Chapter 82

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3rd POV

The next match was about to start. Many of the competitors were already on the battlefield.
"Are you guys ready! The battle for Block B starts, NOW!!!!" The announcer said earning him cheers from the crowd. In this match, only one man was dominating and that was Burgess. No one was able to compete against his overwhelming strength. In only a couple of minutes, Burgess won the battle. With that victory, it was time for Block C to head to the battlefield and in this one it was (__) and Ace's turn to finally battle it out.
"Now, in the arena, the participants of Block B are coming in one after the other!" The announcer said as competitors spilled onto the field. "And would you look at that folks our first female competitor of the day! I wonder how she will fare against all these powerful men!" He said as (__) entered the field. "Now, the next competitor to enter is a latecomer! He's in Block B, too! It took him a year to become infamous and enter the New World! An incomparable brutal and crazy rookie! He roasted some pirates on a skewer and shared the video too! And he also bombed some innocent civilians! He ranked number one in the most annoying pirates who should just go away. A pirate Bartolomeo!"
This time the crowd just booed when they saw Bartolomeo enter the field. As a response, Bartolomeo threw a black sphere into the air which the audience assumed was a bomb. They all started to push each other out the way leaving the elderly behind without a care in the world. When it landed everyone expected it to explode but nothing happened.
"Have they always been like this?" Ace whispered to (__).
"Yes. It's been like this since I came here four years ago. I hoped that they would get better but I guess not."
"But there is another competitor in Block B. He's the last one! He's nothing like the Crazy-lomeo! He admires our King-Doflamingo and declared his loyalty to him by bringing him a giant gold pillar from a distant country! Since then, he's been destroying various towns in many countries that insulted us by calling us a barbaric kingdom of pirates, and bringing them to terms! He's the Bullet of Dressrosa! He has been given a chance by the royal family. If he wins this competition, his tenacity will bear fruit and it has been decided that he will get promoted to an executive position in the Donquixote family! He's a real contender for winning this competition! A pirate, Bellamy the Hyena!!!" The crowd all cheered his name and some girls dawned over him. "Now, all 138 competitors are in the ring! Alright the battle royal of Block B is about to begin! A competitor will be eliminated if he gets killed in the ring, if he's unconscious, or if he gets thrown it of the ring! There will be only one winner! Let the battle BEGIN!!!!!"
The battle started and the weakest competitors were killing each other off one by one. Some competitors tried ganging up on the stronger ones but that proved pointless. (__) and Ace were easily beating their opponents without drawing too much attention to themselves. One of the competitors King Elizabello II had a circle of men protecting him thanks to Dagma's persuasion.
"Isn't that cheating." (__) said as she beat another guy.
"Seems like it to me but it doesn't matter I'll beat him either way." Ace answered back with a smirk.
"We'll see about that."
"Oh, would you look at that, our little female competitors Scarlet is dealing with the men no problem!!" The announcer yelled making the audience focus on her.
"No what is he doing I'm trying to keep a low profile!!"
"How's that going to work if you're the only girl here." Ace responded. As (__) beat up another guy the crowd all cheered for her.
"She doesn't have one injury and she hasn't touched her swords. How strong is our new rookie?"
"Please stop it." (__) begged.
"Woah!!! That girl is strong!" Luffy said from in the Colosseum.
"I agree, but they're some strong competitors down there," Rebecca said.
As the fight continued the crowd began to notice that one guy, in particular, wasn't fighting at all. Instead, he was laying on the floor relaxing peacefully. The fight continued even without Bartolomeo and another competitor was gaining popularity among the crowd.
"Hack is amazing! Now he has beaten 18 opponents!" The announcer shouted.
"Wait Hack is here too! I didn't even notice!" (__) said searching for her friend.
"Wait you know that guy?" Ace asked.
"Yeah, I met him when I helped the revolutionary army."
"You did what!?" Ace said surprised. "You know everyone don't you."
"I wouldn't say that. I just happen to run into these people. Honestly, it's all by accident."
"Yeah well, they all seem to be guys."
"Hey, it's not my fault that most of the pirates in the world are guys!" (__) defended. "Why does it matter anyway?"
"It doesn't let's just focus." Ace said changing the subject.
"Blue Gilly is closing in on Elizabello the Second's group!" The announcer pointed out. Blue Gilly was decimating his opponents with his strong kicks until Ricky the Gladiator challenger him.
"100 competitors have been eliminated and only 30 remain. The combatants led by the strategist adages continue to protect Elizabello the Second! When will his special attack, the King Punch, be released!? The evil combination of Abdullah and Jeet, who defeated the powerful Lepanto, are taunting for there next opponent." Next thing you know Bellamy attacks Abdullah and Jeet breaking their backs so they could fight. "Cruel... Evil... This man is the very definition of those words! Will he be the one to eliminate Elizabello the Second? And over here, the martial artist Blue Gilly and the unknown gladiator Ricky are fighting it out! The winners of Block B will almost certainly be one of these men!" He shouted and then noticed something horrifying and revolting.
"That's disgusting." Ace said.
"Hahaha! He really has no shame." (__) laughed.
