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I shut them all out, I closed my door right in their concerned faces like a total bitch. I needed time alone though, away from their looks of worry and pity. My father was dead, gone. He took his own life.

All because of you...

The demon whispered from some far off corner in my mind. It had started this again, the voice I know could tell was not my own, it was rough and full of malice. It wanted me to let go and die. It kept nagging me, almost begging me at some points to break under the pressure of my emotions that were building up.

I can't, I have to keep it all under control.

My mother had not only thought she lost me, but she lost my father. Really lost him this time. It wasn't like when they split, for the sack of our family. They just didn't click and they were both killing themselves with acting as if they were still in love. My mother found someone while they were falling apart, a man that made her smile and laugh again. My father didn't find that but, he was happy to see my mom living again. She had two beautiful daughters with her new husband, my amazing little sisters...

I lost them all. I lost him for the rest of my life now. I'd never get to hear his lame jokes as we cook, never get to see him laugh as I came back with a sarcastic remark.

He was gone.

All because of this demon.

"It's not my fault," I say out loud as I stand, I felt angry, pissed, no. I was furious. "This is on you! You fucking bastard."

Out of nowhere my knees give out from under me. My knee caps hit the floor hard, the jolt of my fall to the hard wood floor resonates up my legs.

I felt the demon willing my body to the ground. I grit my teeth as I place my hands on the ground, using everything in me to stay off the floor.

"Didn't know demons were so sensitive." I bit out, I could feel not
only my own anger but, the demons as well.

Something had changed, shifted. The demon wasn't worried about fooling me anymore, he wasn't worried about hiding in the back of my mind. Maybe he was growing restless with how long it was taking for me to die?

I gasp as my arm snaps at the elbow, my limp now in an awkward angle. The pain came as quick as the snap did, red hot pain shooting up my arm, my nerves screaming in protest from the injury. Our battle of wills ended right then.

I let myself fall face first onto the floor, knowing my nose was probably broken as well.


The demon taunted me.

I felt hot anger tears build up in my eyes. The pain from my arm didn't help at all.

It was snapped right at the elbow. I could see it swelling already. I bite my lip as I try and hold the tears back. The stabbing pain getting worse as I try and sit up.

"Fucking demon." I growl out, I needed to focus on something other then my bones grinding together.

I pant as I stumble to my feet, the pain was growing worse as my arm sung limply at my side. I could also feel blood trailing down from my nose, over my lips and down my chin. I keep my lips closed firmly, not wanting any blood to get into my mouth. A few drops land on the floor as I clumsily make my way to the door, I needed someone to help.

I felt weak in that moment.

I lean on the door and let myself slide down until my butt hit the ground. My head was spinning, not just from the pain, the demon was causing it too. Something just felt off, like someone was pushing against a wall in my head, trying to gain control.

I close my eyes and lean my head back on the wall, I needed to keep fighting back.


Yeonjun felt something off as he laid in bed, half asleep. He was just about to drift off when he felt the very subtle change in the air.

There was a demons presence.

In a blink of an eye he was in Evelyn's room, his dark eyes scanning the room. The only light was a small slip of the city lights coming through the curtains, though with his heightened senses, he could see just fine.

He could also hear her labored breathing before he saw her.

He knew right away her arm was broken by the way it lay twisted and bent at her side, an arm was not meant to bend that way. The lower part of her face was also covered in blood.

He knew there wasn't anyone else here, he knew the way Rerek's powers felt, he knew his presence.

The fight Evelyn had, was an internal one. One that seemed to not be over.

He walked over to her slightly slumped form and squatted down, placing the tip of his pointer and middle finger to her temple, closing his eyes.

He sighed in frustration, he couldn't break in so easily this time. Someone was keeping him out. Wither it was Rerek, or Evelyn, he didn't know.

His eyes ran down her arm, thinking her being locked in her mind would be a good time to reset her bones. He could heal small wounds and ease up headaches but, a broken bone was a bit more complicated.

The cuts she had received from that stray demon were hard enough, sapping a lot of his energy. A bone would more then likely take a lot more. Mending bones was never an easy task but, it had to be done. He wasn't going to leave it to heal naturally, that would take too long.

He sighed again as he placed a hand on the the upper and lower part of where her arm had snapped, biting his lip. This was going to hurt a lot, hopefully snapping her out of her mind and away from the demon. He didn't feel like she would be in a good place to face the demon in her mind, not after her father's death.


"You're a fool. A human that thinks they can learn to control me? No one can keep me locked away forever."

I couldn't see anything but, I felt something all over me, caressing my skin. It felt like fog was brushing over my skin. It had started at my ankles, slowly crawling up my legs and torso. Then it was around my neck, it made breathing feel slightly more difficult.

"I'll do my best." My voice was strained, the "fog" around my neck giving a tuck and pulling me forward. I felt myself fall into something hard and hot.

"I'll have your soul, soon enough." A rough hand ran down the length of my cheek, stopping when it replaced the weird "fog" around my neck. Then, it was squeezing.

Just as fear was digging deep into my stomach, something yanked me away from the demon. My mind not worried about the fear and panic I was just feeling as pain washed over my senses once more.

I woke to myself biting down hard one something that was soft... and tasted like a shoe.

I spit the thing out and sling my head back, my eyes closed shut as I try not to scream. Once I mustard enough will power, I look down. My arm was bent back to its original state but, the pain was still very much there.

Yeonjun was sat in front of me, his eyes closed tight as his hands rested on my once fucked up arm. Before I could ask what he was doing, I felt the same burning/stinging pain I had felt when he was healing those cuts the Eidolon demons claws had left. I use my free hand to grab the thing that had been in my mouth, just briefly noting that it was a belt. Placing it back in my mouth, I bite down hard. Anything to keep my from screaming bloody murder, or biting my own tongue in two.


You know, self doubt may make some readers not like my work... buttttt, I feel like this part is bad. Feels rushed and not what I wanted. I have writers block, so I'm fighting through that rn. I keep looking on pintrest, tiktok, youtube, for inspiration but, nothing is helping. Anyone know where to find good scene prompts? Like scene only, I keep finding actual story prompt/ideas and those are just making my place go into book idea mode. Ugh.


A lil feed back would be great but, I won't beg for it bc ik that maybe annoying to some.

Hope everyone is having a good day/night.

Broken • Choi YeonjunUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum