Chapter 26

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(__) POV

It was now noon and everyone was still knocked out. Including me. We all woke up when someone barged into our room.
"Ace, (__) have you seen...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL DOING HERE!!!!!!!!" One of the crew shouted waking all of us up.
"Why are you so loud in the morning?" Ace complained.
"My head," Haruta said as he put a hand on his forehead.
"What the hell happened here? Why are you all on the floor?" The guy asked.
"We were just playing a game," Izo explained. Everyone was starting to get up now except for me. I was awake but I kept my eyes closed. My head was on something really warm and I liked it.
"(__) get up." Marco said but I refused.
"No, it's warm and comfortable here."
"Told you, you would want to sleep with me." A familiar voice said. I opened my eyes to be greeted by someone's chest. My eyes moved up and I saw a smirking Ace and my head was laying on his arms.
"Ace!!" I said quickly getting up.
"You could have stayed like that you know." Ace said now getting up and stretching.
"No of course not!" I yelled at him.
"Did you need us or something?" Marco asked.
"Oh yeah, we got something to show you!" He said excitedly and we all looked at him confused.

Once we got to the top of the deck we saw people all reading their newspaper.
"Did something interesting happen?" Ace asked.
"Yay come look at this." All the guys walked over but I went to Pops.
"Did you have fun last night?" Pops asked laughing.
"Yay, but how did you know?"
"Alcohol was missing and you all came together." He pointed out.
"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Ace shout out of nowhere.
"What's wrong Ace?"
"My darling I think you should read for yourself." Thatch said handing me the newspaper. I wonder what it says to make Ace scream like that. Let's see now.... WHAT!?!?!? No way!!!!
"I-I h-have a b-b-bounty!" I said with my hands shaking. It was a picture of me from my waist and above. I had on a short red and black top with a black jacket and I was smiling.
Wanted Dead or Alive the Enchanting Goddess (__), 200,000,000 beli. So far everything about this girl is a mystery. We know nothing about how powerful she is or if she can even fight. However, what we do know from the picture of her is that she has incredible beauty. Another thing we know about this mysterious beauty is that she is extremely dangerous. According to the world government, she has been able to use her mesmerizing looks to enchant some of the strongest pirates out there; however, we don't know who she knows.
"Nice job (__)!" Ace congratulated. This is nothing good about this at all!!! I've been trying to keep a low profile so my father doesn't find me but now that's all over.
"There is nothing good about this!!" I shouted at him.
"Yes, I agree now my poor darling is going to have marines hunting her." Thatch said.
"I'm just curious as to why it's so high." Marco thought. Well, it makes sense for him to be curious no one here but Ace knows how strong I am considering they have never seen me fight before.
"That's obviously because (__) is strong." Ace said causing everyone to look at him.
"Wait you can fight?" Marco asked.
"Of course I can fight. I came in here with swords."
"Yay, we weren't paying attention to the swords." One of the crew said. I really don't get why everyone assumes I'm weak.

*At night*

It was now night and me and Ace were left on guard duty and everyone else was asleep. We were both sitting on the floor with our backs on the wall. I had my knees close to me to make me warmer but it wasn't working. All of a sudden Ace puts his arms around my shoulder and pulls me to him.
"What are you doing Ace?"
"You'll feel warmer if you are close to me." He answered. Well, he was definitely right, I feel a lot better now.
"Okay, thanks," I said snuggling closer to him. I'm not sure why but my heart is beating fast when I do this with Ace. Why is this happening? I don't get it all. I ended up falling asleep thanks to Ace's warmth.

"(__) wake up!!!"
"Huh, what's going on?" I asked tiredly. It was still night so I'm guessing it was his turn to sleep now.
"You were having a nightmare, are you okay?" I looked at him surprised. I don't remember having a nightmare. I'm scared that's why scared he's going to be able to find me now. If he even cares at least. Maybe he doesn't care, I mean why would he. He ignored me forever since I was born and it only got worse when mom died. He doesn't care about me, he won't find me.
"(__)." Ace called out snapping me out of my thought.
"Huh, what's wrong?"
"You're crying." I looked at him shocked and then put my hand on my cheek.
"I'm sorry Ace I don't know what's wrong with me. You don't have to worry about me. I'll get it to stop. I'm fi-." I was cut off when Ace pulled me into a tight hug, which only made me cry more.
"What's wrong (__)? Tell me. I want to know." I didn't know it was possible but I cried even more than before. What's wrong with me. I never cry especially in front of people. The only person who saw me cry before was Garp. I should tell Ace the truth, he deserves to know everything that happened. I never before explained to him who I was. I owe him so much. He and Luffy were my first friends. They made me happy like never before. I shouldn't be hiding my past from him.
"It's my father. I had another nightmare about him that's probably it. I get them sometimes. It's always about him beating me, about him saying he hated me and that I was worthless. I'm scared he'll find me now." I started. I spent the whole night talking about everything that I was scared of. I told him about my childhood, why I was in the forest that day and why I had to leave. I told him that my father was ashamed of me because of my mother. Because she cheated on him with one of the workers and I was the daughter to that 'witch' as he calls her. I told him about the abuse and the loneliness. I told him about everything.
"(__) why do you never cry? Even when you left all those years ago you didn't cry."
"I've always been like that. I just don't want anyone to worry about me."
"It's okay to cry in front of me (__). You should let your friends worry about you. It's only natural. We all care about you." I spent the whole night in his arms as he comforted me.

