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This book contains a lot of blood, gore, strong language, mentions of suicide, sometimes attempts at it, death, maybe murder.

This book starts off with some of these things, so if you're sensitive to anything listed above... don't read this book.


His crooked smile made my skin crawl, I knew this man in front of me was not normal, he relished in the blood he had just shed.

The body's that covered the ground made him happy, made him feel alive.

"What are you?" I ask in a low whisper as my eyes look over the blood that pooled around his feet.

"Broken," He replied with a chuckle. "I'm nothing more then a broken person, just like you."

"I would never do this." I snap as my eyes come up meeting his again, there was no emotion there, he felt no remorse for taking lives. "Killing people is not normal!" I yell as I feel anger taking over the fear in me.

He tilted his head to the side with a hum. "True, I shouldn't have said person, because I'm not a 'person' per say." He wiped his hands on his pants leaving bright red streaks over the light blue material.

"What are you then?" I knew before he admitted that he wasn't a 'person', a person could not do this.

"Like I said, broken." He said with a wicked looking grin. "I'm a fallen angel."

I swallow thickly as I realize what he meant. "You're a demon?"

He pointed his finger at me and shook it a little. "Movies and books have made everyone believe that fallen angels become demons, not all do, some of us choose a different path."

"And what path did you choose? It looks to me as if you're a demon," I wave my hand to show the mess he made. "You did this after all."

"I'm a soul collector."

"Isn't that a demon?" Honestly why was I still standing here? Why was I letting him explain himself, this all seemed to crazy to be real, fallen angels were a thing? Demons, all of that fake stuff was actually real? I had to be dreaming, maybe I drunk more then I thought and passed out.

"No, I collect the souls that demons have tainted, or even demons themselves, sending all those souls where they belong, either it be haven or hell, I don't know and don't care as long as I get to kill and stay on earth."

"None of this makes sense!" I raise my voice a little as I grip my hair, I felt like I was going crazy, I had just woken up to find everyone dead, maybe I was still dead and this was my personal hell?

"The less sense it makes, the better." He said leaning back against the wall and looking over his nails that were still stained with blood. "You really want to know what's going on? Or do you want to walk away and forget all of this happened?"

Of course I wanted to walk away and forget all of this had happened, but how could I forget I had died? The cut in my shirt that was stained the same color as his nails was enough of a reminder to the fact I had died not even an hour ago.

"How can I walk away when I somehow came back to life?" I step away from a stream of blood that was making its way to me over the concrete floor. "Did I die...?"

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now