Chapter 121

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(__) POV

Everyone got ready to fight again as Big Mom approaches the ship rising Prometheus.
"Rumble! Monster Point!" Chopper began to grow larger in size ending up taller than the ship. His fur was shaggy and his face was longer. He grew human-like hands while his hat and pants remained on. "I will stop her!"
Big Mom's sword Napoleon extended once again with fire surrounding it.
"If we can hold out here, then..." Nami began.
"Yeah, I know." Chopper said in a deep voice.
"You don't have to say it," Brook added.
The battle with Big Mom and Chopper started with Chopper making the first move. He blocked Big Mom's sword with his surprisingly hard hands but was ultimately pushed back a bit. Nami attempted to protect him by attacking Prometheus with a strong gust of wind but he countered it with a stream of fire. Ace pushed Nami off the crow's nest so she landed safely in my arms while he took the force of the attack.
"That's all you got. What a weak fire." Ace said smirking.
"Cognac!!" Big Mom yelled swinging her sword but luckily I blocked it in time by jumping up into the air with my own swords. However, that did last long as she sent me crashing back down to the ship.
"Stop it (__), you're already injured!" Nami yelled with tears in her eyes.
"We can't give up guys. We're almost there."
Big Mom flew into the air as Prometheus began to grow larger and larger resembling the sun.
"No...way..." Nami said terrified.
"When it's that massive, even the seawater won't work!"
"So that's the souls of the Yonko!" Brook said.
"If nothing is done, we'll get burned up along with the Sunny!" Jinbe warned.
"It's a shame because we made it this far and Sanji will be here soon," Nami said backing away. Off at the back of the Sunny, I noticed a ship off in the distance however I was too far away to make out who's it was. As the ship neared it became more visible for me to see.
"That ship... it's Bege's!!!"
"They're here!" Nami cried.
"The Cake is on it too!" I pointed out happily. Everyone started cheering at the cake's arrival and I stood at the railing of the Sunny with a big smile.
"(__)-chwaaaan!!!! I'm here to save you!!!" I faintly heard a familiar voice say. "(__)-chwaann!!!!!"
"Hey, it looks like there's someone dancing on the bow! Don't you feel that strange energy?" I asked.
"That's not Haki... Why are they coming on Bege's ship?" Jinbe asked.
Suddenly something flew into the Sunny so fast it looked like a stripe of brown.
"Hey! I'm back!" Sanji said landing on the Sunny.
"Sanji!!!!" We all greeted happily. I was the first one to hug him and Brook followed suit as well.
"I thought we were over with! It would really suck to die if I didn't get a chance to see you again." I smiled with my eyes closed although there were tears in my eyes. Suddenly Sanji said twirling around with the biggest smile I've ever seen and hearts in his eyes.
"I love you too!!! (__)-chwaannn!!!"
"Love?!" I said surprised as I was pushed away.
"By the way Sanji, why were you on Bege's ship?" Brook asked. I looked up to the side noticing Pudding resting on a flying carpet.
"It's a long story."
"Where is his ship headed?" Ace asked.
"We don't know what Big Mom will do after she eats the cake so they're taking the cake to the nearest island."
"So they're playing bait. Why is he doing that?" I asked.
"He hasn't given up on killing her. This ships safety is the only thing that matters to me. If he lured Big Mom, I can't ask for more. Anyway, it's taken a lot of damage. By the way where are Pedro and Carrot-chan?"
"Oh, th-they're sleeping inside! They both for exhausted from fighting." Brook answered nervously.
"Okay. There's something you guys need to know." Sanji began. "All of Big Mom's children know that we are meeting Luffy at Cacao Island."
"Then, that means Cacao Island is now..." Brook began.
"Yeah, it's probably surrounded by fleets ambushing us."
"They're considering us tough enemies which they don't usually do. Cacao Island will be our last and biggest challenge here!" Jinbe said.
"We'll rescue Luffy no matter what and get out of here!" I said determined.
"Another fleet is on our tail!" Nami announced.
"It's Sweet General Smoothie's ship!" Jinbe said.
"Big Mom left and now it's a Sweet General," Brook said.
"It's that woman who squeezes everything." Chopper pointed out.
"How long will it take to Cacao Island?" Sanji asked.
"A little more than three hours. We'll arrive there at 1 AM exactly as we promised." Nami answered.
"But we have no idea where or when Luffy will emerge on Cacao Island and we can't even warn him," Ace added.
"I came yo with just one idea to get through Cacao Island," Sanji said.
After explaining his plan he got ready to leave using Pudding's carpet.
"I'll see you then."
"Be careful Sanji." Chopper said.
"D-Don't come close! Stay away! Sanji... San!" Pudding said blushing.
"I'll leave the Sunny to you guys! We're entering the crucial stage!"
"Wait Sanji!" I said jumping into the flying carpet.
"What are you doing (__)-chwan?" Sanji asked.
"I'm going with you."
"And I'm guessing you want me to stay on the ship." Ace said.
"Pudding-chan, take me to Cacao Island," Sanji said.
"Don't tell me what to do! You can't act like a bossy husband! Sanji... San!!" She yelled whole the carpet started to fly away.
"Wow! This carpet flies really fast!" I said smiling as the wind blew through my hair. We've already gotten far enough away from the Sunny to the point we can't see it anymore.
"Thank you, Pudding-chan. You've been helping me this whole time."
"Cut it out! Move over! Move over to the edge, Sanji...San!" Pudding said. She turned around and I think she started crying. "Anyway... Is this really gonna work out?"
"Luffy's Gibbs emerge in the middle of fleets and armies. I'll save our Captain at any cost!" Sanji said determined.
"Then why are you here?" She asked rudely.
"I want to save Luffy of course but there's also another thing I want to do if it's possible," I said sadly bringing me knees closer to me. "But I doubt I'll be able to see him."
"Ahh!! (__)-chwan you're so cute when you make that face!!!"

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