Chapter 63

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(__) POV

Out of anger, I punched Teach in his stomach sending him flying into the wall so hard there was a large crater there now.
"Captain." One of his men said as Teach screamed in agony.
"You're making this harder for me (__)." Teach said getting up out of the rubble. I charged at him again to attack with my swords this time but Crocy got in front of me.
"Get out of my way," I said sending him a cold glare.
"No this is a waste of time and unnecessary. I want to get out of here fast enough so I can make the war, don't you."
"Fine," I said putting my swords back in their sheaths.
"You're strong just like I knew you were. Your exactly who I need by my side." Teach laughed. "If you want to be with the strongest crew then it's right here. Be my Pirate Queen!" This man has the nerve to ask me that. Now. It's taking everything I have not to kill him. After everything he did why would I ever want to be with him.
"(__)'s not going to be with you!! She'll be my queen!!!!" Luffy yelled. I don't think he really knows what that means.
"It's alright Luffy." I said to him in a calm kind tone but when I looked back at Teach, my eyes held nothing but hate. "Don't think because I'm letting you go I'm considering your offer. Next time we meet you're dead."
"I don't know about that but I'm excited to see you again." A second later I hear an explosion come from behind us.
"Oh, no warden Magellan is here!"
"Hey Straw boy, (__) you gotta get outta here. You can't risk getting poisoned by Magellan." Ivankov yelled.
"Who was that?" Luffy asked.
"That was Teach but you may know him as Blackbeard."
"That's Blackbeard!?!"
"Yes, but that's not important right now we need to go and save Ace." Luffy, Jinbe, Crocy, and I went to the stairs where the Minotaurus was making a mess.
"What are we going to do the closer that thing come the more we have to push back!" I walked closer to the Minotaurus with my head hung low ignoring the calls from the other prisoners to stop. Once I was in front of it he plunged his club down on me hoping to squash me like a bug. I stopped it by putting my arms above my head and crossing it so it took the impact of the attack. Then using the strengh from my legs I pushed against the Minotaurus strengh causing him to stumble backward. I took the change to punch him right in his stomach so he went flying to the wall.
"Did I just see that." Someone said in disbelief.
"She did that with one punch!"
"Nice job (__)!" Luffy said giving me a thumbs up.
"Ah, that felt great, I need to let off some steam," I smiled blissfully even going to wipe the sweat off my forehead as the other looked at me in disbelief. "Alright, guys you wanna get out of here don't you so let's go!"

