Chapter 47

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3rd POV

Help me!!!!!" Nami shouted.
"Nami you can fly!?" Usopp and Chopper said surprised.
"I'm being abducted you, idiots!" Chopper an Usopp began to chase her. Nami was hitting the invisible man constantly but it didn't help.
"I was feeling you up in the shower and I have determined that you are fit to be my bride. Although the other was hotter you are good enough. My name is Absalom, you'll do well to remember it because I'm your future husband.
"Who do you think you are insulting me and then saying I'm going to marry you!" Nami shouted. Nami pulled out her Clima-Tact and sent a charge of electricity to Absalom. She was sent flying away with him.
"Nami good job! Keep running we have to get out of this forest and help (__)." Usopp said once he caught up. The trio ran away scared chased by the warthog Lola.
"Hey Nami I think she's only going after you," Usopp said as he ran.
"You're right. What the hell is going on here?"
"So I was thinking that why don't just split up," Usopp said causing Nami to hit him.
"Woman are scary!" Chopper said about to cry. Nami sped up leaving Usopp and Chopper behind. Lola left Chopper and Usopp and went after Nami. When Lola caught up she started attacking Nami with her swords. Usopp and Chopper went to help her by climbing on Lola's horns, but that didn't stop her.
"Prepare to die!"
"Wait you got it all wrong...I'm.... the truth is in a man!!" Lola stopped literally one centimeter away from Nami.
"What!?!?!" Lola said with her mouth hanging open. "You mean it!"
"Yea crossdressing is just a habit of mine. And I think you and that Ab guy would make a super cute couple. You two should totally hook it up, girlfriend."
"Hah, you think!!"
"Of course I do! You're made for each other!" Lola started to cry and Nami began giving her advice on how to get Absalom. Usopp saying Absalom headed their way and told Nami. Nami set Lola to go get him and the trio escaped. They ran to a room filled with pillars. When they saw Absalom headed their way again they hid inside a giant teddy bear, which they didn't know was a zombie. The zombie teddy bear walked off with Perona and Absalom to a large room where Luffy was being held in a cage.
"No way, this is bad they caught Zoro and Sanji," Usopp whispered opening the zipper on the bear's back slightly.
"How's that possible. They got take and Luffy." Chopper said surprised.
"No offense but they are the strongest guys on our crew how are they the first ones to get caught," Nami said.
"I don't know who any of these guys are but they are seriously dangerous," Usopp said scared. "And look that guy that took (__) is there too."
Perona and Absalom's comrades started talking about how Usopp, Nami, and Chopper were supposed to be delivered to Kumashi. Kumashi tried to tell Perona that they were inside of him but he got yelled at every time he tried to talk.
"She doesn't want you," Cindry said to Absalom.
"So you think the other one is better for me?" Absalom asked.
"Lay a hand on my wife and I will kill," Elrick said to Absalom.
"She doesn't want you either," Cindry said to Elrick.
"Shutup," Elrick said coldly.
"Damn you, Elrick, if it weren't for that stupid bet I would be having that goddess to myself!" Absalom yelled.
"That's too bad. You have the burglar so deal with it."
"Fine a woman is a woman," Absalom said still a little annoyed. Gekko Moriah got annoyed and shut the group up. As Gekko Moriah was talking to his crew Luffy escaped by eating through the bars but that didn't last long when Perona sent her ghosts after him. They tied Luffy up in the air and shined a light on him. Gekko Moriah pulled his shadow from the ground and cut it off of Luffy, causing him to pass out.
"What just happened? That's not possible is it?" Nami asked scared.
"His shadow they cut it off and took it." Chopper said.
"Wait a minute we heard of this already. Didn't that skeleton say this happened to him." Usopp.
"So this guy is the one who did it," Nami said.

Gekko Moriah and his crew were taken to the special refrigerator where corpse number 900 was being kept. Nami, Usopp, and Chopper watched terrified as they saw Gekko Moriah put Luffy's shadow in Oars. A couple of seconds later the room starts rumbling and Oars body starts moving.
"Ahh! The corpse moved!" The trio said jumping out of Kumashi by accident.
"Ah crap, we're screwed!" Usopp said scared.
"Can you blame me for screaming!" Nami said terrified.
"We're all going to die!" Chipper said crying.
"Kumashi don't tell me you were conspiring with those pirates behind my back!" Perona yelled as the trio backed away.
"MEAT!!!!" Oars shouted now fully awake. "I'M HUNGRY!!!!!!!" The trio was sent flying out of the room from Oars yell.
"At least we know how the zombies work now," Nami said as she ran.
"It really came back to life." Chopper said in his reindeer form.
"There's only one explanation for this. The big guy just have devil fruit powers." Usopp said.
"The first thing that giant things said was meat. That means that it doesn't just have Luffy's shadow, it has part of his personality too." Nami realized. They ran towards the door down the stairs until fire appeared out of nowhere attack Usopp and Chopper. Nami was grabbed from behind by Absalom.
"Well say goodbye because today I'm going to marry her." He said licking his lips. Absalom turned invisible along with Nami and left before Usopp's attack could hit them. Absalom called for his zombies to attack Usopp and Chopper before leaving to another room. The duo was being attacked and surrounded by the zombies leaving them nowhere to go. Luckily they were saved by Franky and Robin who purified the zombies with salt.
"We were time they use the staircase to transport people who've shadows been cut," Robin explained as she ran.
"That makes sense they took Luffy here," Usopp said.
"What about (__) have you guys seen here? She was with us and she just disappeared." Franky asked.
"I'm worried they took her like they did with Zoro and Sanj," Robin added.
"This guy with wings took her away. I'm worried about her." Chopper said.
"She'll be fine remember he said he wanted to marry her," Usopp said.
"Marry?" Robin repeated.
"We'll explain everything later," Usopp said.
"We need to go to the Sunny and regroup there to take back their shadows," Franky said and then explained how to beat the zombies.

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