Chapter 84

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(__) POV

"Luffy are you ever gonna stop crying?" I asked as we finally found an exit thanks to Bellamy's help. We left Ace and Sabo in the Colosseum to win the Mera Mera Fruit while Luffy and I left to deal with Flamingo. When we made it out we were greeted by a samurai from the Wano Kingdom and a familiar face that I missed a ton.
"(__)...." Zoro questioned wide-eyed. He reached his hand to me shaking a little to check if I was real. When he touched my arm and realized I was he pulled him into a tight hug.
"Hey, Zoro. You've never been this friendly before."
"I thought you were dead. How are you here?" He asked hugging me even more tightly. It felt like he was scared. Like if he let me go I would disappear right now.
"It's a long story but the important thing is that I'm here. I'm alive and I won't be going anywhere for a while." I said hugging him back.

After finally getting Zoro to let me go, we all put on toys as a disguise. We ran by the unsuspecting marines in our costumes but Zoro and Luffy were both holding my hands, not letting me go.
"Stop crying Luffy and be a man," Zoro said. "We have to focus on saving Traf."
"Well if you're talking about being a man and stuff mind letting go of my hand. I feel like a little kid when you both do it."
"No," Zoro said.
"I'm never letting you go again!!" Luffy cried. "We'll save Traf and I'll send Minho flying. We don't have to worry about the Mera Mera Fruit no more."
"What do you mean?" Zoro asked.
"Ace and Sabo are dealing with that," I explained.
"Ace is alive too?!"
"Yeah. I'll have to explain everything later."

3rd POV

Up in the center of town at Dressrosa Royal Palace Doflamingo was having a chat with the old King Riku.
"Did you see that? Your granddaughter sure is lucky. Still, I can't believe both you and your granddaughter competed, King Riku. It's sad that I didn't get a chance to see you fight and get your ass handed to you, but I had to deal with something at that time." Doflamingo said as he walked closer to Riku's chained body. "For a former king to see a devil fruit, you must really feel driven into a corner. And I must say, your family sure is causing me no end of trouble today. Even Viola betrayed me. What an amazing coincidence that this all happened today. Is there some sort of anniversary today?"
"It seems you don't realize, what your actions this morning meant. I learned that my faint glimmer of hope was nothing more than a trick." Riku said as he remembered the announcement the Doflamingo was still a Shichibukai. "It drives me to the edge. I simply had to fight back. That's all."
"I see. So that's why you took action. But that doesn't explain Viola. Unlike you she's cunning. She would never let her emotions get the better of her. She must have made a wager. The promising newcomer who dared to defy me the Shichibukai, Trafalgar Law." He said as he turned Law's unconscious form on one of the large chairs. "And that man from the powerful bloodline, who caused such a stir two years ago, Monkey D. Luffy. That woman hopes their pirate alliance will be enough to bring me down. But Law is already out of commission and when Straw Hat Luffy leaves the Colosseum he will be longer be human. As for the other Straw Hats, I hear that Cyborg Franky is attacking the Toys' House on his own. The other pieces in play would be Pirate Hunter Zoro, Foxfire Kin'emon, Nico Robin, and Sogeking. But they won't even make it underground."
"You're forgetting someone." King Riku said.
"Someone you would never expect to make an appearance. I've never met her but I can tell she's going to cause some trouble."

