Chapter 51

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3rd POV

"Oh my god, he's so cute!!" (__) yelled hugging Luffy's tiny form in her arms.
"When did he get so tiny!!!!"
"Hey, Luffy hurry up with those shadows the sun is coming up!" Usopp yelled. Moriah then woke up from his earlier passed out state. They demanded Moriah to return the shadows but he refused.
"The sky it's getting brighter!" One of the men pointed out.
Moriah used his powers to gather all the shadows from the island and pump it into his body.
"1,000 shadows!!!" Gekko Moriah said laughing.
"Wow look how big he is!" (__) pointed out amazed.
"YOU SHOULD BE SCARED!!!!!" Usopp, Nami, and Chopper yelled.
"Why?" (__) asked confused.
"Are you an idiot! Look at him he's huge!" Usopp yelled scared. Moriah went a hard punch to the ground splitting it and wrecking his ship.
"Hey let his pride and anger get the best of him and now he's losing control of himself," Robin said.
"Alright, you guys we're almost out of time. Imma have to go wild here it's up to you to take care of the rest." Luffy said stepping up to Moriah.
"You got it, Captain! Franky said.
"Take him down Luffy!" Usopp cheered.
"Second Gear!" Moriah fried attack Luffy be he was to quick. When Luffy hit him the shadows flew out of him.
"Jet bazooka! Jet Bazooka! Jet Bazooka!!!!!" Moriah stopped Luffy by putting him in a shadow box and punching him.
"Luffy!!!!!" Usopp shouted.
"Don't worry Usopp." (__) said causing Usopp to turn to her confused. "Luffy wouldn't be beaten that easily." Sure enough, she was right. Luffy kicker opens the lid of the shadow box ready to fight again.
"Third gear Bomb Balloon!!!" Luffy's body turned into a balloon shape and he launched himself into the center of Moriah's stomach. His shadows began to fly out but he quickly stopped them by covering his mouth and forcing them back.
"You know what I got some words for my shadow too. If you really wanna be the shadow of the king of the pirates then you better shape up and come back now!" Luffy launches into the air and hit Moriah again in the same spot. All the shadows inside him flew out of him returning to their master. The building collapsed and the sunlight shined burning everyone who didn't have their shadow.
"This doesn't make sense we beat Moriah and got the shadows back so why?" Usopp yelled.

