Chapter 11

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(__) POV

I ended up getting a job at a restaurant near the harbor. Apparently they didn't get much customers so they needed me to attract some. Although I'm not sure how I'm going to do that. I was wearing an orange dress with the restaurant's name across my chest and a white apron with my hair in low pigtails. I had knee high white socks and black shoes.

I was really confused as to why the lady said she never gets customers

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I was really confused as to why the lady said she never gets customers. From what I could see the place was packed with people. It was so busy that it was kind of hard to handle it all. Katakuri would walk with me to work, visit me during work, and he would wait for me after my job ended so we could walk to the inn together. Sometimes we would eat dinner at the restaurant together when my job was
done. I worked everyday for a little over a week. A day before leaving I spent the whole day with Katakuri. We enjoyed different sweets and walked around town and the forest. While in the forest I noticed that a lot of the animals seemed to back away from Katakuri in fear. They were probably scared because of how large he is but he's such a sweetheart I know he would never hurt any of them. "Katakuri do you want to pet one of the animals?" I asked as we walked through the forest,
"I wouldn't mind but there scared of me."
"What if I can get them to come out?" I asked.
"That's not possible."
"We'll see about that." I said with a smirk and ran a little ahead of Katakuri before completely stopping. Katakuri stopped as well to see what I was going to do. A couple seconds later a began to sing a song that I use to sing back home to the animals.(song below)

As I was singing more and more animals stayed to come out from the bushes like squirrels, deers, and birds. But the time I was done singing the animals had gathered around me, some birds resting on my head and shoulders. I looked over Katakuri to see he was shocked by what just happened.
"Come here." I said waving him over. He took a step and the animals all looked at him scared.
"Don't worry he won't do anything bad, he's really nice." I said in a nice quiet tone in order to calm him down. Katakuri walked closer to the animals and when he finally reached them he just stood there.
"Go on pet them." He bent down to a squatting position and slowly reached his hand over to the deer in front of him. When he finally reached its head he started to pet it affectionately. The other animals now not afraid moves a little closer to him.
"It feels good doesn't it." I said moving towards the same deer to pet it. He was staring at the deer in front of him with almost a child like happiness
"Thank you." He simply said.
"No problem."

Our last spot was the same flower field where we met one another and by the time we got there it was already dark.
"Wow!!" I said amazed. Believe it or not the field looked even more beautiful then before. Although it was night I could see everything so clearly because of the light shining from the moon. The moon was full and I could see all the stars in the night sky. Fireflies were illuminating the flower field even more then the moon itself.
"Come on!" I said smiling and grabbing his large hands with mine. I pulled him into the middle of the field and there we sat and talked.

*next morning*

Today was the day that I was to leave this island and set off to sea again. I was happy to be able to see other islands but I was also a little sad that I had to leave behind some of the friends I made and I probably won't be seeing Katakuri for a while. Before leaving I made sure to give him a hug, around his legs, because he was tall, and tell him that I would see him again if I was nearby.

It's been a few days since I have last seen Katakuri. I really missed him. Sure he was quiet and serious but he was still sweet and it was nice being around him. I was alone is the sea for a while until I saw a large ship coming my way. It was hard to see the jolly Rodger from where I was but when it got closer I could see a skull with cross swords and a red mark going across the left side of the skull.
"HEY DO YOU HAVE ANY BOOZE!!!!" I heard a faint voice yell out to me. When the ship got right next to mine he asked again if I had booze. I didn't answer him right away because I was staring at the man. He had long red hair that was mainly slicked back but he let a few strands fall on his face and he had a scar on his left eye. He was wearing a loose white shirt that exposed his chest because he didn't button it all the way, brown pants, and a black cape. I also noticed that his right arm was missing which immediately made me think of what Luffy told me.
"Red haired and a missing arm." I said to myself.
"Sorry what was that I couldn't hear you." He said putting his hand to his ears. Wanting to see if this was the same man Luffy told me about I took a huge leap, landing safely on the railing. I was met with men all with their hands on there weapons except for the red head. Then out of nowhere they all stared at me hearts in their eyes expect for the red head, a guy with dreads, a man with a cigarette, and a guy eating meat.
"So do you have booze we ran out?" The red head asked me.
"No sorry, but I was wondering what's you're name?" I asked curiously coming off the railing.
"I'm Shanks the captain." The guy said smiling which made me smirk.
"It's nice to meet you Shanks, I'm (__)." I greeted with a smile causing the crew to get louder.
"What do you think you're doing jumping onto a pirate ship like this?" The man with the cigarette asked.
"I wanted to ask Shank's his name."
"And you aren't scared now that you know?"
"No. Why should I be?" I asked confused.
"Ahaha!! I like this girl!" The man with meat said.
"So why did you want to my name?" Shanks asked.
"Oh that because I think you know my old childhood friend Luffy." I started to say but was interrupted.
"What!? You know Luffy!?!?" He asked loudly.
"Yes when we were kids we use to play together." I explained. "I feel so lucky to run into you here. I wanted to thank you for saving Luffy."
"That was nothing I couldn't let the kid die like that. Anyways that's not what's important now." He began. "CREW GET THE BOOZE, WE'RE CELEBRATING FINDING (__)!!!!!!!!"
"YEAH!!!!!!!!!" The crew responded.
"Bring on the drinks." The guy in dreads said.
"Umm didn't you run out of booze." I said sweat dropping at their idiocy. They all looked at me with realization well all expect the guy smoking.
"But I want to party now." Shanks complained.
"You're going to have to wait till we get to the next island." The smoking guy said.
"(__) you're going to stay with us until then." Shanks said now feeling better.
"Alright." After that I tied my small boat to the side of theirs. While waiting to approach the next island I got acquainted with the crew. The guy with dreads was known as Yasopp, the one with meat was Lucky Roo, and the smoking one was Benn. Benn seemed to be the most responsible person on board. Although Shanks seemed childish he commanded a lot of respect from his crew.
"So (__) what's a cutie like you doing in the sea alone?" Yasopp asked.
"Just exploring I guess. I want to see the whole world if I can."
"The whole world huh? That's gonna take a while." He responded.
"I bet she could do it." Lucky Roo said with a smile.
After a bit of talking we ended up at an island. Once there a lot of the crew rushed out to get drinks. When they came back the party immediately started. Everyone was drinking and eating happily.
"Come on (__), aren't you going to drink?" Shanks asked with a red face.
"I don't know maybe. I have never had sake before."
"What!?" Yasopp said now joining the conversation. "How could you never have had sake?!" Shanks said surprised.
"I don't know I just haven't. I've never had any alcohol at all."
"That's so sad. I feel so bad for you." Yasopp said as they both looked at me with pity.
"Take a sip, try it." I looked at him nervously before decided to try it. I drank the whole thing at once without stopping.
"Sooo? How is it?" Yasopp asked.
"Amazing isn't it." Sharks added.
"It's not that bad." I said causing the two to cheer loudly.
"Hey (__) how old are you?" Benn asked.
"Umm I'm 17."
"You're 17?! That's not much older then my son!" Yasopp said excitedly.
"You have a son." I said surprised.
"Yeah he'd be 15 right now." He said and the pulled out a picture of his son. He had a long nose and curly hair. Yasopp then went on talking about his son until one of his crew shut him up. I spent the night dancing, singing, and drinking with everyone. I never expected parties to be this fun. It was a nice feeling swing everyone smile so happily.

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