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Yeonjun punched the bag over and over again, trying to calm the thoughts running through his mind. Evelyn was back to dying, Taehyun was able to slow the process down, but there was only one way to really stop it. She would have to give her mortal life up...

Did Yeonjun really want her to become immortal like him? Or did he want her to pass like he thought she was going to before Taehyun did his spell...?

Then, there was the fact he already told her he cared for her, even going as far as kissing her.

"Stupid." He grumbled as he hit the bag harder then before.

He had done nothing but make a bigger mess for himself, one he did not know how to fix.

"Someone is in a foul mood."

Yeonjun let out acuss under his breath as he heard the most annoying person he knew.

"What are you still doing here?" He asked the half demon as he stopped the bags swinging.

"I was told to stick around until Evelyn didn't need my blood anymore." Soren said with a grin. He knew he was pissing Yeonjun off, that's exactly what he wanted.

"I can always come to hell to get the blood we need." Yeonjun replied as he started to take his gloves off, he was not planning on sticking around and chatting.

Soren paused and acted as if he was thinking it over. "You could, but then I wouldn't get to see her drink it."

Yeonjun paused as he realized what Soren had just said. He brought his eyes up to meet the half demons, he could see the humor in Soren's eyes. "Say something like that again, and I will personally escort you back to the hole you came from."

"Did I say something wrong?"

Yeonjun turned for the door, he knew Soren was trying to upset him. He was up to something, and Yeonjun was not going to play into it.

"I know why you care for her, though you have acted like you hate her. I know what is really going on, Yeonjun..."

"What are you talking about?" Yeonjun asked as he bent over to grab his phone and water bottle.

"Don't play coy with me, we both know what happened when she came back. Andromalius has knew something was up from the start, he just wanted to test his theories."

"What theories?" Now Yeonjun turned to face Soren, he felt a small bubble of panic start to form. He pushed it down as soon as he felt it, there was no reason to panic.

"You and Evelyn.... She marked you."

Yeonjun said nothing as he turned on his heel to leave.

"Should I tell Evelyn what's going on? Or just let you keep playing with her head?"

"I am not playing with her head." Yeonjun stood there with the door halfway open.

"Really, then what are you doing? We both know you will never accept her, you want her to die, don't you? Make it where you don't have to worry about having anyone know you were marked by someone. Are you the reason she's dying again? You did something, blame it on me and act like you care for her so no one thinks it was you?"

Yeonjun slammed the door shut and turned to face the smiling half demon.

"You really think I did something to her?" He questioned Soren. Yeonjun could feel anger now building up as Soren's smile grew bigger.

"Yes, I do. It would make sense, you hated her from the start. When Taehyun healed her, that messed up your escape route. Now, you had to make a new one."

Yeonjun made it across the room in the blink of an eye and pushed Soren to the wall by his neck. "Keep talking and you'll regret it."

"You can't kill her out right, so you have to make it seem like she's dying from the demon fragments. Perfect plan, I must sa-"

Soren's words were cut off when Yeonjun quckily snapped the demons neck. He let go, letting Soren's body hit the floor with a 'thump'. The half demon would wake up in a few hours.

"Woah, what the heck is going on?"

Of course it had to be her.

Yeonjun turned and left the room, not sparing her even a glance. He only hoped she didn't hear anything that was said.


My eyes went from the door that was just slammed shut to the half demon that lay looking dead on the floor. I wondered if I should try and help him or just leave him.

Leave him. And that's what I did.

I left the weird half demon slumped on the floor, looking like he had just broke his neck. I don't even bother to find one of the others to let them know what I had walked in on. Soren was a half demon, I was sure he would be find. I only wondered what he had done to make Yeonjun knock him out... though, knowing those two, Soren probably said something to piss Yeonjun off on purpose.

That demon really didn't care who he pissed off.

I had just made it back to the dorm when I hear Yeonjun yelling in the kitchen.

"I don't care what Andromalius says, I want him gone. Now!"

I creep down the hall as I hear Soobin ask him why he wanted him gone so badly.

"He's up to something." Was Yeonjun's reply.

"What makes you say that?"

"Haven't you seen how he acts around Evelyn? He-" Yeonjun stopped as I made it right by the door frame.

I scurry back as Yeonjun comes storming around the corner.

"You really have to be in everyone's business, don't you?"

"You said my name, so it's my business too." I reply smartly.

"Keep your nose out of my conversations."

"Then, keep my name out of your mouth." 

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now