*at the foot of the Royal Grounds*

"The lift is up ahead." The small Tonta Wicca said from on Zoro's hand. "Listen up, all of you. The royal palace, where Doflamingo is, the Toys' house, and the trade port where the Smile factory is, are all connected."
"So if we go into the royal palace, we can also reach the Toys' House and the factory?" Kin'emon asked.
"Exactly! If you want to go to the factory, you'd normally have to go through either the palace or the Toys' House, but my allies should have gotten in via a secret passage they've been digging. We should head for the royal palace first."
"That makes sense." (__) said. "But can I say you are just the cutest little thing ever!!"
"She's like a toy," Luffy added.
"There are plenty more of them," Zoro said.
"Really?! I wanna meet them!" (__) said excitedly.
"This is already a great service to you! Normally, we're not supposed to show ourselves to any big humans outside the royal family. You Straw Hat Pirates, aka Usolanders, are the only exception!"
"Usolanders?" Kin'emon questioned.
"I'll explain later. Operation SOP is already in motion. Look there it is." She said pointing up the palace. "The lift that leads up to the royal palace entrance."
"We're going all the way up there?" Luffy asked.
"You'll have to show the guards a pass if you want to ride the lift."
"No problem I'll just beat the up."
"Of course that's your solution." (__) said sighing.
"You can't! If you do that, you'll cause a commotion and attract more enemies."
"So what?"
"You dunce!" Wicca yelled. "You people really worry me the into normal one here is (__). I have to put up with a blockhead who whys lost all the time, and now this dunce who never thinks ahead, too!"
"Who are you calling a blockhead?!" Zoro yelled pissed and (__) just laughed. Then someone on a wooden toy horse stopped in front of the group.
"Who're you?" Luffy asked.
"Straw Hat Luffy, I take it?"
"Yup that's me."
"Don't answer!!"
"I've been waiting for you." She said taking off her hood. "I'll take you inside the palace."
"Viola?!?" (__) said surprised.
"You know me?" She asked.
"Viola it's me, (__)."
"(__)?!? No that's impossible! She died two years ago."
"Viola it's really me. I swear. Remember I would always complain to you how Flamingo would always force me to sleep with him when I would try and sleep on the couch."
"He did what?!" Zoro yelled but was silenced by Viola's tears.
"That nickname...It really is you. You're alive!!" She said hugging (__).
"I'm sorry for worrying you."
"We heard that you need a pass to ride the lift." Kin'emon interrupted. Viola let go of (__) and wiped a tear away from her eye.
"I have that pass."
"Oh, then..." Kin'emon began but was cut off by Viola.
"But you shouldn't go that way. True, this left can take you to the palace gates, but if you discovered it's all over."
"Like I said, we should just beat everyone up and hijack it!" Luffy suggested.
"Same thing! If we get stopped along the way, we're done for!" Zoro yelled.
"And most importantly, you're far too suspicious."
"Oh, now I remember! Aren't you the woman our cook went off with earlier?" Zoro said.
"Sanji!?" (__) and Luffy said at the same time.
"He went off to save your ship, and then..."
"We know the rest. Did you tell him that the Sunny was in danger?" Zoro asked.
"And could it be that you have Sanji-dojo the map to the Toys' House that he passed on to me?" Kin'emon asked.
"Yes, that was me."
"Why would you do that?" Kin'emon asked.
"I was one of Doflamingo's subordinates," Viola said.
"She's pretending to work for Doflamingo!" Wicca said.
"You remember me?"
"Did you forget about my powers? I've been watching the whole time. I know that you've teamed up with the one-legged soldier who raised Rebecca after my sister died and that you're starting to fight back. I saw it all! Thank you for believing in my father." Viola said and Wicca cried tears of happiness. Viola then went on to explain who she really was.
"Ehh!! You're the King's daughter?!" Luffy exclaimed and Zoro hit him on the head.
"I can't believe it. I had no idea." (__) said.
"Does that mean you are a princess of Dressrosa?" Kin'emon asked.
"That's in the past."
"So if Rebecca's his granddaughter then you're her mom?" Luffy asked.
"Rebecca is my niece," Viola said as she gently pressed down on the wall opening up a secret passage. "She's my sister Scarlett's daughter."
"Could this be a hidden door," Kin'emon said amazed. "You were a ninja all along?!"
"This will get you to the gate without needing to use the lift. Follow me." Viola said walking into the secret gate. "This is an emergency passage known only to the Riku Royal Family. Not even Doflamingo knows about this place."
"What's the basket?" (__) asked.
"It's a pulley to carry items."
"Those stairs will take you to the Rampart Tower, where the palace gates are."
"Luffy you should take this stone and go to the top," Zoro said.
"Oh that's an inspired idea," Kin'emon said. "He can grab the chain at the top and come down with it, and we get up quickly."
"That's crazy," Viola said. Luffy ignoring Viola wrapped his arms around the stone and then stretched his other arm up to the top of the chain.
"And he's doing it anyway." (__) said laughing.
"I'm off," Luffy said before climbing up the wall.
"Hurry up Luffy." Zoro should from one top the basket.
"Come on Viola." (__) said patting the seat next to her.

*at the Colosseum*

"It's time for the Corrida Colosseum battle tournament's final round!!!" The battlefield began to shift so that the sides of it pulled apart. "The entire country's eyes will be on this match! The special arena has been prepared!" He said and the crowd cheered. "Although it seems that Fire Fist Ace actually is alive his Mera Mera Fruit isn't with him anymore. Why is that? I don't know, but will he be able to win back his powers in the match? Now we all wait for the five contestants to ensure the arena!"
"Haha! This should be fun." Sabo said stretching as he was dressed in Luffy's disguise.
"Don't think I'll let you beat me, Sabo." Ace said smiling.
"Umm, why are you guys competing if Ace is going to get the fruit either way?" Bartolomeo asked.
"To see who's stronger." The two said at the same time.
"Now, the first ones to enter is.... it's him the rushing draw of this tournament, our very own Lucy! Along with the man perceived dead two years ago, former owner of the Mera Mera Fruit, Fire Fist Ace!!!!"

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