Special 780-782

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Requested by @pandasupergirl. If anyone else has an requests comment.

(__) POV

"Hey cut it out!" Brook yelled trying to avoid zombie Luffy and Ace. We've been on the ship for a couple of days now without any food whatsoever. I was fine but some were taking it worse than others.
"AHHHH!!!!!" Chopper yelled before Ace and Luffy bit him like a piece of meat. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!"
"Luffy, Ace, you can't eat him!" Brook said trying to pull them away from poor Chopper.
"It's me guys!"
"Guys that's enough." I sighed hitting them both on the head so they let go of Chopper. Chopper, of course, came running in my ears with tears in his eyes,
"I can't do this anymore..." Nami said weakly falling on the ground. "We're in a dire straits without any food... Will we be able to see Sanji?"
"Come on guys it's not that bad! Don't give up yet!" I said optimistically.
"Hey! You guys!" Pedro called. "There's an island!"
"Oh, could it be..." Nami said shocked. "The island on the chart?!"
"Yes!!!!!" Chopper and Carrot cheered.
"The gods saved me!! It must be a reward for being so good all the time!" Nami said,
"Food!!!" Ace and Luffy cheered.
"Okay, guys!" Luffy began. "Let's go to the food island!"
"Wait!" Pekoms said. "Don't go to that island."
"Why?" I asked.
"Pirates shouldn't go there. That island is a Navy base!"
Ignoring Pekoms warning Nami, Brook, Luffy, Chopper, and I headed out to the island using the Shark Submarine. We encountered a group of marines which passed out from fear when Brook used his soul to scare them.
"Okay, everyone! Come out and get changed!" Brook said. Sadly for me, there was only two marine girl outsider there and Nami ended up grabbing the better one that was less revealing.
"Nami trade with me! Please!" I begged.
"No way. I got this one first."
"Fine, then I'll wear the men's uniform."
"I don't think you can pass off as a man." Chopper said.
"Why not? I'll just tie my hair up and bam I'm a man."
"Not with those boobs," Nami said.
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"You just can't find them that's all."
"Okay okay, I'll change."
I ended up wearing a short white dress with a large marine cape hanging on my shoulders and a hat. It was a strapless dress with a thin stripe of black at the top. It had four golden buttons going on two sides and two stripes of black at the side. I also had white gloves, brown thigh high socks, and my hair was left opened with my bangs being held back.

 I also had white gloves, brown thigh high socks, and my hair was left opened with my bangs being held back