(__), wake up!!" I slowly began to wake up when I heard Marco call my name.
"What is it?" I asked tiredly.
"You guys are supposed to come down for breakfast. You're late." Marco said.
"What!? Ace why didn't you tell me!" And then I realized the position we were in. I quickly pushed him away from and scooted closer to Marco's feet.
"I didn't want to wake you. You looked so cute when you were sleeping." That made me blush even more and turn my head away so he wouldn't see.
"W-well whatever let's go." I stuttered while getting up to leave.
After breakfast, we went to the deck to relax a bit. After last night's crying session I'm in a much better mood now that I was before. It felt like a weight was let off my shoulders and I wasn't as scared as before. After all, after hearing it all said out loud, why would he even want me back? He hated me.
"Ace!!" I shouted with a smile and jumped on his back.
"Hey what are you doing!" Ace said surprised.
"Carry me, I don't want to walk!" I complained but still had a smile. I had my arms wrapped around his neck, his back was bent forward a bit and my legs were a few inches off the ground.
"I'm not a horse!" He shouted.
"Please," I begged and he finally gave in.
"Yay!!!" I cheered. He carried me on his back with his arms under my thighs to keep me up. "Faster, faster!!"
"Fine you want fast, you'll get fast." Ace said with a smirk before he dashed around the ship so fast everything was a blur. I was at first surprised but then I started to smile and laugh.
"Oi, Ace slow down for a moment," Marco said when he ran past him. Sadly Ace slowed down and walked back to Marco.
"Why do we have to slow down," I said sadly.
"Here look at this," Marco said handing me newspaper. I can't be about me, could it? I got off Ace and took the paper from his hand and that's when I saw it. Goddess Enchantress (__), wanted only alive, 400,000,000.
"What, you're bounty just double!!" Ace said surprised.
"W-why, I-I don't understand." My hands were shaking and my eyes wouldn't leave the 'only alive' part.
"My darling what's wrong," Thatch asked concerned.
"Why did your bounty go up so fast?" Marco questioned.
"My father."
"What?" Marco said confused.
"My full name is (__) (l/n), daughter of (f/n) (l/n)." I looked at Marco and Thatch and saw that they were both looking at me with surprise.
"(F/n) (l/n), as in one of the richest men in the world!" Thatch said shocked.
"But I don't understand, he never had a daughter," Marco said.
"The public wouldn't know about it because I was kept a secret. I spent 17 years trapped in that house. I was abused, tortured, and isolated from everything. I don't understand why he wants me now." After talking with Ace I now feel better about sharing my past with people.
"Wait (__) you're dad is one of the richest men in the world!!" Ace said surprised.
"I told you who his name last night!" I shouted back.
"I didn't know who he was though." Ace defended.
"Ace." Marco said as he placed his hand on his shoulder."
"Yes, what is it?"
"You're an idiot," Marco replied making Ace yell at him.
"Are you okay?" Thatch asked while Marco and Ace argued.
"Yeah, I'm fine. As long as I'm with you guys I know everything will be fine." I said with a smile. He wants me back but he doesn't even put my last name on the wanted poster. I don't understand why he's doing this.

Darling!!" Thatch called out.
"Yeah what is it?" I asked. I was currently sitting in my room alone reading a book.
"I have something for you, come on!!"
He took us to the kitchen and there I found a freshly made batch of cupcakes.
"I remember you said that you thought my cupcakes would taste great and I thought you would need a cupcake today, so I made some."
"Wow really Thatch, thanks." I reached for the vanilla cupcake with pink frosting on it.
"It's delicious! Just like I thought it would be." I said with a closed eye smile causing him to blush. Then soon enough I hear Ace shouting.
"I smell some food!!" Ace said as he ran into the kitchen. When he saw the cupcakes he reached to take one but I quickly slapped his hands away.
"What was that for?" He complained.
"Ask before taking. I thought after all these years you would be more polite but I guess not."
"Fine, can I have one?" He asked but I didn't say anything. "Please." He added and then I pushed the cupcakes to him.
"Here." He took the cupcake and then toke more and more.
"Hey don't take it all," I said with a frown.
"Sorry, it's good." He said while the food was in his mouth.
"I swear you're so rude. Don't talk with food in your mouth." I scolded again and Thatch just laughed. Soon enough Marco and Izo came in saying they were looking for us. I offered them a cupcake and they happily took one.
"You know sometimes I forget that you two are childhood friends. Can you tell us some stories?" Marco asked.
"You don't need to know." Ace replied but was ignored as I started talking about us as kids. While talking we enjoyed what was left of the cupcakes Thatch had made. It was nice talking to them. I felt at home and talking about our childhood made me laugh at how silly Ace and Luffy were. Of course, talking about Luffy made me wonder when I was going to see him again. Less then a year left until he's 17. I wonder who's going to join his crew. Whoever they are I'm sure they're going to be nice and wonderful people.

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