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My hands were still on the straps of my bag as Huening Kai leads the way down a somewhat busy street. 

My eyes dart from person to person, waiting to see a shift in their appearance. "How do you track a demon anyways?" I ask the angel as I speed up to walk next to him, wanting to keep my voice low so no one would over hear. 

"You smell for it." He replied, his eyes staying forward. 

"Like a tracking dog?" I smiled as he started to laugh loudly, a few people that passed gave us odd looks for his volume. 

"I guess you could say that." He wiped at his eyes. "You can try and pick its trail up as well. How you focus your energy into catching the ball? You just have to focus that energy into your nose."

My eyes cross as I look down at my nose. I just need to focus my energy into my nose? Seemed simple. 

"Stop crossing your eyes." Huening Kai laughed as he grabbed my shoulders, keeping me from running into a light pole. 

"Sorry." I apologize sheepishly. The next few blocks were spent with me imagining my 'energy' going to my nose. I suddenly stopped as if I had been snatched to a stop. My nose starts to tingle, making me sneeze violently. "Oh gosh, it smells so bad here." I complain as my nose was attacked by the intense scent of the city. 

"I knew you could do it!" Huening Kai offered his open palm. I give him a high five, a bright smile on my face despite the fact I felt like I had stuck my nose into someones gym bag full of month old damp clothes. 

"So, what do demons even smell like?" I ask after we had calmed down and started walking once again. Huening Kai had picked up a faint trail that we were following. 

"Mainly death and hell fire." His eyes scanned over the people on the street, looking for any sign of a demon. He said it was rare for them to be in the open while they were full but, on the off side the demon was social, we needed to keep an eye as we walked. 

"Hell fire?" I echoed side stepping out of the way of a couple holding hands. "What does that smell like?" 

He hummed as he rubbed at his chin, trying to think of a way to explain it I suppose. "I can't really think of anything that smells even close to it, you'll know it when you smell it." 

I sigh at how helpful his description was. I just brush it off, figuring he would probably pick it up before me. I do still take deep breaths here in there, trying to get used to the strong smell of the city. 

"Does this mean I can learn to focus on different parts of my body, making all of my senses stronger?" I question as my mind goes over this new found ability. 

"Mhm. You can also focus on your legs, making you faster, or your limps while fighting to make your blows stronger." 

"Wow." I was awed a little by what I could possibly do one day. "That's pretty cool."

But, reality loved smacking me in the face... well, foot in this case. 

"Thanks." I mumble after I had stumped my foot on a loose piece of concert, Huening Kai grabbing my arm just in time for me to not face plant. My foot stuck intensely as I limped after the tall angel. 

My happy thoughts gone as I remember that the powers locked in me, were possibly killing me slowly.

"We'll find a solution." Huening Kai said as he patted my head, able to easily pick up on the drop in my mood. 

I offer him a smile that dropped as soon as he froze, his eyes locked on something behind me. I turn and see someone following close behind a teenage girl. The girl was slipping between two buildings, not knowing she was being closely followed. 

"Demon?" I asked even though I could see just the slightest shift in the things back. It flickered between the color of the cream shirt it had on, to something a light dray color. The same color as the Eidolon that had attacked me.

"Stay close behind me." Huening Kai said as he passed by, following the demon and girl. 

My heart was thumping harshly as I stayed close to his back. He was too tall for me to see past him, so I had to follow blindly. I held my breath, feeling like if I were to breath too loudly, the demon would know we were following it. 

Huening Kai stopped abruptly, making me almost run into him. I stayed stock still as he just stood there for a few moments. "Stay here." He threw back right before he took off in a sprint. 

I was stunned by how quick he had left, my eyes trying to find something down the path we were headed down but, there was nothing. Huening Kai had just turned a corner, leaving me completely alone. Weren't we meant to stick together? 

A high pitched scream made me flinch, I debated on going to see what was going on, or stay put like I was asked? I was tapping my foot vigorously on the ground, my palms were clammy as my hands shook a little. I really wasn't made for things like this...

I started easing down the alley between the buildings trying to at least hear what was going on, then my nose was met with the smell of something even more retched then the city smell. It was hard to pin point what it really smelt like, it was like smelling a dead animal, that was bloated in the middle of summer but, a thousand times worse. It really was a bad idea to eat before leaving this morning. 

I was still on the fence about seeing what was going on, until I heard someone yell. Someone that sounded like Huening Kai. 

"Fuck." I breathed out as I take off the same way he had went, I needed to make sure he was okay. I may not be able to fight a demon but, maybe I could get the angel out if it was too bad.

I round the corner and freeze as I realize the demon had buddies that had been waiting on him. A few of them lay there 'bleeding'? The liquid that was coming from them was pitch black, the smell that had attacked me a few moments ago was a lot stronger now. 

My stomach twisted, not from the smell, but from the sight of Huening Kai being pinned to the wall by two demons. 

What do I do?! I was useless, I had no idea what to even do to fight them off. 

My eyes scan the area looking for anything to use. They landed on what seemed to be a sword? It looked like one but, the blade was wavering, like it was made of light, or water... 

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now