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"I've never snuck into a navy base before. This should be exciting!" I said to Nami.
"I don't wanna wear this," Luffy complained.
"Wear it if you wanna get food!" Nami lectured.
Nami, Chopper, and I went to the edge of the cliff or down below we saw a marine ship burning on fire.
"I think it stopped. If we arrived here a little later, we would've run into the Navy ship." Nami said.
"I'm going back to the Submerge, okay?" Brook said before leaving.
"Nami look at the tower! The soldiers are carrying food there." Chopper pointed out.
"That must be their food supply. But their headquarters is close to it so we better watch out." I warned.
"Yeah, let's grab the food carefully without causing any trouble!" Nami said. "Okay, Luffy, let's go... he's gone!!!"
"There he is!" I pointed out. Luffy walked all the way to the headquarters using his keen sense of smell.
"Of all places, they're going to the headquarters! We got to catch them first! Let's go!" Nami said before running in and we followed behind. Luffy ended up walking into a crowded dining hall filled with hungry Marines. He popped himself down on one of the tables already with a couple of empty plates and ate away like there was no tomorrow. The moment I took a seat down I was immediately surrounded by a group of Marines all with hearts in their eyes.
"So pretty!!"
"I've never seen such a pretty girl!"
"Are you new here?"
"Yes, I am. I actually just transferred here under Vice-Admiral Garp's orders. It's so nice to meet all of you. I'm Kazumi." I smiled.
"I can die happy!"
"Oi! Men! We can't let such a lovely lady sit in such a small chair." Next thing I know they set up a fancy table for me to sit at with a red table cover and flowers in the center and a red cushion on the seat. "Please take a seat."
"Umm thanks but this is unnecessary," I said reluctantly seating down.
"Hey!!!" Luffy called. "(__)!!! (_-)" Luffy began but was luckily silenced by Nami. That was a close one. I thought I was fine until out of nowhere someone push through the crowd of men close to my ear. He had lavender hair, dark eyes, and a long face.
"You're Ms.(__) aren't you?" He whispered.
"No. You must have me mistaken for someone else." I whispered back.
"You can't lie to me I would recognize your face no matter how hard you tried to hide it." Oh crap! I'm busted! "After all, I stare at your wanted poster every morning and night!"
"You do what?!" I yelled.
"And now you're right here in front of me!!" He yelled with hearts in his eyes blowing kisses at me. "Oh, my beautiful amore!Please marry me!! You are the only one for me!!"
"Accept my love! Baciami!" He said moving closer to try and kiss me. Luckily the other male marines in the area quickly stopped him.
"Oh no, you don't Zappa!" One of the marines said.
"You're not scaring Kazumi like you did the other ladies!" Next thing you know that guy Zappa, is being kicked and thrown away from me.
"Are you okay Kazumi?"
"He didn't hurt you did he?"
"I'm fine. Thank you!" I smiled.
"Anything for you, Kazumi!" They all said with hearts in their eyes. The sound of my stomach growling filled the area drawing some attention to me.
"Oops. I forgot I haven't eaten in a while." I said rubbing the back of my neck.
"That's not healthy! We'll bring you some food right away!" One marine said and the next thing I know most of them are leaving to fight over who will bring me a plate of food. I swear they're acting so weird. It's nice but strange. Then a loud bell rang in the dining hall which was soon followed by an announcement made over the speaker.
"To all soldiers across the island! We found the invader! He's devouring curry in the cafeteria!" This announcement turned some of the marine's eyes over to Luffy. "He is none other than Straw Hat Luffy! For the pride of the Navy, catch them at any price! Don't let them escape from this island!"
Luffy paused for only a moment before going right back to eating. Then three men began to speak to him: one with shaved brown hair and a red mohawk, the other with unruly dark blue dreads tied in a ponytail and the last being the creepy guy from before. I stopped paying attention when the men from before finally returned with plates of curry. I took a bite of the food savoring every last taste as it was the first meal I've eaten in days. As I was eating Luffy got into a fight with some people however I wasn't really paying attention until one attack was headed for where I was. The large man with dreads was constantly attacking Luffy with finger pistols but was forced to a stop when a group of marines including the creep from earlier stood in his way because his attack was coming close to me.
"What are you doing?!" The large man yelled.
"You almost Kazumi!!!" The marines yelled.
"We can't let you hurt our beloved angel!"
This delay gave Luffy enough chance to escape through the exit while I, however, stayed behind finishing my food. I had already gone through two plates and I was working on my third one right now. Eating the last remaining pieces on my plate, I breathed out a long sigh before getting ready to head out to wherever Luffy disappeared to.
"Bye guys! Thanks for everything. I really appreciate it!"
"Where are you going?"
"Somewhere don't follow me, k?"
"Yes, ma'am!" They all saluted sigh hearts in their eyes.
"Ms.(__) wait for me, my beloved!!" The creep called sending shivers down my spine.
"Stay away!" I yelled as he moved closer to me.
"I can't stay away from my future wife! Come here!!" He said extending his arms out while puckering his lips to attempt to kiss me. The closer he got the more creeped out I became. Eventually, I couldn't just do nothing so I kept him right in the gut which sent him flying backward; however, that didn't get the response I was expecting. "Ms.(__) you're just as strong as I imagined!! Kick me more with your sexy legs!!"
"I said stay away!!" I yelled making a run for it.
"You can run but I'll always find you!! We're meant to be!!!"
"You're crazy! Stop chasing me you creep!!!!!"
"You already have a pet name for me!! It's like we're already together!!!"
"That's not a pet name!! What is wrong with you!!" I tried everything to lose him but he just wouldn't give up. Eventually, I ended up at the tower where the food supply was being kept. By the time I got there Luffy, Nami, and Chopper were all laying on the floor drenched in water for some odd reason.
"What the hell is wrong with you!!! Why are you still chasing me!!! Please stop!!!" I begged.
"I can never stop my love for you!!!"
"I just met you!!"
"We can get to know each other!!"
"Get this creep away from me!!!" I yelled. Finally, he stopped chasing me when the large marines with dreads held him back. The guy with the Mohawk stepped up to Luffy challenging him to a battle.
"(__) are you okay?" Nami asked.
"I'm fine."
"What's wrong with that guy?" Chopper asked.
