Chapter 57

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(__) POV

"Nami, are we there yet? I wanna be on Fishman Island right now." Luffy complained.
"Fishman....Mermaids!!!!" Sanji said with hearts in his eyes.
"Screw catching food, I just wanna eat it!! Sanji dinner!!" Luffy demanded.
"Hey look, there's a big school of fish down there! We finally hit the jackpot!" Usopp said.
"Wow, they're headed straight for us!" Luffy said now back to fishing.
"I'm not sure but something feels off here," Nami said while looking at the ocean below.
"You're kidding me..." Nami said with a scary face.
"What is it? Don't just say things like that with a scary face!" Usopp said now worried. The clouds started getting cloudy and multiple whirlpools were being formed in the water.
"It's a Sea Snake Current!" Then the water burst into there into the form of snakes.
"The waves it looks like they are alive," Zoro said. Sanji went up to the wheel to try and dodge the Sea snakes but it wouldn't budge. One of the Sea Snakes came right towards the Sunny but I cut it with my
Chokutō before it could hurt anyone.
"What are you doing up there!" Zoro shouted at Sanji.
"Shutup, it's not my fault! I don't run into a lot of tidal waves in the kitchen!" Sanji defended. They continue to destroy all the Sea Snakes that came to attack the ship.
"Nami! Can we use the Coup de Burst?" I asked.
"No. I can't see an end to this which means that we're stuck here."
"I'll play a song. In times like these we need to remember that's there's hope and you guys can all sing along too." Brook said now holding his violin. Just before he could play a Sea Snake appeared underneath the ship.
"Are we going up?" Luffy asked.
"Oh hell no," Franky said. "We're falling!!"
"Hey look!" Nami said once the ship safely landed.
"What no way!?" Usopp said surprised.
"I see it," Luffy said with a smile. "It's the red line!" Soon enough we were able to escape when Nami saw an opening leading us to the grand line.
"We're finally here! We made it!" Luffy cheered.
"I can't even see the top, it's huge! So this is the red line." Chopper said amazed.
"It's strange it's sort of nostalgic," Nami said with a fond smile. Maybe for her, it's good but for me it was horrible. I remember years ago I went across the grand line to live on a new island. I even remember looking back and thinking about all I left behind. It seemed almost impossible at that time that I would ever see Luffy and Ace again.
"(__)." Luffy called out snapping me out of my thoughts. "What's wrong?"
"Huh oh, nothing I'm fine!" I said with a fake smile.
"(__) why are you lying?" Luffy asked with a frown. Damn, he could tell.
"Guess you got me," I said with a sigh. "I came here about 7 years ago. Do you remember Luffy?"
"7 years ago.... Wait you mean-."
"Yup. When I left you and Ace. This place just brings back bad memories because it seemed impossible that I'd ever find you again."
"(__) why did you leave Luffy and Ace?" Chopper asked.
"That's a really long story. I'll have to tell you sometime later, but what I can tell you is that my father moved us."
"Wow I can't believe someone would risk the trip coming to the grand line just to move," Usopp said amazed.
"Well, our safety was guaranteed. My father got Garp to take us."
"What!?!?!" Usopp and Chopper yelled surprised.
"Interesting. It seems a little beneath Garp to do something like that, after all, he is a Vice-Admiral." Robin said.
"Oh yeah, I remember seeing the old man on the ship with you."
"(__) is your dad a marine?" Sanji asked while smoking.
"No, he's a businessman. You probably heard of him, (f/n)(y/l)."
"You're an old man is (f/n)!" Zoro said surprised.
"Who's that?" Luffy asked confused.
"How do you not know? Even Zoro knows." Usopp said making Zoro mad.
"He's one of the richest men in the world. He owns companies all around the world and about 20% of the World Government's money comes from him alone."
"That means you're super rich!!" Nami said with beli signs in her eyes. "Can you give some beli to your friend?"
"Umm, I ran away so I don't get any of my father's fortune." Nami immediately got depressed and started crying on the floor.

"We have to be extra careful from here on out. We're right next to the holy land of Mariejois, Navy Headquarters, and the World Government." Nami said. Down below in the water Chopper and Usopp were playing around in the makeshift swimming pool Franky designed. I walked away into the training room where Zoro was lifting a 600lb weight.
"Hey Zoro I meant to ask you but how did you get that scar on your chest?"
"Hawkeyes Mihawk gave it to me when we fought."
"He did," I said with a frown. Mihawk you didn't have to cut the guy so deep he could die.
"I'm surprised it didn't kill you."
"How do you know it should've killed me?"
"My mom was a doctor so I learned a few things from her. I was always a pretty smart kid so even though I was young I picked up things fast."
"Was? Did she change jobs?"
"No, she died when I was 4." Zoro was about to say something else until someone bathed into the room.
"(__)-chwaannn I made you a delicious tart from ingredients I got from Thriller Park!" Sanji said with hearts in his eyes.
"Oh, really I can't wait to try it," I said while heading to the door. "Bye Zoro."
I walked up to the deck where Nami, Usopp, Franky, and Chopper were gathered. There was a table with a den den mushi on it and everyone surrounded it. I sat down across from Nami and Sanji placed my plate in front of me.
"Ahh!! Look it's behind us!" The den den mushi said imitating Brook. "Wow, it's gonna eat us!" Luffy said while laughing.
"I thought we knew where we were going but I guess not," Sanji said.
"You're right even if we know what direction we're headed it doesn't tell us how to get there. Give me a break Fishman Island where are you?" Nami said while looking at her log pose. I was so distracted eating the delicious tart Sanji made I didn't hear a word they said. It was just so good the flavor melted in mouth. It's like a sweet wonderland all in my mouth. Sanji really is the best cook.
"Hey, Franky do you want that," I asked pointing at his tart with desire in my eyes.
"Nah you can have it." He said handing it to me.
"Yay!!!" I cheered in happiness. "So good!" By the time I finished eating a mermaid and a weird talking starfish was on the ship. Where did they come from?" The mermaid had short green skinny and a pink tail. She wore a short yellow and pink crop top with a brown backpack.
"You saved us. Wow, that was a lot of fun!" The mermaid cheered.
"Oh yeah that was a blast, in fact, I had so much fun I'm going to jump right back into his mouth. Now, do you wanna tell me why you didn't run away from that thing when you saw it?" The starfish asked the green-haired mermaid.
"Well, that's the thing I kinda didn't see it."
"Of course not, it's not like it's freakin' huge or anything. Maybe you haven't noticed but you got something under your tail there." Underneath the mermaid was a passed out Sanji. The mermaid worried shook Sanji hoping he was okay.
"A mermaid!?!?!?"
"Huh?" The mermaid turned around to face us. "Oh my gosh, there's a bunch of humans!!"
"Okay let's all stop screaming." Chopper suggested.
"I'm sorry I was just startled. Anyways thanks for saving my life. It feels like I'm always getting swallowed by sea kings. This is probably the twentieth time."
"You gotta stop that geez," Usopp said.
"There must be some way to pay you guys back. Oh, octopus fritters."
"Oh you have some gimme gimme," Luffy said with his tongue hanging out.
"Sure thing they're 500 beli each, how many can I put you down for?"
"You're not selling them!" The starfish said hitting the mermaid on the cheek.
"Ahh, I'm not am I!" Sanji started cheering random things about the mermaid now named Kami.
Hey Kami, hello aren't you neglecting someone that you might wanna include in your fun in little chat." The starfish said a little far away.
"Oh, I'm sorry for ignoring you what's your name?" I asked.
"I'm Pappagu, Kami's pet, and fashion design teacher," Pappagu said confidently.
"So glove guy how can you talk?" Luffy asked.
"I'm so glad you asked. See back when I was a kid I was confused, I thought I was a human but by the time I figured out I was a starfish I already knew how to talk."
"Oh, I didn't know talking worked like that," Luffy said.
"The Brain is a powerful thing, my friend. You can do anything you put your mind too. Thanks for saving me."
"I want octopus fritters!" Luffy demanded.
"Oh, right I forgot. Since you saved me I won't charge you. Hold on let me call Hatchan and we'll work out a meeting spot." Kami pulled out a den den mushi from her bag to call her friend. When he picked it up she was surprised to hear someone else's voice. Apparently, the Big Dumb Mackerel Gang and the Flying Fish Riders captured her friend Hatchan. Luffy agreed to help Kami save Hatchen so we all headed to where Hatchan was being held. Kami used her ability to ask the fish for directions which made it so much easier.
"The Flying Fish Riders!" Pappagu said. Kami told us that they were in the sky and sure enough when we looked up there was a bunch of fish flying with men on them.
"So cool!!!" Luffy and I said with stars in our eyes.
"They're our enemy remember!" Zoro shouted.
"Here they come again!" Sanji shouted. The fish drop bombs but before they hit the ship Zoro and I cut them down. After sailing for a bit finally tee her the man made island.
"I think my can't go on this island disease is coming back."
"Wel,l this ain't really an island. They just built a village on top of the water. You should be good." Franky said making Usopp come up with another fake disease.
"For an enemy base, it sure is quiet." I pointed out.
"Hey!!! Hatchan are you okay!!" Kami called out. Out in the middle of the sea near the island, a strange thing in black was in a cage.
"What the hell, a black thing?" Franky said.
"Wait a second is tha, it kinda looks like Hatchan," Kami said.
"Oo wow Kami we're in luck. There isn't a single enemy in sight." Pappagu said.
"You two can't really by that stupid. The blindest man in the world can clearly see this is a trap!!" Usopp yelled. The man named Hatchan told Kami that he was fine when the ship came near.
"Ahhh!! What happened you're all black!!"
"This is a trap get outta here before they catch you!" Hatchan said.
"He,y you do how's Arlong doing these days!!!" Sanji should randomly. Who's Arlong?
"Oh, not so good actually. He and all the others got caught by the navy, I'm the only one who escaped. Now I've given up my life of crime and started an Octopus Fritter Shop. Funny how time flies right."
"Arlong?...huh....AHHH!!!! You the dumb squid with the swords!!!!!!" Luffy yelled.
"Ahhhh, they tricked me!" So I'm guessing they know him. Usopp explained that a Fishman pirate group had control of Nami's village and forced her to do bad things. Luffy yelled at the Fishman Hatchan and then they got ready to leave the island. Kami and Pappagu jumped off the boat to save Hatchan but she got captured. Nami finally agreed to help save Hatchan so Luffy went to help.
"Hey cut up the octopus' cage and save him Zoro!!" Luffy yelled.
"Guys they're here!" I said noticing the flying fish riders about to shoot in the sky. They threw bombs onto the ship but luckily Robin and Sanji stopped them. Luffy stretched his arms to steal one of the flying fish.
"Hey no fair Luffy, I wanna ride too!!" I yelled pouting.
"Okay!" Luffy said with a smile. Next thing I know a pair of arms is being wrapped around my waist.
"Wait a min-...Ahhhh!!!!" I landed right on Luffy's lap with a crash. "Next time want me."
"Sorry." I moved into a more comfortable position on the flying fish. All of a sudden the fish we were on dives into the water. I tried to save Luffy and I but I couldn't. I really should have learned how to swim.

