Chapter 106

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(__) POV

"I'm deeply grateful to you all!!!" Kin'emon said.
"It's not a big deal! Don't mention it!" Cat Viper said smiling and Dogstorm nodded in agreement.
"Thank you! And now, as proof, I offer you this!" Kin'emon said and then turned his back to them. He took off his kimono revealing a tattoo of a bird within a circle.
"Yup, that's certainly the same Kozuki Clan crest that Duke-samba, Master, and Raizō-san have!" Wanda said. "But Dogstorm, Cat Viper it's surprising to see you two alive and well here!"
"Death would've been a relief to us. But we thought if we trust the words from that day and wait here..." Dogstorm began.
"Yeah, then we would get to see you guys one day!" Cat Viper finished.
"Oi, cat monster!"
"What do you want, dog?!"
"Was talking to Kin'emon! Don't interrupt as you please!"
"Eh?!! I was just thinking Kin'emon must be sick of talking to you so I tactfully took over!"
"What did you say!" Dogstorm said as they butted heads. The two continued bickering until the little kid interrupted them.
"You too used to be such good friends! Why have you been fighting like you want to kill each other?! I forbid you to ever fight again! It's even more inexcusable if it's because of my father!!! It would make my father sad to see you too like this!"
"Did you say make your father sad? But Kin'emon is right there." Usopp said confused.
"I'm sorry. Momonosuke-sama. I am ashamed of myself. You're absolutely right!" Cat Master said as both of the leaders bowed their heads to the kid named Momonosuke.
"Momonosuke-sama is right!" Kin'emon declared. "Please forgive me for lying to you all, too. To tell you the truth, Momonosuke-sama and I are not father and son!!" He said to us.
"This man right here is the heir to Kozuki Oden-sama, great daimyo of Kuri in the Land of Wano!! His name is Kozuki Momonosuke-sama!! That means for all of us including Dogstorm and Cat Viper, he's our lord!"
"What?! Usopp! What in the world is going on?!" Chopper asked.
"The dog, the cat, Kin'emon and Kanjuro are retainers and Momo must be their master but... I don't understand either!!"
"Along the way, if his true identity was revealed, we could've attracted more enemies so we pretended as if we were father and son. Although we trusted you all, we never had a good chance to tell you. Sorry."
"So you're not father and son," Luffy said.
"But they're alive. They're both perverts." Brook said.
"I'm sorry that I was lying! I'm actually an important figure!" Momonosuke said to Luffy.
"Yes and a pervert," Brook said.
"No, I'm not!"
"Whatever," Luffy said without a care in the world.
"What do you mean by that?! Bow down Luffy!"
"No way! Why do we have to change our behavior just because you're an important person?! Idiot!" Luffy said squishing Momo's face.
Luffy and Momo started fighting over some weird things while the rest of us watched.
"That's enough Luffy. You're being so mean to Momo. He's only a kid." I said from my sitting position. Next thing I know Momo runs to me pushing his head in my chest.
"He's so mean to me, pretty lady! Luffy is a terrible guy!"
"I know he is," I said patting his head as his fast was still in my chest.
"Stay away from her, Momonosuke-sama!!" Kin'emon yelled.
"That damn brat!" Ace said a little annoyed.
"Oi, Momo if you're a daimyo that means you have a lot of treasure in you're castle right?" Nami said with an evil looks.
"You're a bad person!!!" Usopp and Chopper yelled.
"That little kid is playing you," Zoro said.
"What do you mean? He's just a little boy."
"Oh, don't tell me you're jealous Zoro," Robin said.
"Of some little kid. No way!"
Kin'emon then pulled Momo away from me and Momo ended up in Nami's chest. We were all laughing and playing around together until we noticed a beautiful rainbow showed up in the sky.
"Wow! So pretty!" I said amazed. "Can you imagine seeing something so beautiful every single day!"
"I don't have to imagine it." Ace said and I turned my attention to him. "I already do. Every time I look at you."
My cheeks became redder and all I could do was stare at his chocolate brown eyes.
"(__) I-." He began but was cut off by Luffy.
"Come on let's go see the ninja guy!!"
"Umm, alright hold on," I said. "What were you gonna say Ace?" I asked eagerly.
"Um, nothing let's just go." He said with a hint of pink on his cheeks.
"Oh alright."
All of us include Cat Viper, Dogstorm, and Trafy headed to where the large whale thing was. Chopper was on top of Cat Viper's head while Luffy and I were on his tail. Every so often I would glance at Ace but every time we made eye contact he quickly turned his head away.
When we got to the top Dogstorm and Cat Viper opened a secret passageway within the tail of the whale.
"It's a long flight of stairs so be careful." Cat Viper said.
As we were going down the stairs we heard a sound that sounded like screaming.
"Is that?" Chopper asked.
"Yes, that's Raizo's voice."
"What?! The ninja?!" Chopper said with stars in his eyes.
"Ninja!!" Luffy and Usopp said with the same look as Chopper.
Franky, Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy all ran down the stairs as fast as they could leaving us behind.
"Here we are. He is the ninja, Raizo." Cat Viper said smiling as I hopped off his tail to get a better look.
"Ninja, nin..."
"There you are Cat Viper! You! Why didn't you just hand me over to them?! Everyone that brought me food here was injured!! They told me the country is okay but is it true?! If it's a lie, I, Raizo will hate you!" A large man chained up ranted. By the look on Usopp, Chopper, Franky, and Luffy's faces I could tell they were disappointed and honestly I was too.
"What?!?!? He's nothing like we expected!!!"
"Hey, what in the world happened, Cat Viper!?"
"Forgive me Raizo. We had no choice."
"That's a disappointment," Zoro said.
"That's supposed to be a ninja," Ace added.
"Tch," Trafy said.

