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I stare down at my legs. The black on my right leg was now all the way up to my hip, my left one not that far behind it.

I was leaning on the edge of the tub as I sat lost in thought.

Was this really how I wanted to die? Would I even try being a soul collector to get away from this pain? Maybe I should just ask someone to end it now, stop my suffering.

I make my mind up, I was going to ask them to end it for me.

I force myself out of the bathroom, heading for the living room. My heart was racing not just from the effort it took to walk, but also from the thought of what I was about to ask them.

I make it to the living room and take the empty armchair. My eyes going over Soobin and Huening Kai as they played a game on the tv. I wait for them to finish their round before I open my mouth.

"I was wond-"

"I did it!" Taehyun's scream cut me off just as I started talking. "I craked the code!" His wide eyed landed on me, a bright smile on his lips as he held the grammaire up in the air.

"You did?" I question a little dazed.

"I did!" He said excitedly as he came over and pulled me to my feet, hugging me.

"That's-That's great." Was this maybe a sign that I wasn't meant to die? Just as I was about to ask them to end it, Taehyun came in and stopped me... Maybe there was a little hope I could still live a mortal life.

He pulled back, the smile still strong on his face. "I just have to gather a few more things, and then we can try the spell."

"What all do you need?" Soobin asked as he sat his controller down, his full attention now on his happy friend.

"Some Artemisia, I can get that in two days... some clear quartz, obsidian, a few other small things, and demon blood."

"Demon blood?" I choke out as I look up at him with wide eyes. He said it so nonchalantly.

He hummed before closing the book. "We need some blood from Buer, he is a demon with strong healing powers."

"How soon are you planning on us summoning him?" Soobin stood up wiping his hands on his pants, looking a little nervous.

"I have a few things to get, so tomorrow?" Taehyun suggested as he turned to look at the group's leader. Now that he wasn't hugging me, his powers that he had been using on me faded away, making me sit back down.

Soobin nodded his head as he thought it over. "I'll find a good location."

"Have you summoned a demon before?" I question Taehyun as he sits on the arm of the chair I was in. resting his hand on my shoulder. "And, do you think you should save your energy?"

"I can just go 'touch some grass', as Yeonjun likes to say. And yes, we have summoned a few before."

"They were lesser demons though." Hueniung Kai added as he turned the game off. "I was never around for them though."

"Because you're an angel?"

"Yup, lesser demons are scared of me. Can't really make a deal with a dense demon if it's freaking out."

It was a funny thought, something being scared of the sweet angel Huening Kai.

"I guess I'll go let Yeonjun know the plan." Taehyun gave my head a pat before he stood up. "Soon enough, you'll be better."

I couldn't help but smile at him, despite the pain in my legs, I was happy.

Things may be looking up.

My eyes go up as Yeonjun comes storming into the living room, his eyes set on the door. I flinch as he slams the door.

"What was that about?" I ask Taehyun as he enters the living room.

"No idea." He shrugs staring at the door for a moment. "I told him the plan, and he just got mad."

Was he mad that there maybe a chance for me to live? Of course, he was. He thought he was getting close to getting rid of me.

I ball my hands up as I realize how stupid I was for having a little hope he wasn't just being nice because I was dying.

"Do you think he's mad that you guys are trying to save me?"

"No, why would he have been mad about you not wanting to take Andromalius deal if he wanted you dead?"

"Maybe he was just putting a front on? So no one could get mad at him?"

"I don't think so." Taehyun shook his head. "Let's just forget about him for now, I have to go fetch somethings, will you be okay?"

I nod and offer him a smile. "I'm fine, do what you have to do. I'll be here."


There was a chance she could live a mortal life...?

Why did Yeonjun feel this panic from the news his friend just gave him?

He had accepted the fact she was going to die, making things easier on him. Now he may not have it easy, he may have to tell the truth and deal with what was going on.

Of course nothing was easy in this world, why did he even let himself think that?

He could just go back to being cold towards her, keep her pushed away from him...

Back to square one then.

It was best this way, no one needed to know.


Things are starting to get thick...

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