Chapter 34

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(__) POV

It's been a couple of weeks since I've seen Katakuri. We've been out on sea for a while now. I had just woken up from a nice night sleep. I had Snowball, my white teddy bear, next to me when I woke. Ace gave her to me a while ago as a gift. On the other bed was Ace. He still was knocked out with no signs of waking up. Sighing I got up and went into the closet to find something to wear. I decided to go with a short sleeveless black and pink dress. The top part was black with gold buttons and the bottom was pink. The dress was held up by the collar around my throat. I had on black thigh socks and my hair was tied in a high ponytail. After changing I went to waking Ace up the only way I knew how, a good kick to the stomach. I leaped in the air and came falling down fast like I pulled and stabbed him right in his stomach. And yes I did use Haki.

 And yes I did use Haki

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"What the....!?" He couldn't say anymore because he was coughing so hard.
"You can't just wake me like that!!!" He yelled.
"Okay okay, you're right sorry." I said while walking over to him. I lifted up his sheets and places a soft kiss where I kissed.
"Y-yeah." He said blushing. After that, we got up and went to get breakfast. During breakfast, Haruta told us that we were about to land on an island. A couple more minutes and we arrived. It was a busy city with decorations everywhere you looked.
"Is there a celebration going?" Haruta asked.
"I think so look at all the booths!" I said admiring everything.
"Hey what's going on?" Ace asked someone in the crowd.
"It's the start of our yearly Sakura Festival. It lasts three days and three nights. Everyone in the city is so excited. Every year we hold a ton of booths and competitions and at night we all go to the top of the hill to see the Sakura tree."
"Wow, that sounds amazing!!" (__) and Haruta said in unison.
"What day is it today?" Thatch asked.
"It's the last day so everyone is more lively than usual."
"(__) let's go to an eating competition!" Ace said excitedly.
"I wonder if there is a cooking competition?" Thatch asked.
"It's been a while since I've seen a Sakura tree," Izo stated.
"Then let's go see it all!" A familiar voice said from behind us.
"Pops, you're going too!?" I said surprised.
"You didn't think I would miss a festival, did you?" He said laughing.
"If there's a drinking competition Pops is sure to win," Marco said a little too proudly.
"So where to first?" Thatch asked.
"Let's try out the food!" Ace said and we all agreed. It was Marco, Thatch, Ace, Izo, and I walking around trying the different foods.
"Hey, guys look at that?" I said pointing at a booth that looked different than the rest. It was a dark purple and you couldn't see inside because it was covered.
"I think that's one of those fortune teller booths," Izo said.
"Fortune teller, I wanna try," I said running up to it, everyone else followed behind. Ace and I we're the first ones to enter eager to try it out.
"Hello there, what do you wish to know about your future. Is it when you'll die or who you'll be with?" The lady said. She was wearing a silk purple mask that covered her face. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail. She has a short purple top and puffy white pants with a gold belt.
"I'll go!" I said sitting down in the seat cushion. Everyone else stood in the tent and watched curiously.
"Would you like to know about love?"
"Sure why not." The lady then went to take my hand. She traced her finger along the lines on my palm.
"Are those your friends?" She asked.
"And how long have you known them?"
"Well, I've known Ace since we were kids and I met Izo, Marco, and Thatch a couple of months ago."
"Would you say you are close?"
"Yup, I trust them with my life!" I said innocently not noticing the blush on everyone's faces.
"Hmm, I see... I can tell you're a very special girl. You have captured the hearts of many men however there is one that you already love, you just don't know it yet."
"I've captured the hearts of many?" No way anyone likes me in that way. Who is she talking about? And who is it that I apparently love? I pulled my hand away and I turned around to look at my friends. They were all staring at me quite seriously.
"Who does she love?" Ace demanded
"Who loves her?" Thatch added.
"That's all I can say for free but if you pay I'll tell you the rest." The lady said.
"Umm n-."
"I'll pay!" Ace said handing her the money.
"Hey don't cut me off like that!!" I yelled snatching the money from him before the lady could take it.
"Thanks for the ready but I'm good," I said before leaving and dragging Ace with me.
"Why did you leave!? Don't you want to know?" Ace said angrily.
"No, because that lady was obviously lying. I didn't steal the hearts of many as she says I did."
"I don't know about that darling." Thatch said.
"Well, I do. Plus if I did love someone I would know about it. Can we just enjoy the rest of the festival?"
"Yeah, I guess so." Ace said with a hint of annoyance.
"Hey look there's Takoyaki over there!" Izo said pointing at a nearby booth.
"Let's go I want to try!" I said dragging Izo with me and everyone else followed. Once I got it I took a bite out of it but it burned my mouth.
"Are you talking about me." Ace said with a smirk. Once I was able to cool it down in the mouth and swallowed it I told him no.
"Be careful it's freshly cooked." Thatch said worriedly.
"You're right I kind of forgot. Ace you want to try?" I asked gesturing my food to him which of course he gladly excepted. While walking around town he heard some people talking about an eating competition. I was really that interested until they said that there was a cash prize. Cash prize equals to tons and tons of shopping!!!!!
"Ace you're doing the eating competition now!" I demanded.
"Okay, but where is it?" He asked. I didn't respond. Instead, I asked someone where to signup and dragged Ace there. After signing up Ace and some other competitors went to the seats. Each table had piles and piles of meat on it. A couple of minutes later and the competition started.
"Ace is definitely going to win this one," Izo said
"So (__) Why were you so interested in Ace competing?" Marco asked.
"Because of the cash prize."
"I didn't know you cared about money like that." Thatch said.
"I don't really but more money equals more clothes and I love to shop." Everyone just sweatdropped at my reason and I continued to watch Ace. Everything was going well until that idiot decided to fall asleep while eating like he usually does. I swear out of all the times he does that does it really have to know! The announcer and the crowd got worried because they thought he died or something like that. I grew annoyed by every second he was passed out sleeping.
"Again really," Izo said facepalming. He was taking way to long to wake up so I started to head over to his table. Marco and Thatch asked what I was doing but I ignored them. Once I got to him I heard some of the crowd talking about how pretty I was and stuff but I ignored it. I dragged Ace's sleeping body off the chair by his arms, then lifted him in the air and brought him crashing down so hard there was a crater on the ground. The crowd immediately got silent. Ace then slowly woke up from his sleep.
"HE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!"
"Where am I?" He asked.
"You're at the eating competition and you being the idiot you are fell asleep!!!!!!!" I shouted at him annoyed.
"You don't have to yell." Ace said getting up. I swear he is getting on my nerves. I'm literally holding myself back from beating him up.
"Ace get back to your seat and start eating," I said trying to stay calm.
"Yeah yeah fine but I want something in return if I win." He said with a smirk.
"What's that?"
"A kiss.
"A k-k-k-kisss!!" I said blushing bright red. "That's not fair you know you'll win!!"
"And I know you're going to steal the prize money for shopping so I may as well get something out of it." Damn, he knows me too well, but still! A kiss. He knows I have never kissed anyone before.
"On the cheek." I negotiated.
"Fine." And with that, he went back to eating and I went back to the group. It was weird though for some reason everyone stopped what they were doing and watched me and Ace as we talked.
"You're not actually going to do it are you?" Thatch asked.
"Ace isn't playing fair," Marco said clearly unhappy.
"You guys aren't jealous are you?" Izo said with a smirk.
"Of course I am. It's not fair that Ace gets a kiss from my darling twice." Thatch said with a frown.
"Thatch don't say that!!" I said covering my face so no one could see my blushing face. After a couple more minutes no one could take another bite. Well, no one but Ace. He was eating as if he just started. The announcer and the crowd were shocked at this. They should really see Luffy, he's just as bad. Now that I think about it, I wonder who can eat more, Luffy or Ace?
"(__) my kiss." Ace said turning his face to the side so his cheek was facing me.
"Fine okay." I leaned up and planted a quick kiss and his cheek and turned away blushing. "Let's go know."

Once we got the prize money we asked what other competitions there were. Two peaked our interests: one was a cooking competition and another was a drinking competition. The cooking one was going to start soon while the drinking one was supposed to be later at night when viewing the Sakura tree. We walked over to where the guy said the cooking competition for Thatch to sign up. Like expected Thatch was winning his matches no problem and soon enough he was in the final round. His competitor was a woman with long red-haired tied in pigtails wearing a white chef outfit. Thatch ended up making seared scallops with fennel and tomatoes and the redhead made basil chicken with grilled kale and heirloom tomatoes. Honestly, they both looked so good to me and I could see Ace practically drooling.
"Before the judges try the food I would like to say that I dedicate this meal to my darling (__)." Of course, just made me blush but I smiled anyway. The judges tasted both recipes and in the end, Thatch won just like we thought he would. We all congratulated him and then left to enjoy more of the festival. They had some booth games like shooting and ring toss.
"I wanna try!" I said running over to one of the games. The objective was to knock off one of the plastic bottles and you had three balls.
"I've played this before you know. They trick you by gluing the bottles to the desk." Marco whispered.
"Don't worry I'll be fine. I'm going to win." I said with a smirk. It's plastic so even if I hit it hard it won't break like glass, so that's good. After doing some calculations in my head I figured out the perfect spot and speed to hit the bottle. The ball flew by so fast that normal people wouldn't be able to see it. The bottle flew outside of the tent through the back.
"I want that one," I said pointing to a stuffed animal of a blue and yellow bird. He handed to me although he did still seem a bit shocked.
"Here you go, Marco."
"For me, why?"
"I don't know it just reminded me of you and I want you to have it," I explained with a smile. He took the bird with a hint of pink on his cheeks. We went over to where Ace was playing one of the many games that were offered. I could tell he was clearly frustrated because he wasn't winning the ring toss game. We literally had to drag him away from the thing so we could leave to see the Sakura tree. It was already night and everyone in the city was heading up the hill. The town already had smaller Sakura trees growing around it but apparently, the one of the hill is the biggest and most beautiful of them all. When we finally got to the top I was amazed at what I saw. It was a huge tree filled with cherry blossoms on every branch. Under the moonlight, the tree looked as if it was glowing.
"Wow!!!" That's all I managed to say staring at the gorgeous tree in front of me.
"It's beautiful," Izo said also staring at it. Under the tree I noticed some familiar people sitting down and chatting.
"Hey, guys come here!!!" Haruta called out. Vista, Jozu, and Pops were there as well as the rest of the crew. I ran over to them and gave Pops a hug which he of course accepted.
"Are you going to participate in the drinking competition?" I asked now sitting down on his leg.
"Of course I am!" He said with his usual laughter.
"Is there prize money?" I asked a glimmer in my eyes.
"No, this is just something for fun." I felt slightly disappointed. "You should join."
"What me no way. I can't even beat Ace."
"Are you saying that I'm a lightweight?" Ace asked now joining us.
"I think she is," Izo said giggling.
"You're taking it the wrong way," I said. Soon enough they started calling out people to participate in the drinking contest. Pops and a couple over other people went to compete. In only a couple of minutes, everyone but Pops was passed out.
"Is that the best you got!!!" Pops said laughing. "Come on guys bring on the drinks!!!" Pops said and the crew all cheered.

3rd POV

Some of the crew went back down to the ship and brought back barrels and barrels of alcohol for everyone to drink. It was a huge party, villagers and pirates were all celebrating together and the Sakura tree. All night long all you could hear was the singing and laughter from the crew and townspeople. (__) was enjoying herself too. She danced, sang, and drank with everyone else. Okay, maybe she drank a little more than normal so she wasn't completely herself. While everyone was partying (__) walked off on her own to think. She went on the other side of the Sakura tree where the other weren't at but she could still hear their laughter and singing.
Ace noticed the (h/c) girl walk off so he followed. He found her sitting down, leaning on the Sakura tree. The wind picked up and blew her (h/l) silky hair to the side and cherry blossoms flew everywhere. He noticed that on her face she had a smile, a genuine one at that. He couldn't help but stare at her. She was absolutely gorgeous. She truly looked like an angel to him. He wanted to take a picture of this beautiful so he could always look back at it but he knew he couldn't.
"What's wrong (__)?" He said after a couple minutes of staring.
"Oh, Ace it's you. I'm not sad or anything if you're wondering." Ace walked over to her and sat down next to her. "It's actually the opposite. I've never been so happy in my life. It's just hard to believe that's all. Before I never thought that it was even possible to feel like this. It's all thanks to Pops and everyone. I actually have a family here because of them."
"What about me?"
"You're by far one of the most important people I care about. You make me even happier than I already am. I'll always care about you Ace." (__) answered with a sweet smile making Ace blush. (__) was a little drunk at the moment so she was saying things she would normally never admit to. Ace quickly pulled (__) into a tight embrace. His arm was wrapped around her arms and her face rested on the top of his shoulder.
"You're the most important person to me too." He said making (__) smile more.
"Thank you, Ace, for everything."

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