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"How do I block Rerek from messing with her mind?" Yeonjun asked Andromalius as they took a seat in his giant dining room, a few lower demons rushing to bring them drinks and food.

Yeonjun watches as his boss takes a moment to cut at his thick steak. "Bring her here, I can do it easily."

"Can't you just come to her?"

"No, I have more power here, and Apep won't be able to resist here, he has no power here."

It made sense, no one could use their powers inside of Andromalius palace other than himself, or if he allowed it.

"When?" Yeonjun asked as he too started to cut into his food.

"You could leave now and fetch her." Andromalius suggested with a grin.

"Not a good idea, she's already pissed at me." Yeonjun shook his head as he brought his fork to his mouth.

"When is that something new? She will be glad when she can feel how much Apep was messing with her."

Yeonjun sighs heavily. "Fine, but you will explain it all to her, she won't believe me. She will think I'm forcing her to take your deal."

The demon shrugged as he had already finished his food. "That's fine. I'll be back when you return."

Yeonjun watched as he left, that same feeling of something bigger going on sinking into his stomach.

He thought over what Andromalius could be planning, what could he gain from Evelyn joining him? What could he gain from helping Yeonjun with their bond?

He drew up blank, there was nothing he could think of. They all wanted Rerek to remain in hell, and to do that they needed Evelyn to either die, or take his deal to become immortal. Maybe his boss really did just want to help them...

Yeonjun stood up, leaving his half-eaten plate. There were too many thoughts fighting to take center place in his mind for him to focus on eating.

Once Yeonjun had left the front doors of Andromalius palace. he was back in the dorm in the blink of an eye.


I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling, waiting for something to feel different since Taehyun had placed the spell on me.

Everything felt the same, nothing seemed off.

I brought my blanket to my chin was my mind wonders to Yeonjun, I wanted to know why he went to hell.

"No, don't even think about him." I lift my head and throw it back into my pillow. There was no pain like what I wanted. Maybe if I got up and banged my head into the wall a few times, it would knock some sense into me.

"Holy mother of god!!" I scream as I freak out and roll off the other side of my bed. I peek my head over the edge of my bed, anger boiling up an instant. "Why the hell must you scare the shit out of me? Can't you just come through the door like a normal person?"

I gather myself up off the floor and stomp over to Yeonjun. 'Next time I will drop kick you through the floor, damnit!" I claim as I poke his chest a little hard.

He let out a breath of a laugh through his nose. "I would love to see you try that."

"Why are you even here? You're supposed to be in hell."

"Andromalius needs to see you."

I step back as I realized what was going on. "I told you to not force me to take his deal, I'm not leaving here with you."

"I promise it has nothing to do with his deal, he thinks Rerek is messing with your mind." He replied, holding his hands up.

"And why does he think that?"

Yeonjun pauses as he thinks about telling her the truth, but he decides that may not be the best way to get her to go with him willingly.

"He has a feeling since you're dying again... he thinks this time it is Rerek's doing."

I take another step back. "Why can't he just come here like before?"

"He has more power in his palace, and Rerek will be powerless there. He won't be able to stop Andromalius from finding out what's really going on."

"I'm not going unless he tells me himself, and one of the others can go with us."

"Hell isn't the best place for them, no matter where they're going in there."

"Too bad." I snap back, I was not going to trust him hours after he told me he was not going to let me die. He was up to something.

"Evelyn, let's go. Now." He said as he stepped closer, reaching out for me.

"No! Soobin! Help!" I scream as I dodge him coming at me.

"Stop acting so childish!" He snapped back as I rolled over my bed, putting it between us.

"Stop trying to kidnap me then!"

"I'm not kidnapping you, Evelyn. I'm trying to help you."

"I don't want your help. I want you to just leave me alone."

I roll over my bed once again as he comes around.

"This is stupid." He said with a roll of his eyes.

Before I could even take a breath he was behind me, pushing me face-first into the bed. I start kicking and screaming as I realize he was about to force me to go to hell.

I try and tell him how I was going to beat his ass, but it was all muffled.

"What the hell Yeonjun?" Soobin had just slung my door open and paused when he saw it was his friend that was causing me to freak out.

I start to struggle more, hoping he would stop his crazy friend.

"I'm just taking her to see Andromlius, he thinks Rerek is messing with her mind. She's the one freaking out for no reason."

"Maybe she's freaking out because you're not letting her decide?" Soobin stated the obvious.

"Because she's being stupid. I'm only doing it to help her." Yeonjun let me stand, pulling me back into his chest. "We'll be back in a few hours."

"Wait, the spell!" I call out as I feel panic rise in me. I didn't know what would happen if I left the dorm.

"I already broke it." Yeonjun said with a sigh.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now