Boss Luffy Historical Special

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This lovely story was requested by @pandasupergirl

3rd POV

It was a normal day in Grand Japan. (__) was where she was, as usual, working at the shrine with a crowd of lovesick men watching her work.
"Talk about beautiful. You and I should go out on a date." One of the guys said.
"She'll go out with me if anything." Another said.
(__) ignored them going into the back to grab the broom. What she didn't realize was that she was being followed by five very persistent men.
"So how about it. Wanna go out?" One of the guys asked with a smirk.
"No thanks. I'm busy."
"Don't play hard to get. I know you want to. Come on." He said stepping closer to her.
"I said no okay. Leave me alone." She said now slightly irritated. The guy tried grabbed (__) but was stopped when someone suddenly grabbed his wrist. He was about to yell at the person who stopped him until he saw who it was.
"Y-Young Master?!?!??"
"Leave the pretty lady alone and get lost," Doflamingo said with a cold stare.
"Y-Yes, sir!!"
"Thanks for that but what are you doing here?"
"I came to check up on my little angel. Good thing I did to or else who knows what could have happened."
"There would have been 5 beat up guys."
"Fufufufu!! Like I would expect from. Beautiful but deadly."
"So what do you want?"
"What do you mean?" He asked with a grin.
"You and I both know you want something so spit it out. What is it?"
"A date."
"A date?!" She repeated.
"Yes. Right now."
"But I'm working."
"I don't care. Let's go." He said while pulling (__) along with him.
"Hey, wait! Stop! I can't just leave!" Despite her cried of complaint Doflamingo still took her to the center of town. As they were walking a certain raven-haired boy along with a blonde happened to see the two.
"Is that (__)?" Marco asked.
"Why is she with that jerk?" Ace asked clearly annoyed. The duo follows (__) and Doflamingo as they walked into a restaurant. It was a high-class restaurant filled with the best waiters, food, and decorations. Doflamingo and (__) sat at a table for two as they waited for their menus while Marco and Ace watched through a window.
"Is it just me or does this look like a date?" Marco asked but when he got no response he looked over at Ace who was even more upset than before. "Ace are you okay?"
"No, I'm not!!!" He yelled. "I can't believe it! Why him!! Why would she go out with that blonde flamingo and not me!"
"Calm down. People are starting to think your crazy." Marco whispered looking over at the crowd of people giving them weird stares. They watched the entire date unfold in front of them. (__) was actually having fun at her dinner with Doflamingo. They were talking and laughing like people normally did on dates. When dinner was over it was already dark so most of the people in the city were already home with their families.
"Wait my home is that way." (__) pointed out.
"I wanna show you one more thing first," Doflamingo said. He took her all the way to his large castle filled at the top of the hill.
"Welcome home Master, Mistress." The maids greeted.
"Why do they keep calling me that?" (Y/n) asked slightly irritated.
"Because you are my soon to be wife," Doflamingo responded with a grin.
"You just be delusional. No way that's happening."
"We'll see about that." He began walking up a flight of stairs. He took her to his room which was connected to a balcony. "Look outside." (__) curiously made her way to the balcony door. When she slide them open she was met with a beautiful view of Grand Japan. She saw miles and miles of little shops, houses, and such with small flicker of lights on from candles. When you looked at it all together it seemed as if the city was glowing but what shined bright then that was the moon and the stars. It was a full moon tonight and seemed to be even bigger then she had ever seen it. Surrounding it was small flickers of lights that illuminated the whole night sky. The moon shined its light on the large river down below making it look even more magical than before.
"Wow..." Was all (__) was able to muster. She moved to the edge of the balcony staring up at the night sky and then down at the city below. (__) turned around with a big smile plastered on her face. Doflamingo was shocked by her beautiful she was. He didn't think it was possible for her to be even more gorgeous than she already was. With the background of the city and the river along with the moonlight shining on her so it seemed like she was glowing he was completely entranced. "This is so amazing! Thanks for showing me Flamingo!" (__) said engulfing him in a surprising hug. He was shocked and did nothing at first but then he slowly wrapped his arms around her waist. (__) leaned up surprising Doflamingo again with a kiss on the cheek. "I really appreciate it."
'Twice in one day. No one's ever surprised me like this.' Doflamingo thought you himself. 'She's special if she has this effect on me and I'm not going to lose her to someone else.'

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