Chapter 96

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3rd POV

Luffy deflated and began falling to the ground but before he could crash Law used Shambles to bring him next to (__).
"Luffy you did good." (__) said touching his hair with a smile. "I'm proud of you."
"Look at the sky, Dressrosa!! What's fading? The birdcage or Doflamingo's domination?! Is the scenery that was outside the cage a town that's been sliced up? Or a free land where no more will manipulate us anymore?! The Dressrosa Defensive War! 2,000 members of the Donquixote Family, the pirate group versus the fateful warriors who happened to arrive!  The fuel between their leaders: the Warlord- Donquixote Doflamingo Verdi's the gladiator- Lucy!!" Gyats announced and then began crying. Through his tears, it was hard for anyone to understand what he was saying. The townspeople begged him to speak properly to hear the results.
"The winner is..... LUCY!!!!!!!"
The crowd all erupted in cheers and some even cried tears of happiness.

A country that's going to collapse isn't always unfortunate. This day, the people of this country rejoiced and cried among the piles of rubber. The major incident had been confined with the cage. But finally, the news has been released to the entire world!

"They sure are loud aren't they." (__) said giggling hearing the crew down below them.
"Let's let everybody know that Straw Hat's here," Viola said.

*at the Red Line*

Fleet Admiral Akainu argued with the Five Elders of the World Government about The circumstances of Doflamingo's fake resignation.
"Don't give us that tone Sakazuki." One of the elders said.
"Your honor is completely inconsequential!"
"The Navy is only the public face of the Government!"
"We left this case entirely up to Cipher Pol.
"Hmph! Cipher Pol, huh?" Akainu began. "To put it simply, you people also have been walked over by the Celestial Dragons' puppets, haven't you?!!"
"Watch your mouth Sakazuki!"
"What about Kuzan? I can't believe a very powerful man like him sides with Blackbeard now! That's a dishonor to the Navy for sure!"
"That idiot resigned from the Navy! Where he is and what he's found are none of our concern!" Akainu defended. They're conversation got interrupted when a marine cane rubbing into the room with urgent news.
"The warlord- Donquixote Doflamingo and his family got defeated by Straw Hat and Law's pirate alliance. But there were two other people with them that caused this."
"What?!?!?" Akainu said surprised. "Who was it? Who are these other people?"
"I'm not sure how it's even possible but it's been confirmed..." the marine said shaking. "... Fire Fist Ace and Enchanting Goddess (__) are both alive!!!"
"What?!?! That's impossible!" Akainu yelled.
"Where did you get this information?!" One of the elders asked.
"If it's true we can't let this information spread any further!" Another added.
"We need to eliminate them immediately. Especially Enchanting Goddess (__). If word spreads that's she's alive it'll cause a panic. Someone with her abilities could wreak havoc and shake the foundations of this world."
"Her power is too great. I fear she may be what ruins this world we created."
Akainu said nothing but shook with anger at hearing the news.
"And there's another thing..." the marine said.
"What?! What could possibly be even worse than this?!?" Akainu yelled.
"The news... its already been published across the world!!!"

*onboard the Red Force*

"Another cup captain?" Yasopp asked pouting himself more alcohol.
"You already know. We aren't done drinking yet!"
Shanks and everyone on his crew took (__) death hard. For a couple of months, there was no drinking, there was no party. They had nothing to celebrate after (__) death. It took them about a year to get back to normal. Even then though sometimes memories of (__) would come back to them and they would feel sad again.
"Captain you really need to stop. I didn't think it was possible for you to drink more." Shanks was about to say something until Lucky Roo barged into the room slamming the door open.
"Lucky Roo what's wrong with you? Why are you so loud?" Yasopp asked.
"You have to see this!"
"See what?" Shanks asked. Lucky Roo handed Shanks the paper and when he read the first page he dropped his mug on the floor spilling his drink everywhere.
"Captain what are you doing?! You're wasting alcohol!" Yasopp began but got silent when he saw his Captain shocked face. A second later and Shanks began crying surprising Benn and Yasopp. The only time they had seen there captain cry was (__) funeral.
"What's happened, Captain?" Benn asked slightly worried. Not able to say a word he turned the paper around to show them.
"This can't be...."

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