Special Film Z

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3rd POV

On the Sunny, the guys were all on the deck having a Sakura party with Brook singing to them and the others eating as a purple dust cloud floated above them.
"I'm going to need another round," Zoro said.
"Aw man, why does it smell like poison!" Chopper complained. "I'm gonna die!"
"What's wrong brother?" Franky asked.
"Was he poisoned?" Zoro asked.
"He is poisoned! I've just remembered!" Brook said.
"Do you have any idea what it is?" Franky asked.
"Listen to this song: the poison I took..."
"It's a song?!?!?"
"Now that I think about it, the taste of the sake is... Wait! Or was it always like this?" Zoro asked.
"They are always so lively," Robin said while watering her plants.
"Plant care... take care of plants..." Usopp sang. "Come on children! I want you to grow into Pop Greens! The worm exterminator, the great Usopp, shall protect them!"
"Usopp!!!" Luffy called. "So it's your fault! Look! Chopper was poisoned by the milk!"
"It's your fault for being there! The poison is for killing worms! So if you die, it means you are just a worm!"
"Well, then we can relax. After all, we're not insects." Zoro said drinking a bottle of sake.
"So, are you okay?" Chopper asked.
"The taste is a bit different, but it's still pretty good."
"It's a little bitter... is that because I'm becoming an adult?" Chopper asked.
"Let me try it," Luffy said drinking Chopper's milk. "That's horrible."
"Agricultural chemicals also affect the human body," Robin said.
"I am a cherry tree... blooming slowly..." Franky said.
"Luffy, look! The cherry tree! The autumn will end soon." Brook said.
"Wait a bit more, cherry tree!!"
"They're loud aren't they." (__) said over there sound of Luffy yells.
"I know. They make too much noise." Nami said. Both girls here relaxing on their lounge chairs trying to read a book however the boys were being really loud. Nami was in a blue, yellow, pink, red, and purple bikini with her hair let down. (__) wore a white bikini, shorts, and sunglasses.
"Can't you be quiet for a while?" Nami asked.
"Hey, be quiet!" Sanji yelled coming up the steps with a tray holding two drinks on it. "Hey, Nami-swan, (__)-chwan! Here's your special drink!!"
"Thank you, Sanji." (__) smiled taking her drink. "Could you also make some desserts?" She asked.
"(__)-chwann!! Yes, with pleasure!" He saluted with hearts in his eyes.
"Hey, Sanji! I also want dessert! And meat!" Luffy yelled.
"I want some candies!" Brook requested.
"Me too!" Chopper added.
"I want cola!" Franky said.
"I'm out of sake down here!" Zoro said.
"I want dessert too!" Usopp yelled.
"Shut up, you bastards! When you ask for something, you have to do it much more politely, you idiots! Besides, I was born only for serving ladies!"
As Sanji was talking a dark grey cloud covered the sky and ash began to fall over the Sunny and the food.
"It's ash." (__) said holding out her hand.
Nami and (__) came down to the deck where the others were.
"Ewww!! That's disgusting!" Chopper complained rubbing his face.
"Aww Chopper, ashes in your fur bothers you doesn't it?" (__) said sadly grabbing Chopper and placing him on her lap. "Why don't we take a bath together? Maybe that'll help."
"BATH?!?!?!?" Sanji yelled.
"Together!!!" Brook shouted.
"Today is not my bath day but I'll make an exception, this is very disgusting."
"Can I... Can I take a bath with you as well?" Brook asked. "Can I? Look, my face is disgusting too!"
"Never you perverted skeleton!!!" Sanji yelled. "If anyone is taking a bath with my goddess it's me!!!"
"No way." (__) said picking up Chopper and walking away as Sanji and Brook cried in defeat. "We're going to take a quick bath."

(__) POV

"(__) don't you think that was mean?" Chopper asked as I walked into the bath.
"Ahh so warm..." I said to myself. "And it's not mean, it's common sense."
"But they were crying?"
"It's not like I can say yes just because they wanna take a bath with me."
"I guess."
"Now come here. I wanna wash you!" I said excitedly. We stepped out the bath so I could put shampoo on Chopper. His fur was so soft in my hands I couldn't help but hug him. I also scratched him a bit which made him ticklish.
"Stop that tickles!!" He laughed.
"Oh really?" I smirked. "So how about here! And here! And over here!"
"Stop I can't breathe!!"
"Okay! I'm done." I giggled. After our bath, we changed into our clothes and went back out on the deck. I was in a white shirt with the loose sleeve at my arms and navy blue shorts. I also wore a choker and sunglasses and my hair was let down.

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