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I stand by the door with my arms crossed. Yeonjun stood in front of me, slipping his shoes on. Taehyun stood off to my right, watching us.

"Do you really think going to hell this soon is a great idea?" I ask as I shift my weight from one leg to the other.

"I have to, who else will go and get the blood you need?"

"Why not just let the ass come here long enough to poke him and get some of his blood?"

Yeonjun stood up straight, his shoes now on. "That demon will not be coming here."

I roll my eyes and shake my head, I understood why Yeonjun didn't want Soren here, but it was better than him going to hell.

"Yeonjun will be fine, he's going to Andromalius' palace, he will be safe there." Taehyun commented, trying to calm me down.

"Why are you so worked up anyways? Starting to really care for me, huh?" Yeonjun said with a smirk as he leaned forward.

I lean back and pull my lips into a thin line. "Shut up, I just don't want you failing and me end up having to deal with that pain I went through before." Lies. It was all definitely a lie, but it was still so new and embarrassing to say out loud I was really concerned for his well being.

"Sure." He replied and leaned back, the smirk still on his lips.

I knew he knew I was lying.

"Be back in a few hours."

"You know what to do if anything does happen." Taehyun told him as he stepped over and gave him a firm pat on the back.

Yeonjun nodded and watched as Taehyun left for the hallway.

"What?" I ask as he turns to face me with a raised brow.

He tapped his cheek a few times. "Will I get a kiss, for good luck?"

I slap my hand over my mouth to keep myself from spitting all over him. "What the hell Yeonjun?" That was out of the blue...

"Don't act like we didn't just kiss the night before." He said with a roll of his eyes.

I feel my neck and face growing hot as the events of the other night come back up.

"Fine." I snap as I reach out and grab the collar of his shirt, pulling him close enough for me to reach his cheek.

Just as my lips were about to tap his cheek, he turned his head and made our lips connect.

I pull back and give him an odd look.

"Don't act like you didn't like it." He smiled as he fixed his shirt.

"Get going." I push him towards the door.

I stand there a few minutes after the door closes, just thinking over the other night. The nice moments and the bad news I learned about me wanting to become immortal.

"You just going to stand by the door until he gets back?" Taehyun popped up with a goofy smile.

"No." I sigh and head for the couch.

"What are you thinking so hard about? Yeonjun will be fine."

"It's not really about that... Yeonjun told me how a human becomes immortal." I turn to face Taehyun, fighting the urge to rub my face aggressively with my hands. "I decided I wanted to take the deal, join the team. I wanted to be able to fight for you guys too. Now, now I learn I have to be on the edge of death... Why can't life ever be easy?"

I quit fighting myself and run my hands over my face roughly.

"If everything was easy in life, then you would never appreciate it fully. Aren't things more satisfying when you worked to get them? You can't feel the peace or enjoy the rest without the hardships it took to get there. I know it's really hard to imagine things may turn out better, that there may be some peace waiting for you, but there is. There will always be a day after the night." Taehyun offered a soft smile as he pulled my hands away from my face. "I know it's scary to think about being on the edge of death, but you did already die once."

I let out a small laugh. "That is true." I shake my hand and pull one hand away to pat the top of his. "Thanks, Taeyun. I just need to calm down about all of this. I'm sure Andromalius knows what he is doing."

"He has done it many times before." He let out a laugh as well. "I am glad though. You finally decided to become immortal, it will be nice to have you as a full fledged member of the team."

"Training will be harder, won't it?"

"You know it." He gave me a pat on the head. "How soon are you planning on switching?"

I run a hand through my hair. "I'm not sure yet, Yeonjun said he was going to speak with Andromalius about how he plans on getting me on the edge of death... I guess once I hear the full plan, I'll go from there."

"I'm sure he will take good care of you while turning you immortal."

I nod knowing he was right, Andromalius so far seems like a nice demon lord. I was probably freaking out for no reason about having to be pretty much died again.

"Thank you, you helped calm me down a bit."

"Of course. How did Yeonjun take your choice?"

I shurg. "He seemed pleased with it, he wanted to make sure this was what I really wanted." It still made me feel weird thinking about how he has changed from forcing things on me, to making sure I knew what I really wanted. It was nice.


Sorry for this chap, just wanting to build bonds so kinda filler chaps coming up.

The laptop that was "broke" is working again... idk what happened but I'm glad it's working now so I can update without having tp use my phone lol.

Hope everyone is having a great day/night!

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