not. I will be doing everything I can to find your soul and bring you back! I will not sit back and let you go without a fight, Evelyn. You should know this."

I offer him a half-hearted smile. I knew he would hold true to what he was saying, I could see it in his eyes.

So odd to think this asshole actually cares so deeply for me now. What a twist of events.

I pull him closer and brush my lips over his for a second. I pull back and rest my forehead on his, just taking this moment in.

Please, if anyone good is listening. don't let this be the end of us. Please...


Sooo..... Looks like things will be coming to an end soon. I'm sad, but also so excited for it to end. I hope the ending is as good as I have been planning for months now.

I think we will have about 2-4 more parts before it is officially over. Not sure yet bc the ending draft is pretty long, so we will see what stays after editing.

See you all in the next part!

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now