"His face is huge!" Luffy complained.
"Doesn't seem like a fast runner." Chopper said defeated.
"Is that Raizo?" Franky asked not willing to face the truth.
"I can't accept a ninja-like that!" Usopp yelled.
"I don't think you guys are from this country! Who are you?!" Raizo asked.
"Raizo!!" Kin'emon said happily.
"Ohh! Kin'emon, Kanjuro, Momonosuke-sama!!! I'm glad that you're okay!"
The three quickly took off his cuffs and Raizo sighed in relief. He looked over at the group of guys noticing their disappointed and annoyed faces.
"What's your problem, you bastards?" Raizo asked.
"That's the crest of Kin'emon!" Robin pointed out. "And that stone is... I've never seen it in such a color. Deep red..."
"Yeah, it's a ponegliff." Cat Viper answered.
"We know you, Nico Robin. I heard that the Ohara people can read these letters." Dogstorm added.
"So you two know about Ohara. Why is this ponegliff red? None of the ponegliffs I've seen were that color."
"It has a different purpose," Dogstorm answered. "Can you read it?" He asked. Robin eagerly ran to read it while the guys were talking to Raizo. The guys were asking Raizo to do some pretty weird things like hiding in the ceiling and letting himself get stabbed. Raizo got so fed up that he showed them some of his skills. He disappeared and then started reappearing everywhere.
"Eh?!?!?! So cool!!!"
"It's just his Shadow Clone Technique," I said plainly.
"Don't ruin my moment!!!" The Raizo clones all yelled. Luffy tried to catch one of the Raizo's but he used the Body Switching Technique to escape. After a bit of messing around, he finally went back to normal and all the guys seemed to be more pleased.
"Oi, (__) how did you know what he was found?!" Luffy asked eagerly.
"My father is a very important person so he always had all kinds of rare books in his library. I've read a few books about some of the ninja moves."
"What?!?!" Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy said with stars in their eyes.
"Can you do what Raizo did?!!!" Luffy asked.
"What of course not? The Land of Wano is closed off from the world so I only had like three books to read plus I didn't even have a tutor. I can only do like one thing!"
"Do it!!!!!" The trio all said with stars in their eyes.
"But he already shows you."
"I don't care I wanna see you do it!" Luffy said excitedly.
"Okay then," I said walking over to them. I took one of the blue beads from Raizo and then faced my audience. They all looked at me eager to see what I was gonna do. I threw the blue ball on the ground allowing a blue smoke to envelop the area. When it disappeared I was gone and all the guys stared in amazement.
"Hey, Zoro," I said tapping on his shoulder. They all turned around quickly to face me.
"That was so cool!!!" Luffy yelled running to hug me.
"Umm thanks but it really wasn't that great," I said blushing a little. "Luffy you can let go of me now," I said but he didn't listen.
"(__) you're the coolest!" Luffy said innocently.
"We all know that but you can let her go now." Ace said but once again Luffy didn't listen. "Let go, Luffy!!" He said pulling on Luffy's arm.
"No! I haven't had a chance to hug (__) since she came back!" Luffy yelled back and Ace let him go.
"Fine whatever."
"That red stone is called the Road Ponegliff!" Dogstorm said drawing our attention to him. "All the tough guys of the sea are searching for the end of the Grand Line, and that stone is a guide to get there!"
"The Whale Forest is considered sacred because of it so it needs to be protected by us Guardians!" Cat Viper explained.
"You mean, a guide to the last island-Raftel?!?!" Robin said surprised.
"That's right. However..."
"That's the goal! To become King of the Pirates!!!" Luffy yelled.
"Finally we can get there! The last island-Raftel!"
"Wait, Wait, don't jump to conclusions! Hear me out. You see, there are four of those red stones-the Road Ponegliffs in the world!" Dogstorm said.
"What?!?!?! Does it mean there are four Raftels!?!?!" Luffy asked.
"No there aren't! Let me finish first!" Usopp yelled hitting Luffy on the head.
"That Stone must indicate the location of some unknown spot but it's not Raftel. The other three Road Ponegliffs all indicate different locations in the same manner. When you learn where those locations are and connect those four points on a map, those lines will cross at the center. That's where the last island is. Only the King of the Pirates and his crew have reached it in all these centuries! And that's Raftel!"

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