Chapter 112

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(__) POV

I was pretty much alone in this mirror for a while. Okay note to self Brulee has a devil fruit power and she pushes me in a damn mirror. Great just great.
Bored of just sitting and waiting I left my spot and walked around the hallways of mirrors. As I was walking I saw different people through every mirror I looked at but no one seemed to see me. I'm not exactly sure how long I was in here but I know it's been a while. Surprisingly I ended up running into Brulee although she looked to be in a lot worse shape than when she threw me in here.
"There you are Brulee! Get me out of here now!!" I demanded.
"Come with me!" She said grabbing my hand.
"Wait a minute."
We ran by tons and tons of mirrors until she finally came to a stop at a specific one.
"(__)!!" A familiar voice called out sounding surprised.
"(__) is here too!! And she's with that mean lady!"
"Chopper, Carrot!?!!"
"That's where you two were." Brulee said smiling evilly. Before I could say anything else I was pushed through the mirror back into the real world.
"No!! Chopper, Carrot!!!" I yelled banging on the mirror shattering it to pieces. Damn it. She did it to me again. Wait a second where am I?
I looked around and noticed that I was in a large bedroom with pink walls and a white bed.
"Why would she bring me here? And where is here anyway? Am I in some random city?"
I looked off to the side and saw a balcony. I went over to it to try and figure where I could possibly be right now.
"No way... I'm in the castle?!?!"
Why would she bring me here of all places and not a cell? I quickly ran to the door and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge.
"Sorry but Brulee told me to keep you in here. And don't even try to escape there are guards outside." The door said to me.
"I'm not an idiot, unlike Ace and Luffy."
There's no point in trying to escape. I'm not weak or anything but I would be crazy to try and break out of Big Mom's castle where all 85 of her kids are at right now. That would be a suicide mission. I guess I have no choice but to wait this out and see what happens. Hopefully, Luffy and everyone come here quickly. It'll be easier to escape with there help.

After a while of doing absolutely nothing, I went back out on the balcony and watched the scenery. When I looked down I noticed that there was a small garden below a couple of meters away. I also noticed that a familiar blonde was picking flowers in the little garden.
"Sanji!!!!" I called out but he didn't seem to hear me. I called out his name again but this time even louder than before. He looked up at me shocked but then quickly came over to me using Skywalk. The moment he landed safely on the balcony I attacked him with a tight hug.
"Sanji!! I'm so glad I get to see you again!"
"(__)... what are you... how are you here?"
"That's not important Sanji! I remember... I remember what happened!"
"What happened?" He asked confused.
"Fourteen years ago you and I met," I said as I stared up at him still with my arms wrapped around him. He stared back into my (e/c) in shock. "Why didn't you tell me when we met again?"
"I thought you forgot. When I met you again it took me a while to remember too. It was after you offered carried Zoro to his room that first night that I remembered. You were just as kind as you were back then. You never brought it up so I assumed it wasn't something worth remembering."
"Sanji you idiot. It wasn't unimportant to me. If it wasn't for my father's experiments I would never have forgotten something like that. Even if I didn't remember I'm sure deep down I was caring about you."
"(__)-Chan you don't have to bother yourself with that." He said. I let go of him and frowned.
"What's wrong with you Sanji? This isn't like you. I said that I'll always care for you and I meant it. It's not a bother caring for someone." I said as I cupped his cheeks and he stared at me eye-wide. "Stop putting yourself down like that. It's not like before Sanji. You have me, Luffy, and everyone else caring for you now. When you talk about yourself like that it only hearts the ones that care for you."
"I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you."
"It's okay," I said returning to my usual happy self. I removed my hand that was holding his cheek and brought it down to my side. "It's a really good thing I saw you. We can't wait here together until Luffy and the others come to rescue you. It'll be more fun if you're here."
"I can't."
"Why not? Do you have something to do?"
"I'm marrying Pudding."
"What?!!" I yelled surprised. "You're going through with it! Why?!"
He didn't say anything. He just turned away from me heading back to the railing.
"Sanji wait!" I said grabbing his hand. I wrapped both of my hands around his and held it close to me. Sanji turned back around to face with gentle eyes.
"I don't understand Sanji. Why are you marrying Pudding?"
"Please don't give me that look (__)-Chan. You're making it harder and harder for me to want to be with Pudding." He said to my kindly. He removed his hand from my grasp and jumped down the balcony using Skywalk.
"Wait Sanji!!!"

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