Chapter 5

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(__) POV

I had already decided that I was going to runaway from my father even though I know it's going to be hard. I can't stay trapped her forever. I grabbed a bag and started to pack some things that I would need for my trip. I already changed out of my dress into a short sleeveless dress that was pink at the top, had a black belt, and a brown skirt. I had black knee high socks and brown boots to match. My (h/l), (h/c) hair was let down.
"Princess what are you doing?" Shizuoka asked.
"You're not leaving are you?" She asked worriedly.
"Yes I am." I answered. I knew hiding the truth would be useless considering she probably already suspected it. "I just can't stay here and marry someone I don't love. I have dealt with everything father ever did to me but this, I just can't. I thought maybe one day I would be able to leave find my friends and end up with someone I love but now I now know if I stay here that won't happen."
"I understand princess. None of us want you to marry that man. We all want you to be happy." She said pulling me into a sweet and warm hug.
"Just please be careful out there."
"I will, I promise." I pulled her into a hug one more time before leaving the mansion. Even if I've never been in lived on nor even really got to see a city other than Fuusha Village, I knew I couldn't stay here anymore. I can't live this life forever.

*the next day*

3rd POV

"I'm sorry sir but it doesn't appear your daughter is returning anytime soon like last time." The brown haired maid reported. Which only angered (f/n) even further.
"Call the marines to get me a ship to marine headquarters immediately!" He commanded and the maid hurried of to do her orders. A few days later and (f/n) had arrived at marine headquarters. He was immediately taken to Sengoku the fleet admiral.
"So you're daughter is missing huh." Sengoku said. 
"Yes I want you guys to make a wanted poster for her. It will be worth 200,000,000 beli I just want her back alive!" He demanded.
"Okay do you have any pictures of the girl with you?" Sengoku asked.
"Okay so why don't you go back to your house and bring the pictures back her." Sengoku suggested.
"I don't have any there either." He said calmy. Sengoku was a little surprised to here that he didn't have one picture of his daughter in his house but he ignored it anyways.
"Okay then we'll get our sketch artist." After a few minutes the sketch artist came with a notebook in hand.
"Excuse me sir. I need to know the age of your daughter to start the work." The sketch artist said with his pen in hand.
"I don't know, I just know she's a teen."
"Okay so can you describe her. Anything you can think of is helpful no matter how small the detail."
"She has (h/c) hair." The sketch artist waited for him to say more but nothing came.
"We need more then just her hair color." Sengoku said. (f/n) tried his hardest to think of any other things he could think of to describe his daughter but he came up empty. He hardly ever looked at her. He was always trying to avoid her and the only time he did look at her was when he was beating her. He couldn't even tell the sketch artist the color of her eyes all he remembered was that she had (h/c) hair, and he didn't even know the length.
"This is ridiculous I shouldn't have to do all this just to find my daughter!" He shouted and stomped out of the room.
If Sengoku wasn't shocked before he sure was now. He knew the reason why he said that this was all ridiculous. It was hard for him to believe that a father could not even describe his own daughter's features. Not even the basics like her age and eye color. It seemed impossible to him that someone could be that cold to their daughter. He couldn't help feel pity for the poor girl. He could already tell that she must have had a tough childhood living with such a cold hearted man like (f/n). But then that got him thinking if he hated his daughter why did he want her back so much. So much so that he was willing to paying 200,000,000 beli for. Sure he heard that his company was suppose to merge with the Akermen family by marriage, but that honestly didn't seem that important for him to pay that much for her back. There had to be something else that he didn't know about, but what?

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