Chapter 108

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(__) POV

"Our enemy is Kaido! Dogstorm, Cat Viper, Momo, Kin'emon, Momo, ninja, and Tra-guy. We all join hands to take down Kaido! That's what we allied for! Guys don't ever bow your heads nor get down on your knees! An alliance means friendship!!"
"Not necessarily!" Trafy yelled.
"We're already allies but there's one condition." Luffy mentioned.
"Well isn't that something you should've told us before we agreed to join forces?!" Raizo said.
"One of our crew isn't with us now."
"Oh, it's about Sanji." Cat Viper said.
"Sanji?" Dogstorm said confused.
"Well, a lot has happened..." Nami said explaining it all to Dogstorm.
"What?! Big Mom?! I haven't heard about this!"
"It happened while you were asleep." Cat Viper said.
"I see, that's why we didn't see Sanji-dono."
"I'll go and get him back so don't go off to fight until then!"
"Is that the condition?! If so, we'll wait." Raizo said.
"Thanks. In return, Sanji will be a big help! It's like getting help from a thousand people."
"I'm worth two thousand people," Zoro said.
"I'm worth five thousand people." Ace said smirking.
"So competitive," I said sighing.
"I see. Sound like he's pretty dependable but will you be alright? You're talking about Yonko Big Mom." Dogstorm said.
"I'm not gonna fight her so I'll be fine. I'll go with Lion Viper!"

As we were leaving from inside the whale somehow Big Brother got brought up in the conversation.
"It's Shanks. Don't tell me you know him, Cat Viper." Luffy said excitedly.
"Yes, I know him. Red-Haired Shanks, right? I see! No wonder that Straw Hat looks familiar."
"Do you all know him?" I asked curiously.
"Yes because both the cat and I were once graveling in Rodger's ship."
"What?! Were you guys part of his crew?" Ace asked.
"Crewmembers well you can put it in that way too, but we boarded many ships as Oden-sama attendants. We even traveled with your Pops ship, Whitebeard."
"You traveled with Pops?!?!" Ace and I said surprised.
"Yes, and when Oden-sama was recruited by Rodger we were always by his side. We were still young. Just like the apprentices Shanks and Buggy." Cat Viper explained.
"But the two of us didn't go to Raftel with them." Cat Viper added.
"Then Kin'emon, were you guys traveling on Whitebeard's ship too?" Luffy asked.
"No, we stayed at the Land of Wano the whole time."
"Instead, we were trying desperately to stop Oden-sama from getting on board a pirate ship," Kanjuro explained.
"Uh-huh, we mentioned earlier, the Land of Wano is closed off from the world and interacting with other countries is prohibited. In the closed-off nation even leaving the country is a crime. On the other hand, Oden-sama was a heretic who had doubts about the law of the country. We became acquainted with Whitebeard, Rodger, and the others when they landed on the Land of Wano. They were loyal to the others and we didn't think they were particularly bad people. But I'd never heard of a daimyo getting aboard a pirate ship so as his retainer..." Kin'emon explained.
"So anyway, you all know Shanks! And Rayleigh as well?" Luffy asked.
"Yes of course," Raizo answered.
"It's been a while since I've seen Rayleigh. I wonder how he's doing." I thought to myself.
"Anyways you guys are tied to so many legends that I feel dizzy like when I met Rayleigh and (__)." Usopp said tiredly.
"Me? Why me?" I asked pointing to myself.
"Do you hear the people you're friends with!!!! You call one Yonko big brother and another Pops!! You're friends with monsters!!"
"You know two Yonkos?! That's pretty impressive." Cat Viper said.
"Well anyway, we have so many things to do before fighting Kaido! We need to prepare. Like I told you before, we're trying to recruit samurai who will fight with us in the Land of Wano now!" Kin'emon said.
"In the meantime, we've got someone we need to see! It's always good to have more reinforcements." Cat Viper said.
"Who is it?" Ace asked.
"An old friend of yours. He is the first division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco the Phoenix!!"
"Marco?!?!?" Ace and I said surprised. Unconsciously I grabbed Ace's hand and squeezed tightly as I could feel tears threatening to break free.
"It's been so long... I wonder how he's been." I said to myself.
"He's probably relaxing in a nice quiet village or something."
"So just like Kin'emon, we need time to prepare too." Cat Viper said.
"Okay, got it. Then, let's split up for now!" Luffy said.
"We'll round up allies and plot a strategy in the Land of Wano," Kin'emon said.
"Are you guys gonna be alright over there?" Zoro asked. "I thought you guys are being targeted by the Shogun."
"We're fully aware of the risks. But we're worried about our comrades there." Kanjuro said determined.
"If you come on our submarine, you'll be safe while traveling," Trafy said.
"We'd like that," Raizo said smiling.
"And if you know a place to hide on the island, you'll be alright."
"I'll go look for Marco with my subordinates." Cat Viper said.
"Our final targets are the shogun and Kaido. If Kin'emon and the others are headed there first, we'd better meet up in the Land of Wano." Dogstorm added.
"Okay! It's a deal!" Luffy said.
"Don't get lost guys," Zoro said.
"Like you're one to talk," I said giggling.
"There he is, Raizo-dono!!!!!" One of the Minks yelled from within the forest. Then we heard the sound of more Minks coming our way all happy and excited.
"Let's have a celebratory banquet," Wanda said.
"It's ready!" Carrot added.
"A celebratory banquet? What are we celebrating?" Raizo asked.
"Raizo-san's safety and the reconciliation of the two kings and the Kozuki Clan for reuniting safely!!!"
Raizo was so touched by the Minks he started crying.
"Ninpo: I love you Technique!!!!" Raizo said jumping into the air. A large blue heart appeared in the sky and smaller pinks shaped hearts fell from it.
"Nin nin nin!!"
"Wow!! So pretty!!" I said in amazement.
"This is annoying." Zoro said frowning as more and more of the heart shaped petals fell on his head. I grabbed one of them giggling a bit.
"You're such a downer. Take a look at it. Isn't it pretty." I said handing one to him.

