Chapter 105

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(__) POV

"The Whale Tree looks even bigger up close!!!" Luffy said excitedly.
We had just arrived at the other side of the forest where many of the night time Minks were. Just like before we were welcomed with open arms.
"I'm glad to see you our saviors and their friends." A man said from up a tree. "Let me say it once again, thank you."
Up on the branch was a Jaguar Mink with bandages across his forehead and blonde hair covering his left eye.
"Bepo and the others are waiting for you guys back there." The Mink said jumping down to the floor.
"We can see them later. We wanna see Cat Viper and Lion Viper the Lion first."
"If you're talking about Pekoms, he's up now. He's in the building at the back. We kept the whole incident secret from everybody. Sanji is a nice guy. I hope we can help you in some way."
"Luffy I'm worried about Cat Viper- not just about his condition though, so I'll go see him first! "

Inside the room, large cat about the same size as Dogstorm was waking a bath while singing and eating Lasagna.
"Oi, Cat Viper! You shouldn't take a bath, your wounds gonna reopen! And you shouldn't eat like meals! Why are using your left hand?! Are you listening to me!!"
"Oh, Chopper! No problem. No problem." Cat Viper said. "I'm a freedom-loving man!"
"You have to listen to your doctor!"
"He's so cute!!! And look how big he is. I just wanna cuddle with him!!" I squealed.
Cat Viper finally got out of the bath talking about some random things.
"So you guys are the Straw Hats!!!" He said pulling us into a tight hug which I gladly accepted. The others, however, looked like they were suffering. "You saves me!! Thank you!" He said rubbing his cheeks with mine.
"He's so soft!!!"
"I'll repay my debt to you someday." He said letting us go. "I may not look it but I have a strong sense of obligation and compassion!"
"Oh, a ball." Usopp said nothing a red ball bounce in.
"Yeah, a ball!!!" He said playing with it.
"Stop playing with it you're sounds gonna reopen!! Chopper yelled and just like he said it reopened.

"Listen I got into bed because I wanted to."
"Uhuh. Whatever the cast just stay still! I'm gonna give you a shot.
"Hey you, show me that foxtail over there." He said to me. I pulled a piece of the plant and waved it over his bed.
"Like this?" I asked and he started playing with it.
"Chopper! Hurry up while I'm distracted and enjoying myself!"
" I said stay still!!!"
"Are you afraid of shots even looking like that!!?" Usopp we yelled surprised.
"I'm completely cured now." Cat Viper said pleased.
"There's no wonder drug like that so keep quiet!!"

After checking in Cat Viper we went to where Luffy if the others were. Apparently, they were talking to some Mink named Pekoms. As we were walking Brook was since again attacked by a bunch of Dog Minks.
"Oh! You are Straw Hat Luffy, aren't you?! I couldn't wait to meet you!" Cat Viper said from behind us.
"What?! Why did you follow us?! Get rest!" Chopped demanded.
"I just got better!"
"That cat doesn't know how to listen. Chopper looks like his head is about to blow off." Ace commented.
Cat Viper ran to Luffy smashing his cheek to Luffy's so hard that he broke the wall. Cat Viper then passed out and I ran over to check on him.
"Ah! Blood is spewing out from his head!!" I yelled worriedly. "Chopper, come help him!!"
"Hey, what are you doing, cat monster?!" Zoro yelled pissed.
"Don't yell at him when he's injured!!" I yelled hitting Zoro's on the head.
"I'm injured too!!"
"Stay with me Cat Viper!" Chopper yelled.
"He's really big! And so fluffy, too!" Luffy said laughing while one Cat Viper.
"He's like a bed. I can sleep right...." Ace said stopping mid-sentence as he fell asleep on Cat Master.
"I know right! So fluffy and adorable!" I said hugging his arm.
"Get off him, Ace, Luffy! He may not look it but he's heavily injured!" Chopper yelled. "I'm out of blood! Bring some quick!"
"Cat monster, stand up!! I'll cut you up!!" Zoro yelled.
"Hurt him and you're dead," I said coldly and a dark aura surrounded me and my hair floated around. Zoro backed away a bit nervously while sweating excessively.
"Oh, Tra-guy!!" Luffy yelled while jumping off Cat Viper. "Oh are they your friends?!"
"Trafy's back," I said turning back to normal.
"Yeah, I came to introduce them to you. They're my crew- 20 in total.
"It's nice to make your acquaintance, Fire Fist, Demon Princess, and Straw Hat!!!" His crew introduced.
"What a cute bear!" I squealed tackling Bepo in a hug.
"(__) really is alive!" Shachi said.
"The world would be a lot sadder if you were gone," Penguin said blushing.

