Chapter 79

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(__) POV

After our little crying session Ace carried me back to the bed. Claude soon came into the room seemingly worried about me.
"Ace what happened during the war? What happened after Akainu attacked you?" Ace didn't answer immediately instead he was silent for a bit as if it was hard to say.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I thought it would have been too much to handle all at once," Claude said.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'll tell her." Ace began and then he went to tell me everything that happened. My eyes grew wider and wider with each word he said.
"I'm a monster, I should have died."
"No, you shouldn't!!" Ace yelled. "You're not a monster. That wasn't the real you. The real (__) is kind as caring. You can't blame yourself for this it's that bastard's fault."
"Who's fault? What do you mean?"
"Here I'll explain this one," Claude said. "I believe that what we happened was thanks to your father's experiments. He probably successful completed whatever sick and inhuman project through you, but I doubt that it was supposed to show up the way it did."
"My dream," I said touching my forehead with my hand. "It must be true."
"What dream?" Ace asked.
"Well, I guess it was more a lost memory than a dream. I dreamt about me being experimented on." I tried thinking back to when this could have happened. I don't get it. Just two years ago I was in that house suppose to get married...Wait a minute! What happened before that? It's all a blank. Before the marriage thing, I remember me finishing my training when I was 16 but what about after that. A whole year of my life is missing. "I can't remember. When I was 16. I can't remember a thing. What was I doing?"
"That must be when you went through the experiments," Claude said sadly.
"I swear I'm gonna kill that bastard." Ace said clenching his fists.
"You can do whatever you want later but right now you need to focus on getting better. The both of you. The resurrection process often weakens your body especially for you (__) since your injuries or so bad."
"Ace are you gonna go back to Marco and everyone else?"
"No. I'm staying here until you are better. We'll go back to the Moby Dick and you'll officially become part of my crew like I promised."
"Thank you Ace," I said smiling back. Even though things are hard to know I at least have Ace by my side.
"I'm sorry to interrupt the moment but I should let you know that by my account of your injuries it should take you about a year and a half to get back to full strength."
"That doesn't matter I wwas supposedto be dead so a year and a half is nothing compared to that., I said smiling.

*6 months later*

Ace and I were both wearing large cloaks that covered our faces as we stood on top of the hill.
"It's weird seeing my own tombstone." Ace said as he climbed upon it to take his hat back.
"I know what you mean. But it's really beautiful isn't it." I said doing the same to get my swords. "I wonder who came to the funeral."
"Everyone probably."
"Everyone like who?"
"I mean all of our crew plus all those friends you make."
"All those friends I make... oh you mean them. Maybe, but they're all enemies."
"That wouldn't matter trust me. If it was your gravestone I was at Teach could be there and I wouldn't do a thing. You're friend with way too many men."
"Really. I'm iffy about that, but anyway we got to get going before someone comes here." I said but before we left we made sure to thank Pops for everything he did. Pops was so kind, he accepted me when he hardly even knew me. I'll miss him.


"Hey Pops I don't mean to interrupt you but I got a question," I said walking onto the deck.
"Don't worry my child, what is it?" Pops said patting his leg so I could sit on it.
"Umm, I've been wondering why did you accept me as your daughter when you hardly knew me?"
"Don't you remember. It's because you're Ace's family."
"That's it!? That's the reason?! But you just met me. Why would you want me?"
"I saw the way he looked at you. I've never seen my son so happy before. Ace is good at picking his friends so if you made him that happy just by coming to see him than I know you're a good person."
"Pops..." I said trying to hold back the tears.
"Now I know you even more and I'm proud to call you my daughter."
"Thank you, Pops."

*flashback over*

He and he alone will be my only father. No one else can replace him. Pops truly was one of a kind.

It took a while for us to finally make it back to the island. Claude's village was small but nice. Hardly any marines cane there so it was easy to keep a low profile. The village was also pretty closed off from the world so no one knew who were by our faces.
"It's so weird seeing you wear a shirt."
"Well, I have to cover up my tattoo somehow." He began. "But I know you missed seeing me shirtless."
"In your dreams."
"Ace are you flirting with (__) again?" Claude asked walking into the house with a hand of groceries.
"Yup," I said going up to help him with his stuff.
"Don't act like you don't love it."
"I don't love it okay. Claude are you going to make dinner I'm hungry."
"Yeah, it'll be ready in an hour or so."
"Alright yeah!" I cheered.
"Hey (__) you wanna train a bit while we wait?" Ace asked.
"You bet. Let's go."

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