"Haha! Well look at that looks like it wasn't my day to die after all!" Zoro laughed.
"I thought I was on my way to heaven for a moment there," Robin said relieved.
"That sounds good to me. It'd be like heaven two times over if I was there with you!" Sanji said with hurts in his eyes.
"Stop laughing you jackasses, half your bodies were done we thought you were dead!!!" Usopp yelled.
"You're alive!!!" (__) yelled happily and ran to hug Zoro.
"Hey what the-."
"I'm glad you're alive." (__) said smiling causing to blush.
"(__)-chwan were you worried about me too?" Sanji asked.
"Of course I was." (__) said letting go of Zoro.
"Hey, why are you wearing that?" Zoro asked just noticing (__) dress.
"You just noticed!!!" Usopp shouted.
"I was supposed to get married and the guy put me this. It's a pretty dress and all but it's not appropriate to be wearing right now. In the future, I would love to wear a dress like this just white." (__) said as Zoro blushed at the thought.
"(__)-chwannn are you going to wear it to our wedding?" Sanji asked with hearts in his eyes.
"Wedding!?!?!" Zoro and (__) said surprised.
"That flying guy said that you and I were engaged."
"Wait a minute Sanji let me explain." (__) said blushing.
"Why would she ever marry a perverted cook like you," Zoro said starting a fight with Sanji.
"What and you think she would marry you!!"
"They don't change." Chopper said swear dropping.
"Hey look Luffy's back to normal." (__) said.
"I'm worried about him. These new moves seem to be destroying his body." Usopp said while grinning his weapon tightly.
"Thank you all very much," Lola said bowing.
"There's no need for all this thank you stuff. We fought for our own crew on our own terms. The fact that we helped you to is-."
"Hey what's wrong with you someone was finally showing us a little gratitude!!!" Nami yelled interrupted Zoro with a slap.
"Umm, I don't think you should be hurting him." (__) said sweatdropping.
"Oh no I forgot something really important!" Nami said covering her mouth with her hand.
"Yeah what?" Usopp asked.
"There's still another Shichibukai on the island." Nami thought to herself.
"I see." An unknown voice said. Everyone looked up to where the voice was coming from.
"He's here. Everyone stay calm and listen, please. During the fight with Moriah and the others, I forgot to tell you but there's another one of them on the island. One of the Shichibukai!"
"Wait so he's... one of the.." Usopp said shaking.
"Why are there two of them?" Chopper questioned.
"We can't let this news get out. Obliterate everyone on Thriller Bark including the straw hat crew." A den den mushi talking with Kuma said.
"What about The Enchanting Goddess (__), she's with them as well?" Kuma asked.
"What!?" The den den mushi said surprised but quickly regained its compose. "Eliminate her too then. We'll tell Mr.(f/l) an accident happened.
"Simple enough." Kuma finally moved from his seat down to where the group of people were.
"Oh come on how many of these warlords do we have fight!" Usopp yelled.
"It took everything we had to defeat Moriah." Chopper said.
"Everyone stand back I'll handle this," Zoro said pulling out one of his swords. In a split second Kuma appeared in front of Lola and her crew.
"Well damn," Franky said amazed. Kuma touched one of the guys coming at him and he was sent flying along with the men behind him. In another second he appeared behind Zoro.
"Pirate Hunter Zoro should I begin the annihilation with you?"
"Zoro!!"(__) shouted out.
"I'm fighting him. You hear him call me out didn't you. Nothing you say will stop me." Zoro said as she stared harshly at Kuma. Zoro attacked Kuma but he easily dodged. Kuma went to attack him using his powers, luckily Zoro rolled away in time. Kuma sent an air attack towards Zoro that blew him away a bit.
"36 Caliber Phoenix!!" Kuma deflected the attack with ease using his beat hand.
"I possess the power to deflect anything I wish. You see I ate the Nikyu Nikyu no mi fruit and became a paw palmed human."
"If this guy's power is kitten hands then what are we so worried about?" Franky said. A second later Kuma sent an air attack to Franky launching him back.
"Feel my breast paw canon!!" Kuma sent multiple air attacks towards Zoro. Zoro dodged them and went to attack but Kuma deflected him. Kuma was about to attack him again but Sanji attacked Kuma by kicking him on the head. Sanji feel to the ground in pain.
"Is his face made of steel. That kick should have busted his skull." Sanji said while holding his leg. While Kuma was distracted Usopp used his firebird attack but he just deflected it.
"Don't attack my friend!" (__) shouted before going up to attack him. Kuma deflected her attack with ease sending her flying backward.
"Damn I'm still now at 100% strengh." (__) thought.
He used his powers to shrink a giant bubble in the shape of a paw compressing it into a small form.
" I have thought it over and I made a decision. I will scan your lives on one condition. In exchange for this act, I want the head of straw hat Luffy."
"This was your choice." Kuma opened his hands releasing the small bomb. "Ursus Shock." Everyone was blown away by the strength of the bomb. The trees blew away, the building broke, and the ocean itself crashed waves on the ship. Everyone was knocked out from the strength of his attack. Kuma walked passed all the bodies only stoping when in front of Luffy. He reached down to grab him but was stopped by a cut across his shoulder.
"Try and hurt Luffy and you're dead." (__) said with a cold glare. That's when she noticed the metal parts where she cut Kuma. "You're a cyborg like Franky huh." Kuma didn't say anything but opened his mouth to attack with a yellow beam. (__) dodged the attack right in time.
"What are you?"
"I'm a creation known as a Pacifista, an in-development human weapon project developed by the World Government."
"You're created by Dr.Vegapunk aren't you?"
"How annoying. A cyborg and a devil fruit user. I may not survive this in my condition." (__) said laughing a little. "However I won't let you lay a hand on Luffy. The whole time we were here I wasn't able to help him because I allowed myself to get captured. Because of my recklessness, he's in this state. Now I have the chance to protect him so I sure as hell won't be letting you near him!" (__) said with determination.
"I will be taking Straw Hat's head no matter what."
"I have an idea then. Let's make a deal." (__) said as she put her swords away.
"You and I both know that I'm worth more to the World Government then Luffy. Take me in his place." Kuma looked at her shocked although it was hard for her to tell.
"Why would you give up your own life for Straw Hat? Did you not just meet him?"
"Luffy's an old friend of mine and I believe in him. He has a wonderful dream to be king of the pirates and I believe he can do it. I won't let his journey end here. I don't have a dream like that, all I want to do is protect my friends and see the world. If I die protecting Luffy then I'm happy with that." (__) said smiling fondly.
"If that's what you want I give you my word. I won't take Straw Hat's head." Kuma said as he lifted Luffy off the ground. He touched Luffy and a large red air bubble came out of him. "I've just repelled all physical injury from Straw Hat's body, his exhaustion, his pain. What rest's before you is the sun total in anguish he endured during his battle with Moriah. If you truly wish to take him place you must accept and inflict his agony on yourself. With you're injuries not only will it undoubtedly kill you, it will also do so painfully. Why don't you have a taste?" Kuma said as he took a small part of the air bubble and bright it to (__). The moment it touched her a large amount of pain surged through her body. She was about to scream but covered her mouth allowing herself to fall onto the floor.
"Do you still want it?"
"Of course." (__) said with a smile as she got back up. "Bring it on!" She said while winking to cover up the pain she was feeling. "One thing though. Can we move somewhere else? I'd prefer it if the first thing Luffy saw when he woke up wasn't my dead body."
"As you wish."

