Chapter 62

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3rd POV

Out in the middle of the sea, a certain pirate group was busy getting drunk.
"Cheers!!!" The red-haired pirate yelled lifting up his mug.
"Hey, Captain have you heard that (__) is traveling with Luffy now." Lucky Roo said as he took a bit of his meat.
"So my little sister finally got to see Luffy again. I'm happy for her but..."
"But what?" Benn asked.
"I miss her so much! I want her to join our crew so bad!" Shanks complained.
"I miss her too Captain. It was fun having her around to mess with." Yasopp said while taking a sip of his drink. All of a sudden a bird flew by dropping a ton of newspapers on the ship. A lot of the crew picked it up interested in what it had to say.
"Hey what's up? What does it say?" Shanks asked curious. One of the men handed Shanks the newspaper and Yasopp and Benn read along with him curious as well.
"What!?!?" Shanks yelled spitting out his drink.

*with Mihawk*

On a small boat, Mihawk was sailing through the ocean heading to Marineford. That's when he noticed the newspaper bird drop something on his ship. He picked it up and read through it completely shocked by the title on the front page.
"What is she thinking?"

*with Doflamingo*

Doflamingo sailed to Marineford on his very own ship. He left all of his men behind seeing as they were not needed for this task. He was slaughtering a pirate group that foolishly decided to challenge him. He sat on top of the pile of dead bodies with an evil grin. When he looked around the ship he noticed a newspaper on the floor with (__) name on it. Interested in what new things they had to say about his little angel he used his powers to bring then paper closer to him.
"Hmm, what are you up to my little angel."

*at Whole Cake Island*

"Big Brother Katakuri!!" Brûlée called out. "Where are you!! She was looking everywhere for a big brother in order to show him the newspaper she just read. She decided to look at the only place she hadn't check yet, his room. When she got there she asked the door if she could enter and it let her.
"Brûlée was is it?"
"You need to look at this." She said while handing him the newspaper. Brûlée watched as her older brother's face turned from his usual stoic expression to utter shock.
"Why would she do that?"

*on the Moby Dick*

Many of the Whitebeard pirates were getting ready for the upcoming battle against the marines. When a news bird flew by Marco bought a paper interested if there was any news on Ace. Before opening it though he went back to Thatch's room where Izo already was.
"Marco you were supposed to bring Thatch's lunch," Izo said unpleased.
"Hey is that a newspaper? Does it say anything about Ace?" Thatch's asked.
"I don't know I haven't read it yet."
"Well read it." Izo said with his hands on his hip. Marco brought the newspaper up to him unrolling it so he could read it. Suddenly Marco froze alarming both Izo and Thatch.
"What is it?" Thatch asked worried but Marco said nothing.
"Here let us read it," Izo said snatching the newspaper away. Marco sat down on the chair nearby with his hands in his hair. Izo sat down on the free space of Thatch's bed so the two could read.
"What the hell is this?" Izo said surprised.
"What is she doing?" Thatch asked worry eminent in his eyes.
Enchanting Goddess (__) attacks a Marine Base and is Sent to Impel Down.

(__) POV

I expected to get sent down to the fourth level or something like that but instead, I'm stuck on Level 1. It's going to take forever to get to Ace if I have to go through all the levels. They had me walk across some grass that was actually just spikes on the floor. All the prisoners were crying in pain while I was just stuck in my thoughts. I honestly didn't even really feel the pain. Thanks to my father's torture sessions things like this really don't affect me.
After a little while, I was sent to my cell with about 5 other strangely happy prisoners in it. They just kept staring at me the whole time I was there. Soon enough Magellan came by to check on me. He seemed a little surprised when he first saw me but then quickly regained his composure. He probably expected me to be crying in pain or something.
"How's level 1 treating you."
"Honestly I'm not going to lie, I don't feel a thing," I said with a smile. "So anyways mind taking me to level 2 now?" He said nothing but opened my cell so that I could get out. As we were walking it was completely silent so I decide to ask the question that has been bothering me all this time.
"Why did you send me down to level 4 or 5? My bounty is way over 100 million."
"Because you aren't dangerous. Your bounty is only high by association. It has nothing to do from your skills."
"Oh really so you think I'm not dangerous," I said with a smirk. "That might be the biggest mistake you make." For a split second his eyes widen but that quickly changed back to his usual expression. Soon enough we made it to Level 2 the Wild Beast Jungle. Honestly, this might be my favorite level I get to play with cute little animals. I'm so excited.
Magellan put me in a cell and quickly left saying something about him needing to use the restroom.
"Man why did he have to look me in here," I complained putting my hands on the cell door. Surprisingly it opened making me fall face front. "Okay didn't expect that," I said getting up to a sitting position.
"Hey, pretty lady I would come back in here if I were you." One of the prisoners my cell said.
"They leave the door unlocked so that we think we can sea escape but it's all a trick. The wild beasts will hunt you down and kill. There's no point in trying." Wow, he sounds so sad and depressed. It's like he's given up all hope.
"Don't worry about me. I'm just going out to play with the cute little animals." I said while getting up and dusting off my white dress now with some cuts in it. The guy seemed surprised by what I said but he didn't say anything.
I walked within the level looking around for the beasts. When I heard some screams coming from not too far away I ran towards it. I saw three large weird faced lions chasing a couple of prisoners. The animal has human faces but they had the body of the island. I sighed internally to myself when I saw this. I was looking for cute animals but whatever they'll be fun to play with probably.
With that thought in mind, I ran in front of the lions stopping them in there tracks. They stared at me growling and I stared back as well. A second later and they started rubbing their heads on me and licking me. The ferocious beasts turned into obedient dogs in only a matter of seconds.
"Aww you guys are so sweet," I said while petting one of their heads.

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