"Just how far will Bartolomeo go-to insult us?! Oh my, in front of everyone, he's unzipped and started to take a piss! No one has ever done such a thing in this Colosseum! Someone, please stop this guy!" The announcer begged. "Oh, here comes someone!" He said as Hack stepped up to him. "The hero, Hack, the Fishman Fighter has appeared!" Hack went to punch him but instead of Bartolomeo getting hurt, Hack's arm bent forward turning purple and allowing blood to spill. "What did he do?! Hack was the one who collapsed?! Just what is going on? Just what are you, Bartolomeo?!" The announcer started getting mad but quickly regained his composure. "24 combatants remain in Block B! Now, even the stronger combatants are being eliminated one after the other! After Hack, the unknown gladiator Ricky has been knocked out!" (__) and Ace continued to beat up some of the weaker opponents but what they didn't realize is that they were moving closer and close to Blue Gilly who just beat Ricky.
"Oops sorry." (__) said after accidentally bumping into Blue Billy's leg.
"A girl?" Blue Gilly questioned. "A girl like you shouldn't be fighting in something like this."
"Excuse you." (__) began coldly. "What are you suggesting?"
"Ohhh!! It looks like Blue Gilly and our mysterious beauty Scarlet are about to duke it out!! Will Scarlet be able to handle Blue Billy's deadly kicks?"
(__) was the first to make a move kicking Blue Gilly right in the stomach so fast he didn't even see it coming. With just that one kick we was sent flying across the battlefield and slammed into the wall before falling into the water. The crowd and announcer was left speechless at her strength. It just got silent until a second later they all started cheering her name.
"What?! Who is this mysterious beauty Scarlet?! She beat Blue Gilly, who defeated Ricky, with just one kick!! We may have underestimated the power of this girl. She can very well be the winner here in Block B!"
"Did you have to beat him so fast? I wanted to get a few punches in." Ace said.
"Did I do that? My bad." (__) said rubbing the back of her head. "I got so mad I forgot to keep a low profile."
With King Elizabello, Dagama has betrayed the men he convince to protect the King by killing them.
"What a jerk." (__) said with disgust.
"I hate guys like him." Ace said walking up to him.
"What are you doing?"
"You got to have the spotlight. Now it's my turn." Ace said with a smirk.
After Dagama killed another warrior Ace stood before him ready to fight.
"Are you challenging me, little man?" Dagama asked. "Fine, it'll be your undoing." He charged at Ace with his sword in hand but Ace simply dodged it. When he saw an opening he punched Dagama right in the jaw, sending him flying into the water.
"And it looks like we have another strong competitor who was able to stay hidden here in Block B! The mysterious warrior Spades!!" Ace stood proudly taking in all the cheers with a smirk on his face.
"Show off." (__) said as she watched with a smile.
"And on the other side, our Bellamy has just launched an attack! The target is the pirate who you want to disappear most, Bartolomeo!"
Bellamy went to punch him but he was pushed back by some invisible barrier leaving the crowd surprised.
"Bellamy, the one who attacked, was the one who got hurt?! Just what did Bartolomeo do?!"
Bellamy, although injured, came after Bartolomeo again but just like before he was sent flying backward.
"What's this?! Our beloved Bellamy is on the brink of defeat!"
"Did you see that. He must have some kind of devil fruit power." Ace pointed out.
"Yeah and I think I know what it is which will definitely be helpful for us since that King looks about ready." (__) answered with a smirk leaving Ace confused. When he turned to King Elizabello he saw his face getting red as steam was released off of him.
"Dagama did a good job. The time has come. All that's left is to unleash it." Elizabello said to the men standing in front of him. "The formation was actually protecting you from me. There's nothing more dangerous than a sword once it's out of its scabbard. Am I wrong?"
"Come on Ace lets get going." (__) said grabbing his hand and running.
"There's an unsettling feeling in the air. The kind that was protected by the formation has begun his attack!" The announcer said as the ground began to shake. The crowd in front of the King, all realizing what was about to come, began running for safety.
"So the event was true after all!"
"KING PUNCH!!!!!!!" A blast so strong that the ground underneath cracked was sent towards the solders. The wind and water blew harshly under the force of his attack picking up dust so it was hard for everyone to see the field.
"What?! What amazing power! It's impossible for anyone to have survived that! Elizabello the Second has defeated everyone with a single punch!" The crowd all cheered amazed by his strength.
"Bellamy and the other participants have all been eliminated. The winner of Block B's 140 participants is the man from the Prodence Kingdom-."
"Hey look! There's people over there!" One of the audience shouted. The dust was beginning to clear away allowing the crowd to see the shape of three people.
"Wow, that was a close one. A second later and we'd be dead." (__) said giggling a little as she stood behind Bartolomeo's barrier. Bartolomeo used his barrier to push Elizabello out of the ring eliminating him.
The dust finally began to settle showing the three people who survived the attack, however, one of them, in particular, left the crowd speechless. No one said a word as they watched (__) pick herself off the ground. Even the announcer was so shocked he dropped his making allowing a loud, annoying noise to resound across the stadium but no one cared about that as they were too focused on (__).
"No way..." One of the audience said stunned.
"Are we seeing a ghost... how is this possible."
"Is this for real..."
Bartolomeo turned around confused as to why the crowd was so silent. When he saw why he passed out from shock.
"Huh, why's it so quiet?"
"It's... It's... IT'S (__)!!!!!!!!!!"

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