"Are you ready?"
"Kind of a silly question to ask someone who's about to die don't you think." (__) said giggling a little. "But anyway before I'm dead I want to say thank you for letting me do this." (__) said with a smile on her face before entering the bubble.

*a while later*

"He must have assumed we were all dead so he left," Lola said waking up. "We won stupid paw man!!"
"This hurts," Nami said holding her arms.
"Woohoo!!" Luffy yelled loudly.
"How are you bouncing around like that?" Franky asked surprised.
"You're being too loud," Zoro said.
"This is awesome my body feels as good as new. I wonder why?" Luffy said happily.
"Calm down before you hurt yourself!" Usopp said.
"It's possible he took so much damage to the brain it knocked him silly," Robin said.
"Nami-swan, Robin-chwan, (__)-chwan are you alright."
"No, I'm not fine!" Nami yelled.
"I'm alright thank you," Robin said with her usual smile. Everyone expected (__) to say something but they didn't hear a word come from their (h/c) haired beauty.
"(__)-chwan where are you! Your darling prince is looking for you!" Sanji called out.
"(__) where are you! Did you see how cool I was when I beat Moriah!" Luffy shouted.
"(__)!" Zoro called out.
"She isn't answering," Usopp said.
"Is it possible she's still passed out," Robin said in thought.
"(__)!!!!" The others called out. When they couldn't find her they all got worried. They split up and went into the forest in search of (__).
"AHHHH!!!!!!" Nami shouted falling onto the floor with tears in here when she found (__). Everyone heard Nami's scream and headed to where she was.
"Nami what's wro-.... (__)!!!" Sanji yelled when he saw the (h/c) girl passed. Blood was splattered everywhere with (__) in the center of it. The black dress she was wearing before was so torn it hardly covered her body. Cuts were everywhere and blood stained her (s/c) skin. She was lying on the floor on her back with a smile on her face despite her terrible injuries.
"Why is there so much blood?" Zoro asked shaking a little.
"Oh my god!" Usopp said. Chopper came with him shaking so much he couldn't say a word. Robin didn't say a word but covered her mouth with her hand in shock.
"Is she alive?" Franky asked scared. Luffy was the last to join them. When he saw the state (__) was in he lost control.

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