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I had been stuck in the dorm for months... the boys have been in here for four days yet, they act like it has been a lifetime.

"I can't take it anymore!" Beomgyu groaned as he rolled around on the floor of the living room.

"Stop acting like a child." Yeonjun tapped him in the head with his foot, causing Beomgyu to curl up in a ball and cry dramatically as if he had really been kicked.

Then, Yeonjun was on the floor with him... They had all been acting very childish lately, it was so different from what I was used to. I guess being cooped up was making them all restless, or maybe it was the fact they could relax a little.

Their work had slowed down a little, the boys said even demon hunters got some breaks. And it seemed the demons around this area had calmed down thanks to the constant freezing rain. They had a chance to let their guard down, and it was showing.

I watched from the couch, my legs tucked up to my chest as somehow all the boys ended up in a pillow fight. I would laugh when they would manage to get a good hit in on someone. I was laughing until, they all stopped to look at me.

"No!" I hold my hand up, I didn't have a weapon, and it was five against one. "It's unfair!" I yell as I climb over the back of the couch and make a run for my life.

I almost make it to my room when Soobin popped up in front of me.

"Since when can you do that?" I scream as I duck his pillow.

"Long time." He chuckled as he pulled his pillow back, ready to strike again.

I turn and freeze, I was blocked in.

Beomgyu stood there with a creepy smile, I think he was trying to pull off a menacing look. He was failing, he just looked constipated.

"Evelyn!" Huening Kai managed to toss me a pillow as he went at Beomgyu.

I snatch it out of the air and turn to face Soobin. "Now we can fight." I act like I was cocking a gun before pulling it back and whacking the brunette in the face.

"Yah!" He yelled as he pulled his face back, a look of concentration over coming his features as he flung the pillow back and forth, trying to land a solid blow.


We were all out of breath as we make it back to the living room, we had all agreed to stop fighting, all too tired to keep going.

Well, I thought we all agreed.

"Hey!" Beomgyu had hit Yeonjun square in the face before running over to me as I was just about to sit down.

"Don't hide behind me." I try and side step out of the way but, he held my shoulders in place as he ducked his head down. "Don't do it!" I warn the dark haired man in front of me.

He offered a smirk before swinging at me. I brought my pillow up just in time to take the brunt of the blow but, my pillow still came back and hit me.

I snatch away from Beomgyu as I go after Yeonjun, who had just took off running after sticking his tongue out at me.

"Get back here!" I grab up Taehyun's pillow as I pass him laying on the floor. "Sorry!" I call back as I hear the soft 'thud' of his head hitting the ground.

I follow Yeonjun a few laps around the living room before he takes off down the hall. I manage to throw Taehyun's pillow and hit his back before he was fully out of my view.

I round the corner and drop to the ground, right as his pillow swung at me, hitting the wall where my head was a second ago. I hit his knees from my spot on the ground.

It was so odd to hear him laughing. The smile on his face was so full of joy. What had changed in him? It was so sudden.

Maybe to sudden.

I stand up, my eyesbrows pulling down as I watch him laugh. Something stirring in my stomach.


He hummed in response, bringing his eyes up to meet mine.

His face was lit up with a bright smile but, his eyes, his eyes were blank... dull.

I drop my pillow and step closer, reaching out a try and touch his face. My hand went right through him.

"What's going on?" I ask as I take a few stumbling steps back. Why did my hand go through him?

"What's wrong?" He asked as he stepped closer, reaching out to try and stop me as I turn on my heel and take off back to the living room.

My breath catches in my throat as I see the living room was empty. Pillows were left disregarded where the boys had been moments ago. I turn back and stumble away from 'Yeonjun'.

His face was flickering, going from his with a bright smile, to something else. Something dark.

"Stay back." I warn whatever it was as my butt hits the back of the couch.

"Come on, we were having soo much fun."


Was he back at his games, or was this a product of my own mind?

"You're a fool." He drawled out as he walked closer. Soon enough he dropped the mask, showing something that was made out of black smoke with bright red eyes. The color of the blood he had taken so long ago.

I was dazed as his 'body' swirled and swayed, the black fog or smoke constantly moving yet, it never broke the form of a mans silhouette.

My mind went foggy as I locked eyes with the thing, my toes and fingers went cold as my palms started to sweat. My back was stiff as it took small 'steps' closer. A 'hand' reaching out to brush across my cheek. It had the same sensation as when Rerek had pulled me into my mind after breaking my arm, like I was walking through a thick cloud of fog. Fog that was ice cold yet, hot as ambers.

My mind couldn't decide what it felt like, it just didn't feel right.

"What do you want?"

"Your soul, it's mine."

"My soul is my own." I snap back as I try and swat the smoke away, my hand going through it like it had done to 'Yeonjun's' face. The thing could touch me but, I couldn't touch it...

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now