Chapter 40

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(__) POV

After leaving Gran Tesoro we went to a nearby island to cash in our gold. The crew decided to have a party celebrating escaping Gran Tesoro and then they had another party as a farewell. Big brother being the baby he was wouldn't let me go all night. Now it's just me alone again. I wonder how Pops and everyone else is right now. I hope Ace is safe. Left to my thoughts I ended up drifting off to sleep.

When I woke up I found out I was actually near an island. Perfect because I was just running out of supplies too. Maybe I can do some shopping while I'm there too, although I'm not sure where I would put it. Soon enough I landed on a secluded part of the island. I had to walk a bit to get to the city part of it. When I was getting close I could hear screams and gunshots though. Is there a fight or a celebration going on? The city finally came into view and I was shocked at what I was seeing. The whole city was in war. People were lying dead on the floor while others fought over their comrades dead body.
"What the hell is going on here?"
"Hey look over there!"
"She must be part of the revolutionary army's reinforces!!!" Wait revolutionary arm? Reinforces? How is that in all the islands on the Grand Line I end up landing on the one in war!?!?
"Get her!!" Oh crap! Time to run. I run away from the men chasing my and end up in the city, right in the middle of all these. Sadly for me those guys called some friends over.
"Leave me alone why don't you!!! I'm not a revolutionary!!!" I yell while running True I could always just kill them no problem but I have no part in this war. If I kill them more people will come after me and I really don't need that right now.
"It's rude to gang up on an innocent girl like that." Okay who said that. I tuned my head around and saw someone standing on the roof. The group of men that was chasing me stoped and pointed there weapons at the man.
"It's him!! The second in command, Sabo!!!!" Wait Sabo he has the same name as Luffy and Ace's friend that died years ago. The man names Sabo quickly defeated his opponents with just his pipe. After he beat the crap out of the then he turned to face me. He had blonde hair and a black top hot. The most noticeable feature about him was the scar over his left eye. I wonder what could have happened for that to get there? When Sabo saw me he seemed frozen for some reason. He just stared at me and I stared right back. The wind picked up blowing my (h/l), (h/c) hair to the side.
"Umm thanks for saving me." I said breaking the silence.
"Oh, uh, no problem." He said with a slight blush. "What are you doing here? We got rid of all civilians a while ago." He said walking closer to me.
"Yeah, I didn't mean to come here."
"What do you mean by that? Well anyways you should come back to the base, it's not safe here." He took my hand and guided me away from the battlefield. His hands were warm they felt nice. Normally I wouldn't just let someone hold my hand like this but for some reason this guy made me feel safe. I only just met him but I could tell he was a nice person. It's weird I've always been taught that the revolutionary arm was evil, and yet this man he's seems so kind. How could someone like him be called evil? All those things of been taught about the revolutionary army was probably more propaganda. I'm curious, what does the revolutionary army reallu fight for.
"By the way I never introduced myself, I'm Sabo." He said with a smile.
"Nice to meet you I'm(__)." Soon enough I was guided to the camp. There were tons of men just watching me with hearts in there eyes. I could hear some men whispering but I couldn't make out what they were saying.
"Sabo there you are!" Someone shouted. In front of us was a woman with big brown eyes with orange-brown hair. "I've been calling you in your den-den mushi forever!!!!" Man she looks mad. She walked up to him and pulled his cheeks.
"I'm sowwy Kowla!"
"Sorry doesn't cut it!"
"Umm, should I leave to give you guys some space to talk or what?" I asked butting in. She turned around and faced surprised. I guess she didn't notice me before.
"Oh I'm sorry, my name is Koala."
"I'm (__)." After that I was led to one of the tents and given food and water. I sat down on the chair with Sabo next to me.
"Aren't you that girl with the really high bounty?" Koala asked.
"Yeah, sadly."
"Wait how do you know that?" Sabo asked Koala.
"Remember that day everyone was staring at the newspaper and talking about a pretty girl, that was when her bounty came out."
"So you're a pirate?"
"Yeah." While we were talking someone came in calling Sabo to meet with their leader. Sabo dragged me along with him, saying he wanted me to met their leader. He wore a large green coat and a red tattoo the left side of his face. He had long black hair and piercing eyes. Finally someone I've met that I know. I finally don't feel like an idiot like I did when finding out that Shanks was a Yokai and Flamingo, Crocy, and Mihawk was a Shichbukai
"Who is this?"
"This is (__), I found her in the middle on the city."
"You're the girl who has the record of highest first bounty."
"Yeah that's me and it's not something I'm proud of. Anyways that's not important, I'm curious what are you guys fighting for?"
"Don't you know from what the government says. We're criminals." Dragon said. I feel like he's testing me or something.
"Of course I know what the government said. My whole life I've been free whatever the government wanted me to believe. They said you were criminals threatening the security of the world. They called you evil and I believed it, but then I met Sabo." I looked over at him and he seemed a little surprised.
"I know I only just met him but I can't believe someone who seems so kind could be called evil. I want to know the truth." Sabo seemed to be blushing for who knows what reason.
"I see. Our objective is to fight against the World Government, who supports political leaders that oppress there people." My father is one of those people who supports tyrannical leaders. I want to help them, now.
"So that's how it is. I like your cause, I think I'm going to help you fight in this battle." I said with a smirk surprising Sabo.
"No we can't ask you for that. It's dangerous."
"I'm not weak Sabo. See the swords on my back prove I'm a swords-woman. You can try and stop me but I'm fighting either way. It's personal for me."
"Personal? How is it personal?"
"That's a long story. So when's the fighting start?" I asked Dragon.
"In two hours."
"Perfect, that's enough time for me and Sabo to brawl. What about you want to join us?"
"What why not?"
"I have work."
"You're way to serious you know that. You should have fun more often." For only a split second his eyes widen but they quickly went back to normal as if it never happened. Sabo and I left the camp and headed to a small dining hall.
"So (__), I was wondering how is this personal for you? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"No it's fine, I don't mind telling you." I told him about who I really was, the life I had, how I had to leave my only two friends. I told him it all. But I didn't only tell him about the bad. I told him about all the good stuff too. Like being able to meet big brother and Pops and so many others. It's weird how comfortable I am with him. I only just met him and I'm already telling him everything.
"Sabo aren't you going to introduce us to the cutie."
"Yeah, you can't keep her to yourself!" Their was a group of men surrounding us all with hearts in there eyes.
"Hey stop looking at her like that!" Sabo yelled and I just giggled.
"Hi I'm (__), it's nice to meet all of you." I said doing a closed a smile.
"Ahh!!! She's so cute!!"
"Sexy too!!"
"Marry me!!" What are they talking about? All of a sudden I feel something wrap under my knees and pull me off the ground.
"S-Sabo!?" I said blushing. He lifted me up, carrying me up bridal style.
"Let's go." And with that he jumped away leaving behind an angry group of people. He landed in a secluded area not to far away from the camp.
"So why did you bring me here?" I asked as he set me down.
"I..Umm.. didn't like the way they were staring at you that's all." He said blushing slightly.
"Hey I have an idea! You look pretty strong so let's fight!" He was the first to make a move with his pipe I countered it using only one sword, Chokutō. We kept going back and fourth. He would defend with his pipe while I used my sword to attack. Eventually I got the upper hand and Sabo was sent flying a bit.
"Wow, you're strong."
"Well I was trained by the best." I said extended a hand to help him up.
"You should join the revolutionary army. It'd be nice to have you around more often."
"I would love to but I already have a crew."
"Can't hurts to ask. They're lucky to have you."
"Sabo, (__)!!!! We're about to leave!" Koala called.
"Okay we're coming!!"

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