"STRAW HAT!!!!!!!!" Magellan yelled from the foot of the stairs. By the time we made it to the third floor Magellan had already caught up to us using his Poison Hydras to poison anyone he caught up to. As the rest of us ran up the stairs to level 2 Ivankov and Inazuma stayed behind to deal with Magellan.
"There's something fishy going on. We are getting through here way too easy." Crocy said.
"Your right," I said suspiciously. This is way too easy.
"Indeed I was thinking the same thing. Also, I don't see any prisoners in the cell and all of the doors are wide opened. Someone must have come through and released them." Jinbe added. Soon enough we were able to make it to level 1 no problem at all. However, the demon guards were now up and wreaking havoc on the prisoners there.
"Bastard! What are you trying-." A man said after he bumped into Crocy.
"Are they okay?" I asked while still in Crocy's arms. They weren't saying anything at all but a blush was eminent across the faces of the two men on the floor. One of the guys had black hair that was shaped into a number three while the other had long blue hair tied in a ponytail and a clown nose.
"Beautiful." The two said at the same time.
"Captain Buggy..." one of the prisoners said. "Look those four guys knocked out all four of the demon guards!"
"What!?!??" The two said surprised at the same time.
"Straw Hat!?!?!?" The blue-haired one said.
"And that's the Shichibukai Jinbe!!" The other one said.
"Good I'm glad you guys made it out okay," Luffy said with a smile. Oh, so these are friends of Luffy I should introduce myself.
"I didn't know you two were friends if Luffy," I said getting out of Crocy's arms.
"I wouldn't call us friends exactly." The blue-haired one said sheepishly.
"Well anyways you know him so I should introduce myself. My name's (__). It's nice to meet the both of you." I said doing a closed eye smile not at all noticing the two blush.
"I am the Great Captain Buggy!" The blue-haired one said proudly.
"And I am Mr.3." Mr.3... Oh, wait now I remember. Bon Clay said he worked with a man named Mr.3 before so this must be him. All of a sudden Bon Clay came out of nowhere attacking the two with a barrage of kicks while saying something about them abandoning him and Luffy.
"Hydra." A familiar voice said from the staircase. No, he caught up.
"Oh crap, something bad happens to Iva and the crab guy!" Luffy said. Luffy grief charging at Magellan but Bon Clay stopped him. Nearby a group of marines were talking through a den den mushi about a plan to stop us.
"Crap this isn't good we need to hurry," I said to myself. They are planning to make all the ships leave so we have no way out this prison. What are the others doing?
One of Magellan hydras came right for where Luffy was but it was blocked by, wax? Wait where did that come from. That Mr.3 guy!? He was devil fruit powers.
"Glad that pile of garbage was good for something after all," Crocy said.
"Hey don't be rude Crocy."
Everyone took this chance to run away except for me and Crocy. Luffy told Jinbe to go while he stayed to fight Magellan.
"Are you sure about this Luffy? Ivankov said that you couldn't land a hit before." I said.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Don't you worry I got a plan." Luffy said with a smile. I sighed at myself for actually agreeing to let Luffy fight this.
"Fine, I'll leave it up to you okay. Good luck." I said after pecking him on the cheek. He was blushing and seemed surprised at first but that quickly changed into a cocky smile.
"You get out of here with Jinbe."
"Alright," I said walking away. "Let's go Crocy!" I said jumping into his arms. I really am lazy at times.
"Hey what's wrong Crocy you look more upset than usual."
"I'm fine."
"Mhm sure, you are."
Eventually, we were able to make it to the entrance of Impel Down. No one opened the door yet as they were still in disbelief that this was even happening. Some went back into their memories recalling the first time they came in here.
"And to think I almost passed on getting out of this joint," Crocy said.
"Alright ready your weapons everyone, it's time to open this door!!" Buggy announced.
"It's sunlight."
"I can taste the freedom!" Prisoners started yelling in pure happiness as the gate slowly opened allowing the sun to shine through the crack. All the prisoners ran outside excited to finally be free but I knew better. By now the ships were probably already gone.
"What the hell! Is this some kind of sick joke. There isn't a single navy ship in sight!" Buggy gaped. All the prisoners slowly lost hope and fill into a pit of despair as they realized that there was no escape.
"They got us. Gotta give them credit for not being as stupid as I thought they were. The water around here is surrounded by sea kings. As the saying goes the calm belt is the greatest barrier protecting Impel Down." Crocy said.
"We don't have to sit here mopping. Yes, the navy is gone but that's only because Magellan told them to and there not far look." Jinbe said. Just as Jinbe said in the distance I could see the shadows of the navy ships in the fog. Jinbe headed back to the door ripping off its hinges and carrying it over his head.
"I can't carry many but this should do. If you want to get moving hop on!" Jinbe then jumped into the water with the door floating on top. Crocy, Mr.1, and I were the first ones to hop on.
"Wait just the three of you. Fine."
"Hang on. Don't act like you forgot about the hero here you big blue turd. I know you guys need me so I'm coming along too! Hahaha!!" Buggy said confidently.
"Nice having you along Buggy," I said with a smile.
"You won't have to worry about a thing now that I'm here. Those marines are nothing compare to me just watch!" He said proudly.
"Well okay, I'm counting on that." Jinbe quickly took off towards the Navy ships. They ships like expected started firing at us and Jinbe dodged all of them by moving left and right.

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