"I don't know! He just started talking about marriage out of nowhere. He scares me!"
"He reminds me of Sanji," Nami said.
"No. Sanji isn't that creepy trust me."
I turned my attention back to the battle to find the marine covered in sweat while Luffy looked perfectly fine. It was fairly obvious that he was no match for Luffy but he was also determined to win. His metal arms released off some smoke and he let out a loud battle cry preparing for what seemed to be a final attack. He ran to Luffy throwing a punch of Luffy just dodged and quickly attacked with his own punch to the gut. This attack sent the marine falling back and sliding across the floor with his legs and arms spread out. This time he didn't get up again and we took this chance to make out escape. We ran all the way to a cliff where lights were shined at our faces by the marines down below.
"You pests! I can't let you pass through here. Have you ever imagined how many people are living in fear and tears from your barbarous acts?! All for your selfish dreams, despite the misery you cause guys to call it an adventure! And as Navy soldiers, we can't let you off!" The Vice-Admiral announced taking a long pause before continuing. "Otherwise... I'll be demoted!!"
"So you're doing it for your own benefit!!" The marine yelled.
"That's his fine-tunes justice works! And now, I'll take your lives! I won't let you get away, Straw Hat Luffy and Demon Princess (__)! I don't really care if you take that small amount of food. But since this island is the frontline base against Big Mom, if they HQ finds out that we were messed by you pirates, especially ones from the Worst Generation... I'll be reassigned with my retirement at hand! If I get demoted, my pension will be cut significantly! My well-funded retirement plan will be ruined!"
"What?!?! He can't stop speaking frankly!" Nami said.
"Anyway, the Submerge is tight there! If we can get to it, we win!" I said. The Marine Vice-Admiral faced his hand cannon towards the direction of the Submerge before pulling the trigger and caused a large explosion to occur.
"I used to fight your grandfather with this often."
"Gramps?!" I said surprised.
"That's right! When we were young, it was evenly matched against his fists!" The Vice-Admiral said proudly.
"Are you sure he wasn't going easy on you? You don't look even half as strong as Gramps." I asked irritating him.
"What was that?! I'll show you the power of my cannon! Have a taste!" Luffy quickly grabbed Nami and Chopper while I jumped off the cliff before we were hit by the incoming cannon.
"That was sudden and close!" Nami said trailing her clima tact around before it extended its length on both sides. "Thunderbolt Temp!!!" Lightning fell from the sky electrocuting two marines hiding shields. When the slay speaks of lightening disputing the marines smirked at each seemingly unaffected by her attack. Nami tried again and like last time it was a failure.
"It's been a few hours since you invaded the base! That was enough time for us to come up with a countermeasure! All we did was put rubber on shields, but doesn't it work well?!" The Vice-Admiral laughed. Chopper turned into Kung Fu Point attacking beating the marines despite their rubber shields.
"Shields can't stop me!"
"Nice try. Thunder isn't my only weapon! Don't underestimate me!... Mirage Tempo!" Nami generated multiple illusions of herself all different shapes and sizes while using the Marine's confusion to attack them with a gust sword.  Luffy, Chopper, and I followed Nami, attacking the marines nearby.
"(__)!!!!!" The Vice-Admiral yelled firing off multiple cannons which I dodged easily while quickly approaching him. Within a second I closed the gap between us and placed a hard kick to his gut which knocked him back a couple of feet until he was caught by the large marine from before.
"I was right. He is weak." I said to myself.
"Ms.(__) I'm back for you!!!" The creep yelled making me unconsciously back away in fright. The large marine pulled back his fists yelling a grunt while Luffy stepped to the two marines.
"Hahaha!!" The creep laughed. "Straw Hat! I'll kill you for Ms.(__) heart!!"
"Luffy you got this, right?"
"Great. I need to stay away from that guy as much as I can."
"I'll pay him back for you. I don't like him." Luffy suggested.
"Do what you like," I said plopping myself down on one of the smaller boulders to watch the battle unfold. Even with both of them, they were no match for Luffy.
"Everyone! Glad to finally see you again! What a relief!" Brook waved.
"Gee, we were worried about you!" Nami said.
"Yeah, he fires at me all of a sudden and I was scared half to death! I'm already dead though! Yohohoho! Of course, the Submerge is safe too! Oh, that was really terrible! I thought I was a goner!"
We were all getting ready to leave until the marine who lost to Luffy before showed up attempting to attack him but Luffy blocked in time. I believe I heard them call him Grount before.
"Straw Hat fight me! I will take you down with my left arm!" Grount said while releasing some steam from his metal arm. He let out a loud shriek as his metal arm broke away revealing a large fury red arm underneath it. It looked to be that of monsters and didn't fit with the size of his body.
"Guys. Go ahead." Luffy said and we all listening heading back to the Submerge. By the time we made it back to the Submerge the battle already nearing the end. Luffy used third gear to attack Grount but he pushed it aside with his beast arm. He charged forward exchanging multiple blows with Luffy. Luffy was then punched into the air but as he was soaring he blew on his hand turning it into third gear and covering it in Haki. He sent it crashing down and Grount jumped into the air using his beast arm to counter Luffy's attack. They kept pushing on each other to see who would win the match but in the end, the victory was Luffy.

After the battle was over we all safely returned to the Sunny with our bags of food; however, that food didn't last long. In only a couple minutes it was all devoured by the hungry people we left on the ship and Luffy.
"What are you guys going?!?!?!" Nami yelled.
"It can't be helped. I was starving..." Pekoms said rubbing his large stomach in satisfaction.
"Sorry! I ate too much." Pedro apologized.
"Is this really all you got?" Ace asked.
"What the hell is wrong with you!" Nami yelled.
"I can't believe it didn't even last 10 minutes..." Brook said slightly surprised.
"We should have expected this." I laughed.
"Luffy! What are we gonna do?!" Nami asked.
"Well, we'll be fine!"
"Oh yeah?! Then... hey, listen to me!"
"Nami relax," I said trying to calm her down. "We'll find some more food. Don't worry."
"You are way too optimistic!! This food was supposed to last us until we found Sanji!" Nami yelled while I laughed. "Hey, why are you laughing! This isn't funny! Listen to me!!!!"

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