Chapter 36

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(__) POV

I was sleeping peacefully in my room dreaming about a candy wonderland until someone came bathing into my room.
"ACE, (__)!!!!!!" I slowly picked myself up from my bed into a sitting position while rubbing my eyes. Ace got up to looking upset, probably because he was woken up.
"Marco do you know what time it is?" I said tiredly.
"Thatch is... he's hurt." All the drowsiness I was feeling immediately disappeared and was replaced by worry. Thatch is hurt. How? We were on the ship. Did someone attack?
"What do you mean he's hurt?!?!? What happened? Ace yelled. Both of us immediately got up from our beds and ran over to Thatch's room.

From what it looked like to me he seemed dead. He wasn't moving at all. He needed a blood transfusion and an oxygen mask just to help him breathe properly. Is he dead? He can't be! Just a couple of hours ago we were playing hid and seek and now he's... I didn't cry at first I was just shocked. I was still processing all that was happening and when it hit me he was probably gone I immediately started crying. Ace stormed out of the room where the others were. Inside I could feel something off with me like I was about to lose control. I didn't know what to do. What would I do if he was really dead?
"He's alive," Marco said probably nothing that was around with me. That, in turn, made me cry even more. He's alive thank goodness. "Barely though. The doctors said it will be a while until he wakes up. If I was a second later he would probably be dead right now." Marco then began to cry. "I don't understand who would do this to him? Why him, he was the nicest person I knew." We gave each other a hug because clearly, we both needed it right now. After a little while, we heard yells outside on the deck. It was Ace and some of the crew. Marco and I went on deck to check it out.
"What's going on?" Marco asked removing any tears left on his face.
"Teach, he did it," Haruta said sadly shocking us both. What? Why would he kill Thatch? It can't be. He's been on the ship longer than anyone. He's like family.
"We looked around he's the only one not here and one of the lifeboats is missing," Vista explained. Ace calmed down for a bit when Vista explained but quickly went back to yelling. He said that he wanted to go find Teach and punish him for what he did. I was still in shock from this news. I was standing next to Pops just trying to process all of this. Too much is happening in one day. First Thatch is attacked then we found out Teach betrayed us and now Ace is saying he's going to leave.
"ACE!!!!!" I yelled silencing everyone. "Stop, just stop, please."
"I hav-."
"A lot has happened today. At least wait until Thatch wakes up, he's still alive." Ace got quiet but eventually agreed. I hope this will give him time to cool off, but I know him it won't change a thing.

*two weeks later*

It's been two weeks since Thatch was attacked. Searching his room we noticed that the devil fruit he found was gone. Did he really kill him over a devil fruit? A stupid devil fruit. I don't understand what's so important about the fruit that he would kill his own friend for. The whole time Thatch was in his coma everyone was sad. There was no laughter, no drinking, nothing. We all sat down waiting for the news that he was awake. The days seemed to stretch for years, until finally, Thatch woke up.
"Thatch thank goodness you're okay," I said wiping a tear from my eye.
"I'm sorry I worried you, darling."
"You're not supposed to apologize," I said with a chuckle.
"I'm glad you're awake." Ace said
"Do you know who did this to you?" Marco asked. A lot of us were finding it hard to believe that Teach did it. I mean he was our crewmate, our brother. It's hard to believe he would do something like this.
"It's a little hazy but I remember for a fact that Teach was the one that attacked me." So he did do it after all. It was quiet in the room. I looked over at Ace, he hand his hands in a fist and knuckles turned white.

It's been a couple of hours since Thatch woke up. It was dark out so the crew were all in the dining hall or their rooms. I, on the other hand, was waiting outside, leaning on the railing.
"So you're going to leave without saying anything." Walking over to where I was leaning was Ace. He had his usual clothes on and a small duffel bag.
"Not even you can stop me (__). I have to go. He tried to kill him!!" I got up from the railing and walked over to him until I was right in front of him.
"I know you have to go, but I can't help wanting to stop you." I could feel myself about to cry again. "I don't want you to leave Ace. I'm scared. I have a bad feeling about this. What if you can't beat him? What if... what if you die?" Ace then pulled me into a hug slipping a hand around my waist and another on my chin, lifting it up to face him. I gladly accepted the hug, wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm not going to die remember. I promised you and Luffy I would never die." He removed the hand that was under my chin and wiped the tears now coming down my face. "I'm Fire Fist Ace worth 550,000,000 beli there's no way he can beat me." He said with a goofy smile. Normally I would have smiled back but I just couldn't. I was going to miss him so much. I cried even more and buried my head in his chest. He stroked the top of my head softly, in a comforting way.
"Ace promise me you'll come back to me," I said removing my face from his chest and holding my pinky up.
"Pinky promise." He wrapped his pinky around mine to seal our promise.
After a little while more of hugging each other, it was time for him to leave. I watched him leaving on his one-man boat. Everything inside me was telling me to stop him or go with him but I knew I couldn't do that. Ace would never let me follow him. I believe in Ace. I know he's strong but I can't get this feeling from my chest that something is wrong. No, I can't think like that! Ace is coming back to me, he has to.

After a little while, I walked back into Thatch's room.
"So he left?" Thatch asked and I nodded.
"I thought if anyone could have stopped him it would have been you," Marco said rubbing his fingers through his blonde hair.
"No, I wouldn't be able to stop him. When he comes up with something he has to do it. Nothing I said could have helped. I know that but still, it hurts to see him leave like that."
"I'm worried, Teach is stronger than we thought." Thatch said.
"Ace is strong he's going to be fine," Marco said reassuringly.
"I hope but even Pops said he had a bad feeling about it," I said.
"You guys we can't be thinking so negatively. It helps none of us to think like that." I said goodbye to Thatch and Marco to check back with Pops. I told him that Ace left. He gave me a hug already knowing how this was affecting me even though I didn't say anything. Afterward, I went back to my room to try to sleep, but I couldn't.
"Please please, if there is a God up there, please let Ace come back alive."

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