"(__), (__), (__)!!!"
"Huh? Where am I?" I asked after coughing up some water. Oh, wait now I remember.
"(__)-chwan thank goodness, you're alive!" Sanji said relieved.
"Guess you saved me Sanji, thank you," I said with a smile.
"I'll always come to your rescue (__)-chwan!!!!!" Sanji said with hearts in his eyes as he carried me bridal style. A looked out to the island to find that Zoro already saved Hatchan from his cage.
"How devastating," Brook said falling into his hands and knees.
"What's wrong Brook?" I asked while getting out of Sanji's arms.
"To think that my first battle as a member of the crew, all I did was drown. If I can't outrun this now then how can I call myself a man? I wonder how many I can strike down. I am of meager talent but I shall do my best. Stand back and observe." He said now motivated. Brook leaped in the air and used his lullaby to make the riders fall asleep including Luffy and Chopper. Brook fell to the ocean and ran on top of it while cutting down his enemies. Luffy being the idiot he was going to ride one of the flying fish again although this time he didn't knock off the rider. Of course, though Luffy got the sleeping rider so he and the fish were sent faking down into a house on the island.
"What an idiot," I said facepalming. The rest of us dealt with the riders near the ship with ease.
"Move it!!!" A man yelled. We all turned to look where it was coming from. In front of Hatchan, Kami, and Pappagu was a large man with a mask. "I don't care about Fishman, mermaids, or talking gloves! I'll give 5 seconds to get the hell outta my way!" The three quickly moved away from the large man like he said to. "I never got into the slave trade market because I wanted to. You know that don't you?" He asked his men and they all responded with a yes. "This is the greatest day of my life. The man I have dreamed of killing is right before my eyes. I may have suffered to get here but it's all been worth it. I never did a thing to that bastard and he made my life hell, he ruined me!"
"Hey, what's his deal? Is he talking to us?" Usopp asked confused.
"You guys must have really pissed him off," I said.
"I've got nothing to lose anymore. I'm ending this, even if I die I'm killing you. Do you hear me, Black Leg Sanji!" He declared confusing all. "I've been waiting for this for a long time." Wait his accent just changed! That's wired.
"Me what I'm the hell did I do. That's weird." Sanji said confused.
"Sanji hey, what gives? What the heck did you do to him?" Franky asked.
"Maybe something back on the Baratie," Nami suggested.
"Well if we're going back that far, I did all sorts of stuff to piss people off. Geez, I can't even found them all."
"Well better let him kill you then," Usopp said wrapping his arm on Sanji's shoulder.
"That's a little rude to say Usopp," I said giggling.
"Don't play dumb with me Black Leg, it wasn't that long ago, dammit." He started firing harpoons at us annoyed. It didn't hit any of us but it released off poisons that could kill us if we got cut by it. While the man was distracted from firing at us Luffy came out of nowhere and kicked his face knocking his mask off.
"Go ahead look. See this a cursed face of mine."
"Wha!?!?" Usopp said surprised.
"No!" Nami and I said with wide eyes.
"Ahhhh!!!" Chopper screamed. Standing there was a man with the same exact face as Sanji's wanted poster.
"I've been waitin' for this day. I knew I couldn't let you live so I set out to sea to put an end to this." The man said and the grabbed Sanji's wanted poster. "But I knew I had my work cut out for me because you're wanted poster didn't look nothing like you. Even if the navy or some bounty hunters saw you they'd never know they were lookin' at the guy on the poster. They found someone else. Someone they hunted day in and day out. And when they found him. Do you know what they say, you can't hide from us, Black Leg Sanji! And then do you know what I told them, I never even met the guy before! And not all that I ain't even a pirate!!" While Franky and Chopper cried in putty Sanji was so pissed he was on fire.

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