"What?! Black Foot went with Big Mom!? How in the world could that happen?!" Trafy asked.
"Don't worry! I'm gonna go take him back!!! So could you wait to fight Kaido a little bit?!"
"That's not my call!! It's only a matter of time before Kaido comes after us! I thought we could hide ourselves here in Zou for a while but they know where it is. Even if their Target is us next, what do you think will happen to this country if it's an attacked again?!
"How kind of you!!!!" The Minks said crying.
Next thing you know they're throwing another party. We all went outside as food was brought out and bonfires were started.
Ace and Luffy were eating with Cat Master whole Zoro was drinking as usual. Chopper was goofing around and Usopp danced with the Minks.
"Trafy you're here again," I said.
"I told you before partying isn't my thing."
"Well not when I'm around. Come on!" I said pulling him up.
"Oi, Wait a minute..."
"Nope," I said smiling. "We're dancing."

I was waken up from my peaceful slumber when I heard a loud ringing noise which I think was a bell. I probably should have gotten up but I was way too comfortable.
"(__) wake up!!" Nami yelled.
"No I don't wanna," I said hugging something closer to me.
"WAKE UP!!!!!!!"
"Okay okay I'm up," I said slowly opening my eyes to find I was holding Ace's arm. Wow, he looks so peaceful.
"What's going on?" I asked Kin'emon and that that other samurai are here!"
"What?! Ace wake up! We have to go!!"
"What time is it?" Ace asked still half asleep.
"Come on let's go!" I yelled
Once everyone was awake we all ran towards where Kanjuro and Kin'emon were suppose to be. We ended up in the middle of the city where we saw Dogstorm and Cat Viper ran into each other. While everyone was distracted with them the rest of us grabbed Kin'emon and Kanjuro and pulled them behind a rock.
"What are you doing?!" Kanjuro asked.
"Man, that was..." Usopp began.
"Really closer." Chopper finished.
"We didn't hurt you did we?" I asked the little kid I was holding.
"You three take my advice and head back to the Sunny," Nami warned.
"Boy! If you go out there now, it would be like pouring gasoline on a fire!" Usopp whispered yelled. Kin'emon got up from the floor and looked above the rock to see Dogstorm and Cat Viper about to fight.
"A dog and a cat?!" He said surprised and Usopp quickly shut him up by jumping on his back.
"I heard about it before but they're really strong!" Usopp said amazed. Kin'emon started to walk over to them while Usopp tried to restrain him.
"Stop fighting!!!!"
"Hey, you idiot!!! What are you doing?!!!"
"That's a... samurai!"
"See they found you! Run, Kin'emon! They're gonna kill you!" Usopp warned.
I was so distracted watching them that I let the kid escape. A second later and Kanjuro followed behind. Dogstorm and Cat Viper halted their fight and came over to where they were standing.
"People from the country of Zou, I'm a retainer of the Kozuki Clan from the Land of Wano named Kin'emon! I'm here to look for my comrade named Raizo who is a warrior from the same country! Has he been here?!"
"Well, this country was destroyed because he wasn't here!!!!" Usopp and Chopper yelled.
"It's not looking too good." Ace said seriously.
"Yeah. I wonder what will happen. I don't want to have to fight them."
Luffy, Zoro, Franky, and Brook walked towards Kin'emon, Kanjuro, and the kid while the rest watched to see what would happen. We expected a fight to break out but that didn't happen. Instead, Dogstorm and Cat Viper sat down on the floor and began to cry.
"We've been expecting you." Dogstorm began with tears in his eyes. "Raizo-dono is safe!"
"Whoa! Hey, was Raizo here all this time?! Did you all know?!!!!" Usopp yelled while the rest of us were still shocked by the news. "Y-Y-Y-You all almost died!!! The millennium-old city was ruined!!!" He yelled crying.
"I'm sorry that we kept it a secret from you guys too." Cat Viper said petting Usopp. "The Land of Wano's Kozuki Clan and we have been like a family since way back. No matter what will be ruined, we'd never sell our friends!!"

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