"All right let's have a banquet!!!!" Luffy yelled excitedly.
"Wait a minute Luffy! We've already had a banquet! Let's get going! It's gonna be too late to save Sanji!!!" Nami yelled.
"What?! Are you coming?!" Luffy asked.
"Of course I'm coming with you! I feel responsible. Besides, do you think you can travel the sea of the New World without a navigator?"
"I'm coming too! Pekoms is heavily injured. He needs a doctor." Chopper said.
"Plus..." Brook said playing his guitar. "Who is going to play music when you guys feel down?"
"Who needs that?" Nami said rather harshly.
"Don't exclude me!! We both allowed them to take Sanji!!"
"Luffy I'm going too," I said.
"What?!?!" Ace said surprised. "Why would you go?"
"I wanna see Sanji again and tell him that I didn't forget plus I have a friend there that I wanna see but you don't have to go with me. You can go with Cat Viper and Dogstorm to see Marco and I'll meet you there."
"No way. If you're going I'm going with you."
"Thank you, Ace," I said smiling. "Umm excuse me, Cat Master?"
"Hmm, yes what is it?"
"Do you mind passing on a message to Marco for us?"
"I don't mind, what is it?"
"Tell him that Ace and I are doing fine and that he can just sit right a little longer. After we get Sanji back we're heading straight to him."
"Alright, I'll make sure to tell me."
"Thank you."
"Oh, Luffy. In case you find a Ponegliff, can you take a rubbing for me?" Robin asked.
"I'll do research on the Ponegliff that Kaido has in the Land of Wano too."
"Alright. Is that all for now?"
"Let's have a banquet!!!" Cat Viper said excitedly as some Minks carried plates of food. Everything seemed normal until I got a bad feeling and I wasn't the only one either. Ace, Luffy, Zoro, Cat Viper, Dogstorm, Trafy, and some other Minks seemed to notice it as well. All of a sudden the elephant started moving to the side making everyone fall in that direction. Ace held onto me from behind to make sure I didn't fall and while he was doing that I swear I heard the sound of gunfire.
"Zunesha is crying out!!!" Cat Viper said.
"Who's Zunesha?" Usopp asked.
"Huh? You're standing on it." Carrot answered.
"Oh! It's the elephant's name."
As some of the buildings were falling down the crew helped protect the Minks from the falling wood.
"Oi, (__) what's wrong?" Ace asked worriedly as I covered my ears with my hands. "Can you not hear it!? His begging!! My ears!"
"Hurry up!"
"Who the hell are you!?!!" Luffy yelled.
"It's the loudest ever!" Momo said.
"Make it stop! My ears!!" I yelled falling onto my knees. A second later and the loud noise I was hearing stoped.
"This... It's Jack!!!!" Mono yelled out of nowhere. "Jack is... Jack is attacking the elephant! There are five powerful-looking ships at nine o clock.
"Momo, how do you know that?" Luffy asked.
"I don't know... I just saw it! It... It came to my mind... I'm scared!!!"
"Zunesha'z cry and this quake... Yes, it makes sense. Damn Jack. How dare he attack Zunesha!" Dogstorm said pissed.
The ground again started shaking and that loud noise came back in my head.
"This is painful! If I collapse, it would put all of you in danger!"
"It's him again! The one behind the voice is the elephant!!" I yelled.
"You mean Zunesha?"
"Again!" Luffy said and I felt it too.
"A long time ago, I..."
"A long time ago, I, The elephant committed a crime, and now... all he is... allowed... to do is... walk. He has been... obeying that order." I said for the elephant out loud but was interrupted when the ground started moving again.
"Thus, give me permission for once!! Order me! To fight! For once! Give me permission!!"
"The elephant is asking for permission! He needs someone to order him to fight." Momo said.
"Zunesha does?!" Cat Viper said surprised.
"Kin'emon, Kanjuro, what am I suppose to do?"
"Momo! You tell him! I have a feeling your voice will reach him!" Luffy said.
"If they bring down the elephant, we'll end up in the sea!
"But how loud should I be..."
"Just shout it out!! If the elephant's gonna die we die too!!"
"ELEPHANT!!!!! Don't give up, elephant!!!! You can't fall down!!! Make Jack... MAKE JACK GO AWAY!!!!!!!"
"What's going on?!" Nami yelled as she felt the ground begin to shake.
I looked up in the sky and saw Zunesha's large trunk in the air before it came crashing down.

"It quieted down." Franky pointed out.
"What happened?" Usopp asked.
"I don't know. I don't see anything or hear the voice now." Momo said.
"How about you guys?" Usopp asked us.
"Yeah, come to think of it, I don't hear anything now," Luffy said.
"Yeah me too. That probably means he beat Jack's butt!"
"This is serious!!!" Something yelled heading towards us from the forest. "I have a report.
"With a single blow, Zunesha knocked away all of Jack's ships and he fell in the ocean!!" The monkey reported once he reached us.
"This elephant is strong," Franky said.
"Hey Jack is a devil fruit user, right? If he fell into the water, he must be..." Usopp began.
"Yeah, that means he's dead!" Cat Master said smiling.
"Oi, you guys look so serious," Luffy said carrying a large empty bag behind him.
"Well we need to find out how Jack found this place again or it won't be safe for us anymore." Cat Viper said.
"Oh, I see! Now, we're gonna go so can we have lost of food?!"

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