Chapter 41

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(__) POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and the feeling of something around my waist. I opened my eyes to find Sabo's sleeping face literally centimeters away. What happened last night? My memory's all fuzzy. I should probably get up now, but Sabo looks so peaceful. I don't want to wake him. Out of nowhere Sabo's eyes slowly begin to open.
"Good morning (__)."
"M-morning. Umm, what happened last night?" I asked looking up at him and noticing a tint pink on his face. Please don't tell me I did anything!
"Umm you got really drunk and you..."
"And I what?" He told me everything that I did last night. My cheeks getting redder and redder every second. When he finished I hide my face in his chest so he couldn't see me.
"I can't believe I did that."
"You don't have to be embarrassed. It was really cute to see you like that." He isn't helping!! I want to dig myself in a hole and never come out!
"Sabo are you goi-.... I'm sorry for interrupting!"
"Wait Koala it's not like that!!" And she's gone. We quickly got away from each other out of embarrassment.
"I'm so sorry Sabo about last night!"
"No it's okay, I didn't really mind sleeping next to you." He said whispering the last part so I could barely hear. We walked out of the tent getting strange looks from everyone. What's up with them?
"Umm, Sabo why are they all looking at us like that?" I asked.
"That's because you guys did it, obviously," Koala said walking over to us.
"Did it?" I asked tilting my head to the side. What's she talking about? Did what?
"Hey Koala it's not like that. I would never try anything when (__) was so drunk!" Sabo defended.
"Mhm, so you're saying you would if she was sober."
"I didn't say that."
"What are you guys talking about?" I asked completely confused.
"You don't know?" Koala asked and I shook my head as a response. "Awww, you're so cute and innocent!!" She yelled hugging me.
"I am?"
"Yup. I'm going to have to keep you away from Sabo so he doesn't try anything."
"Hey! I would never do anything (__) didn't want me to do." I was still confused as to what they were talking about, but I just let it slide. We spent some time together during that day. I helped them get their ships ready and then it was time for us to separate. I had already said my goodbyes to everyone else including Dragon so know it was just me and Sabo.
"Do you really have to leave already? You could always stay with us." Sabo said.
"I can't stay. I'm already with a crew. I'm going to miss you a lot though. We only met but I feel like we have gotten close."
"Then let's promise to see each other again, okay," Sabo said smiling brightly and I smiled back. I pulled him into a quick hug as a last goodbye.
"I'm worried about you though. What are you going to do without me watching you're back in the wars." I teased letting go of him.
"You should be more worried about yourself. You seem to find trouble everywhere you go."
"You're right about that," I said giggling. Sabo leaned in closer to me and place a gentle kiss on my cheeks.
"Bye (__)!" Did he just? He did! Now my face is all red, thanks a lot Sabo. I wasn't expecting that at all. A little heads up would have been nice.

It's been a couple of days since I left Sabo and the rest of them. I've been checking Luffy's progress since everything that happened in Alabasta. Apparently, he declared war on the World Government and he destroyed Enies Lobby. I swear he's just as crazy and dumb as I remember him to be. I honestly kind of feel bad for his crew. They are probably always being dragged into his craziness. Being alone out in sea actually was pretty helpful. I've been studying maps and things so I can figure where Luffy will probably end up. It took a while but I finally figured he was headed towards the Devil's Sea and lucky for me I just so happened to be nearby. In only a couple of hours, I could see a ship nearby. It was a normal-sized ship with what I think is suppose to be a lion as the figurehead. What was strange about the ship was the back of the ship. It had a strange circular-shaped thing in the back. I wonder what that's for? I knew it was Luffy's ship the moment I saw the flag. It was a skill with a straw hat and crossbones. That's so Luffy! I headed over to the side of the ship as fast as I could. Once there I jumped up onto the wooden railing. No one noticed me yet as they were too busy doing their own thing. On the ship was a large patch of fresh grass and a swing with a slide. I saw a man with curly hair fishing across the ship, a woman with ginger hair sunbathing, a man with green hair sleeping, and Luffy in the middle of it all. He looks the same as before just a little taller. By looking at him I could already tell he hasn't changed a bit. He still has that same straw hat the big brother gave him and that big innocent smile. He's the same cute kid I remember.

"Sanji, I want food!!!!"
"Hold up would you!!!!" A man yelled from the room. The moment I saw Luffy I ran up to him and hugged him knocking us both down. The whole crew all turned to where the noise was coming from.
"Hey, who are you!?" He asked yelling. I got up sitting down on him so he could see my face and smiled.
"It's me you idiot."
"Who's that!" The man with black hair pointed. Luffy stared at my face confused until after a little while his face changed to surprise.
"(__) is it you?" He asked already tearing up and I nodded. "(__), it's really you!!!!!!!"

One Piece x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora