Chapter 101

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(__) POV

"Look. The vivre card is pointing towards that." Trafy said taking out his vivre card.
"Oh, you're right! That means your friends are there!" Luffy said.
"I can't wait to see Zou, I've read about it in some books. It seems like fun!!" I said excitedly.
"I heard Zou blocks out invaders with dense fog and an adverse current," Trafy said.
"Don't forget about the headwinds they're especially hard here." Ace pointed out.
"Pull in the sails, we're rowing from here!!" Franky cheered.
"Okay." The crew said tired and sickly.
"Come on guys with more energy! Like this: Yeah!!!!" I smiled pumping my fist in the air.
"Strange they feel all better now," I said to myself.
"Guess you really are their goddess." Ace said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"I'm not a goddess!!!"

"Is this the island of Zou?" Luffy asked.
"No, that's strange!" Bartolomeo denied backing away a little.
"This is no good! Let's run!! Turn it around!" Usopp yelled.
"Straight ahead guys, I wanna go on the island!" I said excitedly.
"Do you not have eyes?! Look at that thing? It's not an island!!!"
"No, this is it." Trafy said.
"Tra-guy, but this is an elephant!" Luffy said.
"Yeah, Zou is the place that flourishes on the back of a massive elephant. It keeps moving so it'll never be at the same location. It's a phantom island. It's not actually an island so Log Poses won't get you here. I've never been here before either. It's showing it's back to us. That means Black Foot and the others couldn't have gotten here much earlier."
"So we were chasing an elephant that was walking away," Robin said.
"Yeah,  get ready to make landfall. Can you give us some food?" Trafy asked Bartolomeo.
"For you?!"
"Can you give Straw Hat some food?"
"Take everything in the food storage!!"
"So this is Zou! There are such unusual things outside our country!! I wonder if Momonosuke is okay." Kin'emon said.
"Oui, I heard there is a tribe that hates humans," Kanjuro sai,d.
"Oh that's the Mink Tribe. They hold off humans and people say the history of their country goes back nearly a thousand years." I explained,
"A thousand years?! On the elephant's back?!" Luffy said surprised. "Does that mean that elephant has been alive for a thousand years?!
"That's about right." Ace answered.
As we sailed closer and closer to the massive elephant we saw The Sunny ties to it. Bartolomeo was freaking out about seeing it and Zoro was getting annoyed by him.
"Good! So they made it to Zou for sure." Robin said relieved.
"I guess they got away from Big Mom nicely. There's no major damage." Franky said staring at the Sunny.
"Hey, Sanji!! Nami! Chopper! Brook! Momo! And... what was the gas guy's name?" Luffy yelled. He stretched his arm to grab the railing on the Sunny and hop on it.
"Do you see anyone?" I asked.
"N-no!" Luffy stuttered as he tried to keep his balance. All of a sudden the elephant's leg starting moving rocking both ships. The waves crashed against the ship shaking it. As the elephant took a step we were getting further away from Luffy on the Sunny. To keep us connect Bartolomeo used his barrier ability to create a bridge staircase connecting the Sunny and the Mister Luffy Go. When the leg stopped moving all of us took this chance to cross the staircase to go to the Sunny.
"I guess they all made landfall," Trafy said.
"Yeah! Let's catch up to them quickly!" Luffy said smiling.
After Bartolomeo and his crew moved some food into our storage we said our farewells and they went off into the sea. We all walked to the front of the ship and there Kanjuro started painting on the floor a picture of what I think is a dragon. Or it could be a lizard or was kinda hard to tell, but either way, it looked adorable.
"What is this?" Luffy asked.
"And why are you drawing on the ship?" I asked completely clueless. Next thing I know the drawing comes out of the floor and becomes real. It was a pink lizard, with brown antlers, and yellow curved spikes.
"Dra... Dragon... D-Dragon..." The cute dragon said struggling.
"Ahh, you're so cute!!!" I cheered.
"Some kind of pathetic creature appeared!" Usopp yelled.
"Don't call him pathetic!" I yelled at him. I looked over at Robin to see here blushing a little for some reason. After some yelling from Kanjuro, the pink dragon walked over to the elephant's leg and rested its paws on it.
"All right, everyone, cling to its back! It's gonna climb up!" Kanjuro said. Luffy was on top, then it was Zoro, Usopp, Robin, Ace, me, Trafy, Franky, Kin'emon, and Kanjuro.
"Alright, you can do it, Ryunosuke! Go!!" Luffy cheered.
"Go go go!!" I Cheered
"Kin'emon, Kanjuro. Come to think of it, why do you wanna go to Zhou?" Luffy asked.
"Oh yeah. We owe you people a lot so we must tell you everything eventually. But first, we need to feel safe." Kin'emon answered.
"Mmhm. Zou was always our destination since leaving the Land of Wano. We want to see if Momonosuke is okay and if another friend we were separated from at sea- Raizo, a ninja, has arrived here safely.
"A ninja?!!!" All the guys yelled at the same time shocking Robin and I.
"A ninja... I wanna meet him!" Luffy said with stars in his eyes.
"I wanna see a shuriken," Zoro said.
"Will he sit under a waterfall?" Usopp asked.
"Can ye really use supernatural ninja powers?" Law asked.
"I wanna see him fight. That'd be the coolest." Ace said with stars in his eyes.
"Can he disappear in an instant like they say?" Franky asked.
"What are you guys..." Robin said.
"What's wrong with them?" I asked.
"Yes, indeed!"
"Tell us! What kind of powers does he use?!!" Luffy asked excitedly.
"Um, for example, being able to see far away. Ninpo- Telescopic Technique!" Kanjuro explained.
All of a sudden we heard some weird noise come from above us.
"Luffy! Look up! Something's falling onto us!" Robin said.
