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"The reason your head hurts after using the demon's powers is because, your human body isn't used to it." 

I nod my head at Taehyun's words while keeping my eyes on my plate of pancakes. 

"Are there any other side effects?" 

"We're not sure, the only other case like this was so long ago, and he didn't live long enough for anyone to study side effects that come with it." 

That didn't sound worrisome at all!

I sigh as I stand, now done eating. My mind was too full with questions and doubts. What if this was slowly killing me? The only way to know, was to keep going with it. 

"Yeonjun has been easing the headaches, right?" Taehyun asked as he stood as well, his plate now empty. 

"Yeah, usually." Another question that was unanswered. Yeonjun always showed up after a training session, offering to ease my migraine. I didn't have enough guts to ask why he kept doing it, I was thankful for it either way. I had learned the hard way that human medicine only knocks the edge off of it. 

"Good... Dumah said that would be a good way for him to help keep eyes on things, make sure it's not causing any unseen damage." 

I guess that did help ease my nerves a little, not much but, a little. 

I stay lost in thought as I head for the training room, like everyday. Thoughts over last night, still fresh in my head. At some point, I had fallen asleep... which was very pitiful. I was shocked to find myself in my bed this morning, I figured I would wake on the training room floor. 

"Today we're going to do a little different training." Taehyun offered with a smile as he picked a tennis ball up. 

I raise a brow, I had already passed that one days ago. 

"Think fast!" 

I yelp and drop to the floor as the ball goes flying over my head. "What the hell?"

The silver haired man was bent over laughing, his hands on his knees. 

"What was that for?" I ask a little grumpy, he had almost whacked me dead square in the forehead. 

"We need to start working on your reflexes when using your powers." 

"So you give no warning, almost knocking me out?" My voice went up a pitch as I go after the ball, snatching it up, I throw it at his still hunched figure. 

It stops right before it meets his chin. My eyes widen as I finally see him use some of his powers. 

"I have to admit, that was pretty cool." 

"You have to learn that as well." He grabs the ball and tosses it a few times. "No warnings, you have to hone your senses, they will adapt to be naturally heightened, thanks to the demon." 

That was how my day went, dodging, getting hit, sometimes catching the ball... with my hands. By the end of the day, I got nowhere. Taehyun said I moved a tiny bit faster but, I'm sure he was lying to make me feel better. 


My eyes leave the book I had been reading, I was going back over the books of mythical creatures, trying to double check the facts on them. 

"Taehyun said you may not have a headache today?" Yeonjun walks in like any other day, hands shoved in his pockets as he leans on the door frame. 

"Nope, my head only hurts from getting hit by the ball so many times." I bring my eyes back down, feeling embarrassed by the fact I had failed so easily today. "I took medicine already." I add as I flip a page. 

He lets out a hum and turns to leave. 

"Thanks, for not leaving me in the training room after..." I fell asleep hugging you. No, I was not going to say that out loud. 

I get no response as he starts walking away again, I didn't feel bothered by him not responding. It was better than some sarcastic remark I'm sure he was ready to shoot at me.

I close the book, my eyes unfocused as they rested on the "wall". I was feeling dread, something was telling me that Rerek was going to retaliate for me tearing a piece of his throat out. I didn't know if I did actual damage or not. I was hoping that what I did really didn't do anything, if it did, I knew. I was going to pay for it.

I blink and look towards the hall. Should I ask him? Before thinking things over, I set the book down, and head for his room. I wanted to know, I needed to know. 

I reach up and knock with my curled pointer and middle finger. I hear nothing for a few heartbeats. I wondered if he had even came to his room. I step back a little as the door gets pulled open, a little too fast. 

"What?" Yeonjun asked with a raised brow. 

"I need to ask you something..." I pull my hand closer to my side and start poking my thumb with the nail of my pointer finger. My nerves bubbling up as he stands there, not moving. 

"About?" He drawls out as he drops his hand from the doorknob. 

"It's about when I was in my head, with Rerek... something happened." 

He pushes his door open, stepping out of the way. I walk in and stop a few feet from the door, not knowing if I should sit or not. My eyes follow Yeonjun as he brushes by, sitting down on the edge of his desk. 

"Go on." 

I sigh and just say fuck it, sitting down on his bed. "I ripped a piece of Rerek's throat out... with my hand." I look down at my hands in my lap, the ghost of the sensation washing over my right hand. 

"He was trying to provoke me, trying to fuel my anger towards all of you. I guess, he was wanting to take over... but, I knew he was the one that sent the demon after my father. I was so angry... I just didn't think." I continue as he still says nothing to stop me. "Before, my hand would just go right through him but, this time it didn't." I look over to him, wanting to see how he was taking the information. 

His head was tilted down as he seemed to be thinking it over. 

"What happened after that?" 

"Well... he grabbed his throat and stumbled away from me. There was a lot of black liquid. Then I was snapped out of it."

"Sounds to me like, you actually managed to cause some damage." Yeonjun shrugged, unbothered as always. 

"Is that bad? What will he do back?" My panic starts to bubble back up, what would the demon do now to get back at me? "Will he go after the rest of my family?" 

He lets out a sigh running a hand over his face. "Calm down, we were already making plans for your family." 

"What do you mean?" I stand up quickly. I didn't want my family drug into this mess, I had already lost one of them. 

"We were planning on wiping their memories of you, and sending them far away from here." 

"What?" My voice came out almost as a whisper. They were going to make them forget about me? Send them away..? "What about me being on the news? Won't that make the cops a little suspicious, if they just up and left?" 

"We're faking your death." 

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now