Chapter 83

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3rd POV

"How's this possible I saw her die!!"
"She sank into the ocean! No way she survived that!!!"
"Oi!! Who's doing this?! Stop playing with us!!!!" The rest of the crowd all shouted things trying to figure out how (__) was alive while the girl was just trying to figure out how she got exposed.
"They found out!? How?!" (__) asked confused.
"Your helmet fell off." Ace said pointing at the item on the ground.
"Oh, crap."
"Well, at least I can finally take these things off." Ace said taking off his helmet plus his jacket and shirt revealing the symbol of Whitebeard on his back. Something he never dared to try and get rid of even though he was gone and the crew disbanded. "Now I feel like myself."
"That symbol on his back... IT'S PORTGAS D. ACE!!!!!!!"
"They're alive!! How?!?!"
"I have to call the editor right now. This is the biggest news to hit the world. Portgas D. Ace and Enchanting Goddess (__) are both alive!!!!"

*with Luffy*

Sadly for Luffy, he missed the end of the fight because he went looking for food. He's still completely clueless that Ace and (__) are both alive. As he was walking around he ran into Bartolomeo who told him Zoro was looking for him. Luffy ran to the front of the Colosseum where he indeed found Zoro there with Kin'emon. After talking for a bit Luffy ran away trying to find an exit.
"Huh? I don't see any exits. Where am I?" Luffy asked as he ran. That's when he saw Bartolomeo heading his way carrying an injured Bellamy.
"I'm glad to see you!" Luffy said.
"L-L-Luffy-senpai!!" He turned around from Luffy too excited to even look at him. "L-Luffy-senpai, d-did you manage to meet up with Zoro-senpai?"
"Yeah, I talked to him thanks! So I suddenly have something I need to do, so I've gotta leave but I can't find the exit."
"The Colosseum doesn't have an exit." Bellamy answered.
"Huh? Is it just me or have your injuries gotten worse?"
"Once a fighter enters the Colosseum, they can never leave. You're wasting your time looking for an exit."
"What? What do you mean?" Luffy asked. "There really isn't one?! Aren't you suppose to be Doflamingo's underling? So you've gotta know something. Please! My friend is in danger!"
"I'm leaving. If you follow me, you might be able to get out too... maybe."
"Alright, thank you. So you'll take me out?"
"All I'm saying is, you might make it out by coincidence if you follow me. You want me to betray my boss? I can't betray Doflamingo! I have too much respect for him."
"Hey hey hey did he just..." Bartolomeo tried to interrupt.
"Shutup! I have my own morals I must stick to."
"Got it. I'll tag along behind you then." Luffy said.
"But then Luffy-senpai, what about the Mera Mera Fruit?" Bartolomeo asked.
"There's someone I really don't want to have it, but I've got no choice. My friends' lives are more important."
"Don't worry I'll handle it. It's a memento to Ace-sama. I was always planning to give it to you, Luffy-senpai!" Bartolomeo said.
"Huh? You'll give it to me?"
"Of course! If anyone should have it, it should be you. Ah'll definitely get ya the Mera Mera Fruit! Just go do whatever it was ya needed to do!"
"Alright that really helps." Luffy smiled, but when he heard footsteps approaching he turned around to see a man with blonde hair in a blue suit and a long black jacket. But the most remarkable feature about him, was the scar on his left eye.
"I won't let you have the Mera Mera Fruit, Straw Hat Luffy."
"Who're you?" Bartolomeo asked annoyed. "Why're you just casually talking to Luffy-senpai like that? He is the brother of that legendary pirate Fire Fist Ace-sama, and the future Pirate King, you dumbass!"
"I've known that for a long time." The man replied simply pushing Bartolomeo out the way.
"What's your problem?! Just showing up and telling me you want to let me have the Mera Mera Fruit!"
The man kept walking until he was in front of Luffy, taking off his hat and holding the item close to his chest.
"It's me, Luffy."
"What do you mean it's me?! Listen the Mera Mera Fruit is a keepsake from Ace! If you want it, you're my enemy! And you called me Luffy but look at this beard! I'm Lucy!"
"You think I can't tell my brother's face just because he's in disguise?"
"Brother? Listen, the only people who can call me their brother are the late Ace and the guy who died much earlier...d-died..." Luffy began but stopped when he suddenly started tearing up. Slowly the realization sinked into his mind that the man before him had the same hair, the same eyes, as his long lost friend. "SABO!!!!!!" Luffy couldn't contain his tears however he was still suspicious because said man had already died, years ago. "I don't believe it!"
"We stoke a bottle of sake from Dadan and made a toast."
"SABO?!?!?!" This time, he stretched his arms to wrap around Sabo's neck and hugged him while crying uncontrollably, the whole time the blonde simple chuckled at Luffy's behavior.

Not too far a couple of minutes before the reunion, Ace and (__) we're walking through the long corridors, not to far away.
"I can't believe you spilled the secret." Ace laughed at the (h/c) haired girl. "And you thought I was going to be the one!"
"Hey, I didn't know my helmet fell off okay." (__) replied crossing her arms over her chest. "Why didn't you say anything?!"
"I didn't notice."
"See then it's your fault too."
"You can't turn this on me!" Ace yelled.
"Of course I can. We're supposed to watch each other's back so this is your fault just as mine!"
"No, it's not! I'm always the one who gets us in trouble. It's nice to have the shoe on the other foot. So, how does it feel, (__)?"
"Oh, shut up..." (__) grumbled in annoyance when she suddenly heard crying coming from up ahead, and Ace seemed to notice as well. They looked at each other in slight confusion and kept walking down the curved path, the first they saw was darkness. But when that cleared up, they a crying Luffy hugging a blonde-haired man. Although that man was still unrecognizable at the moment since Luffy's arms covered nearly half his face.
"Luffy!!" (__) shouted running towards him with Ace following behind. It didn't take much effort for the Straw Hat Captain to put a face to the voice, and when he did, his eyes went wide with surprise.  He couldn't believe it, but when he turned his head around, with tears in his eyes, he saw them.
"......(__), A-Ace!!!!!"
"Missed me Little Brother."
"It's been a while Luffy." (__) smiled and at that, Sabo turned around as well recognizing who that sweet angelic voice belong too.
"(__), Ace..... You're alive..." Sabo said already tearing up. His long lost brother had come back from the dead and his friend was back too. Never had he expected that he would be blessed with this chance to reunite with them all here.
"You're alive!!" Luffy yelled, crying even more then before as he stretched his hands out.
"Wait a minute Luffy!! Don't do that!" (__) begged but it was too late. Luffy already stretched his arms around the duo and slammed the two into Sabo's back.
"I can't believe you're alive." Sabo cried.
"I didn't expect to meet you here Sabo. I'm glad to see you're alright!" (__) smiled.
"Wait, Sabo?!" Ace questioned with disbelief. He stared at Sabo's face for a while, before realizing it was actually his brother.
"Sabo... You're alive!!!"

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