Chapter 80

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(__) POV

Ace and I spent most of our days here training to get stronger. It was hard at first because of my injury but soon enough I was able to get the hang of it again. I think I even got stronger which by the way is amazing. The only thing is now Ace doesn't have his devil fruit powers and neither do since we technically died. That kinda sucks though cause I really wanted to see what it'd be like to have powers. I still don't remember what happened at Marineford but Ace told me that I had the power to control water, fire, earth, and air. Don't get me wrong I still think that I'm a monster for what I did but I still wanna be able to fly and stuff. But you know what this whole me being a devil fruit user the whole time explains so much. No wonder weather never affected me and I got weak when water touched me.
"Ace there you!" I said running up to him with my blanket around me. "I need warmth it's freezing in here."
"I know right. I've never been cold like this before. It sucks."
"I agree. I hate the stupid weather." The two of us sat on the couch with the blanket wrapped around both of us as we tried to get warmer by pulling our body close to us.
"I'm sorry about that guys. It gets really cold here during the winter. Here take this." He said handing the both of us a cup of hot chocolate.
"Thanks." Ace and I said shivering.
"And I wanted to play in the snow too," I said sighing.
"Tomorrow we can put on a bunch of layers and go."
"Yeah let's do it."
"Oh you guys here's the newspaper too," Claude said handing us the paper.
"It's strange there hasn't been anything about Luffy in a while," I said reading the paper.
"I wonder why. Luffy is such an idiot he always finds a way to stir up some trouble."
"Your right about that," I said giggling. Now let's see here boring boring boring... wait what!? "Haha haha!!!"
"What's so funny?" Ace asked and just showed him the paper.
"Apparently we're grave robbers." Ace read it and burst our laughing too.
"I bet Marco and Thatch are pretty pissed about that." Ace said laughing.
"Mhmm, they probably are."
The next day we played in the snow a bit but then Claude sent us on a grocery run.
"Hurry up Ace I want to get back to the house as fast as possible."
"You're rushing too much. Let's just enjoy our date." Ace said placing his arm around my shoulder.
"It's not a date!" I said blushing a little. "We're just getting groceries for Claude."
"Ace, (__), come over here!" The bakery store owner Barbra called out. "You guys are just too cute. Such a happy couple. It makes me think back to when I was young."
"Ah, Ace and (__) are here." Her husband said coming out of the store. "So when are you going to put a ring on it Ace?"
"Wha!?!? It's not like that! We aren't even a couple so how could that happen." I said pressing my fingers together while blushing hardly.
"Haha! You know I'm just messing with ya. Here." He said handing us a bag. "We made some extras so you guys can have it."
"Thank you so much," I said smiling.
"It's not a problem dear. Now, why don't you and Ace go back to whatever you were doing earlier."

After that Ace and I went right back to training again. It was hard training in the snow but we got it after a while. Summer on this island wasn't any better either. It was extremely hot here like over 100 degrees. Ace and I laid on the floor like pigs the first-day summer rolled around but we had to deal with the excessive heat because we had training. What is up with this island and it's extreme weather; it's either too hot or too cold. After a couple more months it finally came time for us to leave. It was hard saying goodbye to Claude because he has now become an important part of my family along with all the other villagers in town, but we had to go. We've been labeled dead for two years now. We need to see the crew and everyone else. Luffy especially. It must have been so hard on him to see us die like that. I know it was. I need to go to him first.
"Oh my god look at all these clothes!!" I cheered. "Let's buy some."
"No way! Where would we put all of it we have only a small boat and we don't even have enough money for all that!"
"Well, you can't blame me for asking," I said puffing my cheeks out. Then the both of us heard a familiar voice come from not too far away from us.
"Hahaha!! These crackers are so good!"
"Umm sir, we're here on a mission remember."
"Relax a bit you're too stiff. Here have some crackers."
"That's..." I whispered quietly tears threatening to break free. I took a step over to him but Ace stopped me in my tracks.
"No. Luffy is going to be the first to know remember." Ace said to me.
"I know but, he's right here in front of me. He's sitting right there. I want to talk to Gramps again."
"I know you do but we have to go." Ace said and began to walk away. We walked right past him with our cloaks blocking our identity from being known.
Goodbye, Gramps.

After leaving the island it was a lot of open sea for us. We were just trying to figure out where Luffy was headed in the New World.
"Hey look a news cue." Ace pointed out as the bird dropped a paper.
"Thank you!" I yelled at the bird. "So what does it say?"
"Hmm, it says here he caused some trouble in Punk Hazard and is know in an alliance with Trafalgar Law."
"Wait what he's in an alliance with Trafalgar!?!"
"Yeah, you know him?"
"We met on Sabaody 2 years ago during that whole fiasco."
"Oh that thing, didn't they call you guys the 12 Supernovas."
"Yeah, but now I'm pretty sure it's the 11 Supernovas. That guy Trafalgar and another pirate Kid actually tried to make me apart of their crew."
"Of course they did." Ace said a little annoyed.
"That newspaper said he went to Punk Hazard right?"
"Yeah." He answered. I think I remember what the island really was. That means he's headed there. Just great.
"Ace change course I know where we are going."
"Where?" He asked.
"To the worst island, I've ever been too."

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