Chapter 15

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(__) POV

It had been a couple of weeks since we left Dressrosa. Ever since I came aboard the Red Force I have been trying to get Shanks and Yasopp to stop drinking but it didn't seem to be working at all.
"Hey (__)!!" Yasopp yelled busting into my room.
"What is it?"
"Come play cards with us!" Yasopp said holding a deck of cards.
"What are you guys playing?" I asked interested.
"Poker come on let's go." He grabbed a hold of my hand and dragged me to a room where Shamks, Benn, and Lucky Roo were.
"Perfect you got (__) to come. Now we're ready." Shanks said.
"Do you know how to play?" Yasopp asked.
"Yeah. I played once in Alabasta." I said with a smirk. "Let's make the game more interesting."
"Interesting how?" Benn asked curious.
"First person to lose all their money can't drink and smoke for a week. And there's no adding more money. We all start with the same amount."
"What!?" The three guys yelled.
"That's just a punishment for us!!" Yasopp said.
"Are you guys telling me you can't handle living with your cigarettes and alcohol for just a week."
"YES!!!!" They yelled.
"You and Lucky Roo need to get punished too." Shanks said.
"Fine, fine if you can think of something go ahead."
"Lucky Roo has to eat only three meals a day for a week." Yasopp said causing Lucky Roo to stare at him in disbelief.
"Only three meal!?!?"
"Yup and (__).... she has too..." Yasopp was trying to think of some way to punish me but it wasn't working. I smirked at him.
"I know!" Shanks should randomly. "You have to join us for our drinking parties everyday for a week. And I mean drink like we do not just a sip." But I'll get hangovers!!!!
"Fine." From there we started a game. The room was tense, no one wanted to lose. I would say it was the most serious game of poker ever. Not that I would even know. But this was no joke, everyone was playing to win, to completely destroy their opponent. True I wasn't getting the worst punishment but I still didn't want to lose. After a little rounds later the game finally ended and everyone could relax. Well everyone but Shanks.
"No alcohol for a week you got it and I'm going to to tell the whole crew." I said to him while he was crying.
"Hahaha, good luck with that Shanks!" Yasopp laughed. Benn had a slight smile on his face probably because he could continue his smoking habits and Lucky Roo was happily eating away.
"Now where's the alcohol, I want to rub it in your face that I won!" Yasopp said only making Shanks even sadder.

"So Captain I heard you can't drink for a week." One of his crew said as he took a large chug from his mug.
"Just one sip. I need one." Shanks complained.
"It's only been a few hours!" I yelled at him. It was now dinner time. We were all eating lunch and talking. The crew was making fun of Shanks and drinking thier alcohol. After eating, me being the smart person I am locked all the cabinets that contained alcohol and I set up traps so if he tried to get some I would know.
"Really Shanks." I said to him tiredly. I was in the large shirt that Shanks gave me to sleep in when I first came aboard. It was almost as long as a dress and it didn't fit properly. One of the sleeves slipped off from my shoulders and rested on my arm, exposing a small part of my chest.
"I just need one sip (__)" I refused to give him a sip and dragged him to my room for us to sleep and so I could watch him.

Surprisingly enough Shanks was able to not drink alcohol for an entire week. Well with my help of course. I stopped him every time he tried to get a sip and I slept with him at night so he wouldn't try to sneak off. But after the week ended that was it. He threw a huge party celebrating the fact that he could drink again. And he drank a lot. And when I saw a lot I mean a lot. I watched him drink like a maniac and sighed that nothing had changed at all.

*few days later*

"We're near another island." One of the crew shouted.
"We are!!" I said happily as I remembered Shank's promise. "Shanks you do remember our promise right?"
"Of course I do. Once we land we can do some shopping for you." I began to cheer happily, excited to finally go shopping. It felt like forever but eventually we landed on the island.
"Come on let's go, Shanks, Yasopp, Benn!!!!" I said already the first one off the ship.
"Someone sure is excited." Benn said as he too got off.
"It's like Shanks when you say we are getting alcohol." Yasopp commented getting off the ship.
"You guys are too slow, let's go!!" I said pulled both Shanks and Yasopp by their hands.

"Look at all the clothes." I said with stars in my eyes.
"I really don't see what all the fuss is about." Shanks said plainly.
"It's a girl thing." Benn explained. The four of us happily shopped buying anything nice, well more like I happily shopped. Yasopp and Shanks probably weren't liking it to much since they were stuck carrying all my bags. Benn was watching me shop and the boys suffer behind me with a smirk.
"Benn do you want anything?" I asked but he just shook his head.
"Are you done yet?" Yasopp asked.
"Of course not we have only been shopping for 3 hours."
"(__), I don't think I'm going to make!" Shanks complained trying to make me feel pity for him.
"You're fine." I said without a care and continued on to the next store. It continued on like that until I thought it was enough.
"Wow Captain that's a lot of bags." One of the men snickered.
"So I guess today was successful." Lucky Roo said eating his meat.
"Yup." I nodded.
"I can't wait to see (__) in all those outfits!!" One cheered.
"You got something sexy in there!?" One asked with heart eyes.
"Sexy?" I asked tilting my head to the side. What does that mean? That word was never in any of my history book or the advanced reading books my tutors told me to read.
"Why do you look so confused?" Benn asked.
"What does sexy mean?" Then the crew all looked at me dumbfounded and with their mouths hanging open. So I'm guessing that this word is really known among people considering their expressions right now. This is all my fathers fault! It's because he kept me trapped in that house I don't know any of these words. Then Yasopp bursted out in laughter.
"You're so dumb, how do you not know what sexy means?" He said in between laughs only making me mad at him for calling me dumb again.
"Hey you don-." I was cut of by Shanks who randomly grabbed me and held me close to his chest.
"Don't any of you guys try to ruin my (__) innocence you got that! Get your disgusting thoughts away from her!!!!" He shouted at them.
"Hey no fair Captain you can't keep (__) to yourself!!" They started to step closer to us and Shanks backed up. They took two step forward Shanks and I toke two back. Next thing I know Shanks is running and pulling me with him by my hand as the crew chases us shouting.
"Don't be selfish Captain!!!
"You can't hide her cuteness!!"
"Come back!!!"
"Stay away!!!!!"

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