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My eyes scan the dance floor, looking for my friend that had convinced me to come out to this ridiculous club opening. She was no where in sight, she had been dancing with a man she had introduced as her "friend", in other words a fuck buddy.

A sigh leaves my mouth as I turn back to the bar, my coke sat half drunk, I wasn't going to drink tonight, I was in a bad part of town and I knew that Shea would be shit faced before the night was halfway over.

I didn't expect her to leave me so soon, she had promised to stay with me all night seeing as she knew this side of town but, she was gone with no word of where she was going.

After searching the club from corner to corner I come to the conclusion her and her man had left.

"Great." I mumble as I head for the door, the sounds of the club fading as I walk away. The air wasn't as dense with the smell of sweat and alcohol, it was more of a trash and old water smell now.

This side of town was bad news at night, actually anytime of day, just worse when the sun went down and people came out for drug deals and alcohol.

My eyes leave my phone screen as I hear the sound of heels clicking in an awkward way. A woman with short blonde hair was stumbling my way, I could tell she was drunk out of her mind.

I cringe as I watch her fall into a wall of a closed smoke shop.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" I ask as I make it to her side.

She turns and leans her back on the wall letting me see her face, her makeup was a running mess and her eyes were a little red.

"I'm fine, just going home." She said before she ran a hand through her already messy hair.

"Where do you live?" My hand shots out and grabs her upper arm as she slides along the wall a bit.

"A few blocks down." She said pointing the way she had been heading.

"I'll walk you." I offer knowing if this was me or Shea I would want someone to help us.

"I-I got it." She said while waving her hand a little wildly.

I look down the street both ways seeing that their were people leaning here and there mostly sipping on bottles or passing cigarettes, something was telling me she didn't have it, she was drunk.

"Ma'am, please. I don't feel right leaving you alone, what if someone tries to attack you?" No way she could fend anyone off.

The woman looks around and sighs before agreeing to let me help her. I pull her arm around my shoulder and head the direction she had said her house was.

"Turn right here." She said pointing her hand to a not so safe looking street.

My heart was racing as we walk between two closed warehouses, the walls covered in dark graffiti, their windows broken, the whole street felt eerie.

"Hold on, I think I'm going to throw up." The woman pulled away and leaned on the wall across from me her head ducked down as her shoulders rose and fell in a fast pace.

"I'll hold your hair." I offer stepping behind her and pulling her hair back and then turning away, I did not have the stomach to watch someone puke, even the sound of it would make me sick.

Sure enough she threw up all over the ground, her body heaving a few times before she stood up and wiped her mouth with the hem of her shirt.

I step away and take a few deep breaths to hold down any food I had in my stomach. "Okay, let's keep go-"

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now