"What is that?!!!"
"That's right! Raizo runs with that kind of rhythm. I think he has this kind of power. Ninpo- Blindfold Technique! Guess who!"
The thing which I think was a monkey fell right for us. All of us easily dodged it by moving to the side a little or ducking except for Kanjuro and Kin'emon. They got hit right in the face falling off the dragon and straight to the ocean.
"Hey!!! Are you alright?!!" Luffy yelled.
"You know what know that I think about it if Kanjuro drowns then Ryunosuke will disappear and we'll all fall into the ocean and die," I said innocently causing everyone but Robin to look at me nervously.
"Don't say scary stuff like that!!!!" Usopp yelled nearly about to cry. "Kin'emon!!! Kanjuro!! You better be alive!!!"
"Luffy-dono! We're both okay!!!"
"Thank god they're alive!" Usopp said relieved.
"Go ahead!! We'll catch up soon!!!!"
"What is he talking about? No way! Let's go back down!!!" Luffy said.
"Hey, Dragon! Head back down!" Zoro commanded but Ryunosuke kept moving forward. "Seems like he wants to finish his job as soon as possible."
"Poor Ryunosuke. Let's let him keep going." I said.
Ryunosuke kept climbing the leg of the elephant and eventually it got to sunset. We were now almost near the top and Ryunosuke was struggling to make it the rest of the way.
"What the top?!" Luffy said waking from his nap. "Come on let's go Ryunosuke!!" He cheered falling backward. When he fell to me I caught him lifting him up my ahead and Trafy held my back so I wouldn't fall.
"That was close," I said letting out a deep breath.
"Wait a second... he fell off!!!" I said looking up realizing the thing I was holding up was his large bag. Luffy saved himself by stretching his arms to hold onto Ryunosuke's antlers. When Luffy pulled on them Ryunosuke got pulled back a little and was struggling to hold on to the elephant. Eventually, he couldn't hold on anymore and his front two paws let go and his body bent back so we were all hanging backward.
"Luffy you idiot!! Don't make Ryunosuke fall!!!" I yelled. Luffy made it back in Ryunosuke and we all started cheering for Ryunosuke to make it. After a bit of effort, Ryunosuke was able to grab ahold of the elephant again. He started climbing a lot faster to the top.
"Keep going, Ryunosuke!!!!"
"You're almost there! You're almost there!" Luffy and Usopp cheered. "Ryunosuke! Ryunosuke! Ryunosuke!"
"We made it!!!! To the top!!!!"
"Ryunosuke good job!" Franky cried.
"We're here at Zou!!" Luffy cheered.
"Ryunosuke... I'm... proud of you." Robin said tearing up.
"Yeah, you did good. Thank you so much." I added petting his nose.
"You're turning back to drawing," Robin said and looked over at him sadly.
"Hey, Ryunosuke! You did it! Well done!" Usopp cheered turning to face us. That's when he noticed that Ryunosuke was turning back to a drawing. He, Luffy, and Franky ran over to where we were calling his name and crying.
"Thank you," I said quietly to the picture on the floor before walking away.
"Thank you!!!!!" Luffy, Usopp, and Franky yelled at the same time.
"This is absurd," Traft said coldly.
"It's just a bad drawing," Zoro added coldly.
"Zoro, Trafy," I said venom sipping out with every syllable. My hair started floating in the air and a dark aura surrounded me. "What did you say again?" I asked putting a hand on both of their shoulders.
"Thank you so much for bringing us here Ryunosuke." They said at the same time sweating furiously.
"That's what I thought," I said turning back to normal.
"Who would have thought she could turn like that," Trafy said letting out a deep breath.
"I do. I've been in your place before. It's terrifying." Ace commented shaking at the thought.
"Come on let's go!" I said smiling and everyone followed me. In front of us was a large gate with watchtowers but no guards. Luffy stress he's his arms to go on top of one of the watchtowers.
"Wait, I wanna see too!" Usopp yelled running to the watchtower.
"Luffy jumped down!" Usopp yelled to us.
"I knew he'd do that. Do you see old Eyebrows?" Zoro asked.
"No. This place is too high to see anybody."
"Zoro, shouldn't we wait for Kin'emon and Kanjuro?" Robin asked.
"It's not as vast as a continent let's just go."
"Hmm... looks like the gates broken," I said bending down to touch the broken gate laying on the floor. "Maybe something happened here," I said in thought.
"You're right. This trail looks strange too." Ace added. The trail looked like a giant beast had ran right through it. The tresses were all broken and the ground looked a bit cracked. "It's too wide to call it an animal trail in a forest."
"Hey, this is some pretty serious destruction!" Franky said. "And it's still dressy. Are Sanji and the others gonna be okay?!"
"What a mess!" Usopp said running in. "I couldn't see it from up there but what's going on here?!"
"Let's proceed with caution!" Zoro answered smirking and taking out his sword.
"What?! We don't really know the residents here and we have other enemies!!" Usopp yelled but was ignored. We all walked through the forest taking notice of the soft ground from the elephant's skin.
"I smell the faint odor of gunpowder and gas, do you?" Franky asked.
"It looks someone invaded." Ace said and I nodded in agreement. As we continued walking all of us but Usopp sense something about to attack. Something white leaped to Zoro and Zoro countered with his blade but the white thing jumped midair dodging his attack. Now that I'm getting a better look at it I think it's a bunny. Suddenly a giant crocodile burst through the trees with a saddle on it. Riding the giant crocodile was an animal girl wearing a green and white bikini top and pants.
"They're the Mink Tribe," Trafy said. Wow, so it's just like my books said. So cool.
"Oh?! Isn't that outfit...Nami's?"

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